[pytest] # Display console output, disable cacheprovider, and have the ipdb debugger replace pdb: addopts = --capture=no -p no:cacheprovider --pdbcls=IPython.terminal.debugger:TerminalPdb # Ignore warnings such as DeprecationWarning and PytestUnknownMarkWarning filterwarnings = ignore::pytest.PytestWarning ignore:.*U.*mode is deprecated:DeprecationWarning # Configure the junit_family option explicitly: junit_family = legacy # Set pytest discovery rules: # (Most of the rules here are similar to the default rules.) # (unittest.TestCase rules override the rules here for classes and functions.) python_files = test_*.py *_test.py *_tests.py *_suite.py python_classes = Test* *Test* *Test *Tests *Suite python_functions = test_* # Here are some common pytest markers: # (Some are used in the example tests.) # (pytest v4.5.0 and newer requires marker registration to prevent warnings.) # (Future versions of pytest may turn those marker warnings into errors.) markers = marker1: custom marker marker2: custom marker marker3: custom marker marker_test_suite: custom marker expected_failure: custom marker local: custom marker remote: custom marker offline: custom marker develop: custom marker qa: custom marker ci: custom marker e2e: custom marker ready: custom marker smoke: custom marker deploy: custom marker active: custom marker master: custom marker release: custom marker staging: custom marker production: custom marker