Update documentation

This commit is contained in:
Michael Mintz 2023-07-31 02:34:10 -04:00
parent c15d19c2f8
commit f38cfcbdd2
2 changed files with 10 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -16,15 +16,15 @@ Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the RealWorld App # features/realworld.featu
Scenario: Verify RealWorld App (log in / sign out) # features/realworld.feature:3
Given Open "seleniumbase.io/realworld/login" # ../../sbase/steps.py:10
And Clear Session Storage # ../../sbase/steps.py:613
And Clear Session Storage # ../../sbase/steps.py:669
When Type "demo_user" into "#username" # ../../sbase/steps.py:40
And Type "secret_pass" into "#password" # ../../sbase/steps.py:40
And Do MFA "GAXG2MTEOR3DMMDG" into "#totpcode" # ../../sbase/steps.py:309
And Do MFA "GAXG2MTEOR3DMMDG" into "#totpcode" # ../../sbase/steps.py:322
Then Assert exact text "Welcome!" in "h1" # ../../sbase/steps.py:157
And Highlight "img#image1" # ../../sbase/steps.py:171
And Highlight "img#image1" # ../../sbase/steps.py:184
And Click 'a:contains("This Page")' # ../../sbase/steps.py:27
And Save screenshot to logs # ../../sbase/steps.py:226
When Click link "Sign out" # ../../sbase/steps.py:182
And Save screenshot to logs # ../../sbase/steps.py:239
When Click link "Sign out" # ../../sbase/steps.py:195
Then Assert element 'a:contains("Sign in")' # ../../sbase/steps.py:120
And Assert text "You have been signed out!" # ../../sbase/steps.py:145
✅ Scenario Passed!

View File

@ -14,15 +14,15 @@ Feature: SeleniumBase scenarios for the RealWorld App # features/realworld.featu
Scenario: Verify RealWorld App (log in / sign out) # features/realworld.feature:3
Given Open "seleniumbase.io/realworld/login" # ../../sbase/steps.py:10
And Clear Session Storage # ../../sbase/steps.py:613
And Clear Session Storage # ../../sbase/steps.py:669
When Type "demo_user" into "#username" # ../../sbase/steps.py:40
And Type "secret_pass" into "#password" # ../../sbase/steps.py:40
And Do MFA "GAXG2MTEOR3DMMDG" into "#totpcode" # ../../sbase/steps.py:309
And Do MFA "GAXG2MTEOR3DMMDG" into "#totpcode" # ../../sbase/steps.py:322
Then Assert exact text "Welcome!" in "h1" # ../../sbase/steps.py:157
And Highlight "img#image1" # ../../sbase/steps.py:171
And Highlight "img#image1" # ../../sbase/steps.py:184
And Click 'a:contains("This Page")' # ../../sbase/steps.py:27
And Save screenshot to logs # ../../sbase/steps.py:226
When Click link "Sign out" # ../../sbase/steps.py:182
And Save screenshot to logs # ../../sbase/steps.py:239
When Click link "Sign out" # ../../sbase/steps.py:195
Then Assert element 'a:contains("Sign in")' # ../../sbase/steps.py:120
And Assert text "You have been signed out!" # ../../sbase/steps.py:145
✅ Scenario Passed!