🐝 Behave test runner for SeleniumBase 🐝

🐝 (Utilizes the [Behave BDD Python library](https://github.com/behave/behave). For more info, see the [Behave tutorial](https://behave.readthedocs.io/en/stable/tutorial.html) and read about [Behave's Gherkin model](https://behave.readthedocs.io/en/stable/gherkin.html).) 🐝 Behave examples with SeleniumBase: [SeleniumBase/examples/behave_bdd](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/examples/behave_bdd) ```bash > cd examples/behave_bdd/ > behave features/realworld.feature -T -D dashboard -k Dashboard: /Users/michael/github/SeleniumBase/examples/behave_bdd/dashboard.html ******************************************************************************** Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the RealWorld App # features/realworld.feature:1 Scenario: Verify RealWorld App (log in / sign out) # features/realworld.feature:3 Given Open "seleniumbase.io/realworld/login" # ../../sbase/steps.py:10 And Clear Session Storage # ../../sbase/steps.py:669 When Type "demo_user" into "#username" # ../../sbase/steps.py:40 And Type "secret_pass" into "#password" # ../../sbase/steps.py:40 And Do MFA "GAXG2MTEOR3DMMDG" into "#totpcode" # ../../sbase/steps.py:322 Then Assert exact text "Welcome!" in "h1" # ../../sbase/steps.py:157 And Highlight "img#image1" # ../../sbase/steps.py:184 And Click 'a:contains("This Page")' # ../../sbase/steps.py:27 And Save screenshot to logs # ../../sbase/steps.py:239 When Click link "Sign out" # ../../sbase/steps.py:195 Then Assert element 'a:contains("Sign in")' # ../../sbase/steps.py:120 And Assert text "You have been signed out!" # ../../sbase/steps.py:145 ✅ Scenario Passed! - Dashboard: /Users/michael/github/SeleniumBase/examples/behave_bdd/dashboard.html --- LogPath: /Users/michael/github/SeleniumBase/examples/behave_bdd/latest_logs/ ================================================================================== 1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped 1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped 12 steps passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, 0 undefined Took 0m4.682s ``` 🐝 Another example, which uses higher-level Behave steps to simplify the ``.feature`` file: ```bash > cd examples/behave_bdd/ > behave features/calculator.feature:61 -T -D dashboard -k Dashboard: /Users/michael/github/SeleniumBase/examples/behave_bdd/dashboard.html ******************************************************************************** Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the Calculator App # features/calculator.feature:1 Background: # features/calculator.feature:3 Scenario: 7.0 × (3 + 3) = 42 # features/calculator.feature:49 Given Open the Calculator App # features/steps/calculator.py:4 When Press C # features/steps/calculator.py:9 And Press 7 # features/steps/calculator.py:79 And Press . # features/steps/calculator.py:104 And Press 0 # features/steps/calculator.py:94 And Press × # features/steps/calculator.py:29 And Press ( # features/steps/calculator.py:14 And Press 3 # features/steps/calculator.py:59 And Press + # features/steps/calculator.py:39 And Press 3 # features/steps/calculator.py:59 And Press ) # features/steps/calculator.py:19 Then Verify output is "7.0×(3+3)" # features/steps/calculator.py:135 When Press = # features/steps/calculator.py:44 Then Verify output is "42" # features/steps/calculator.py:135 ✅ Scenario Passed! - Dashboard: /Users/michael/github/SeleniumBase/examples/behave_bdd/dashboard.html --- LogPath: /Users/michael/github/SeleniumBase/examples/behave_bdd/latest_logs/ ================================================================================== 1 feature passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped 1 scenario passed, 0 failed, 8 skipped 14 steps passed, 0 failed, 60 skipped, 0 undefined Took 0m1.672s ``` 🐝⚪ With the Dashboard enabled, you'll get one of these: ### 🐝 Behave-Gherkin files: 🐝 The ``*.feature`` files can use any step seen from: ```bash behave --steps-catalog ``` 🐝 SeleniumBase includes several pre-made Behave steps, which you can use by creating a Python file with the following line in your ``features/steps/`` directory: ```python from seleniumbase.behave import steps # noqa ``` 🐝 Inside your ``features/environment.py`` file, you should have the following: ```python from seleniumbase import BaseCase from seleniumbase.behave import behave_sb behave_sb.set_base_class(BaseCase) # Accepts a BaseCase subclass from seleniumbase.behave.behave_sb import before_all # noqa from seleniumbase.behave.behave_sb import before_feature # noqa from seleniumbase.behave.behave_sb import before_scenario # noqa from seleniumbase.behave.behave_sb import before_step # noqa from seleniumbase.behave.behave_sb import after_step # noqa from seleniumbase.behave.behave_sb import after_scenario # noqa from seleniumbase.behave.behave_sb import after_feature # noqa from seleniumbase.behave.behave_sb import after_all # noqa ``` 🐝 If you've already created a subclass of ``BaseCase`` with custom methods, you can swap ``BaseCase`` in with your own subclass, which will allow you to easily use your own custom methods in your Behave step definitions. 🐝 Here's an example Python file in the ``features/steps/`` folder: ```python from behave import step @step("Open the Swag Labs Login Page") def go_to_swag_labs(context): sb = context.sb sb.open("https://www.saucedemo.com") sb.clear_local_storage() @step("Login to Swag Labs with {user}") def login_to_swag_labs(context, user): sb = context.sb sb.type("#user-name", user) sb.type("#password", "secret_sauce\n") @step("Verify that the current user is logged in") def verify_logged_in(context): sb = context.sb sb.assert_element("#header_container") sb.assert_element("#react-burger-menu-btn") sb.assert_element("#shopping_cart_container") @step('Add "{item}" to cart') def add_item_to_cart(context, item): sb = context.sb sb.click('div.inventory_item:contains("%s") button[name*="add"]' % item) ``` 🐝 A ``*.feature`` file could look like this: ```gherkin Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the Swag Labs App Background: Given Open the Swag Labs Login Page Scenario: User can order a backpack from the store When Login to Swag Labs with standard_user Then Verify that the current user is logged in And Save price of "Backpack" to When Add "Backpack" to Cart Then Verify shopping cart badge shows 1 item(s) When Click on shopping cart icon And Click Checkout And Enter checkout info: First, Last, 12345 And Click Continue Then Verify 1 "Backpack"(s) in cart And Verify cost of "Backpack" is And Verify item total is $29.99 And Verify tax amount is $2.40 And Verify total cost is $32.39 When Click Finish Then Verify order complete When Logout from Swag Labs Then Verify on Login page ``` 🐝 Here's another example of a ``*.feature`` file: ```gherkin Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the RealWorld App Scenario: Verify RealWorld App (log in / sign out) Given Open "seleniumbase.io/realworld/login" And Clear Session Storage When Type "demo_user" into "#username" And Type "secret_pass" into "#password" And Do MFA "GAXG2MTEOR3DMMDG" into "#totpcode" Then Assert text "Welcome!" in "h1" And Highlight element "img#image1" And Click 'a:contains("This Page")' And Save screenshot to logs When Click link "Sign out" Then Assert element 'a:contains("Sign in")' And Assert text "You have been signed out!" ``` 🐝 If there's a test failure, that's easy to spot: ```bash Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the Fail Page # features/fail_page.feature:1 Scenario: Fail test on purpose to see what happens # features/fail_page.feature:3 When Open the Fail Page # features/steps/fail_page.py:4 Then Fail test on purpose # features/steps/fail_page.py:9 Assertion Failed: This test fails on purpose! Captured stdout: >>> STEP FAILED: (#2) Fail test on purpose Class / Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the Fail Page Test / Scenario: Fail test on purpose to see what happens ❌ Scenario Failed! ``` 🐝🎖️ For convenience, the [SeleniumBase Behave GUI](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/help_docs/behave_gui.md) lets you run ``behave`` scripts from a Desktop app. 🐝🎖️ To launch it, call ``sbase behave-gui`` or ``sbase gui-behave``: ```bash sbase behave-gui * Starting the SeleniumBase Behave Commander GUI App... ``` 🐝🎖️ You can customize the tests that show up there: ```bash sbase behave-gui # all tests sbase behave-gui -i=calculator # tests with "calculator" in the name sbase behave-gui features/ # tests located in the "features/" folder sbase behave-gui features/calculator.feature # tests in that feature ``` --------
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SeleniumBase.io Docs
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