@ECHO OFF :: Performs necessary setup steps to allow the use of :: virtualenv commands such as "mkvirtualenv [ENV_NAME]" :: for creating and using Python virtual environments. py -m pip install --upgrade pip --user py -m pip install --upgrade wheel --user py -m pip install virtualenvwrapper-win --force-reinstall --user echo: echo: echo: *** You may now use virtualenv commands in your command shell. *** echo: echo: virtualenv commands: echo: * "mkvirtualenv [ENV_NAME]" - Create a Python virtual environment echo: * "deactivate" - Exit the current virtual environment echo: * "workon [ENV_NAME]" - Enter an existing virtual environment echo: * "lsvirtualenv" OR "workon" - List all virtual environments echo: * "rmvirtualenv [ENV_NAME]" - Delete a virtual environment echo: echo: Example: echo: mkvirtualenv seleniumbase echo: mkvirtualenv seleniumbase --python=[PATH_TO_PYTHON] echo: