Refactoring command line options and docs

This commit is contained in:
Michael Mintz 2020-08-08 01:04:44 -04:00
parent c1907a0c02
commit 3a26df6546
3 changed files with 96 additions and 76 deletions

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@ -14,10 +14,13 @@ pytest
pytest --browser=firefox
# Run a test in Demo Mode (highlight assertions)
pytest --demo
pytest --demo
# Run another test in Demo Mode
pytest --demo
# Run a test in Headless Mode (invisible browser)
pytest --headless
pytest --headless
# Run tests multi-threaded using [n] threads
pytest -n=4
@ -26,12 +29,12 @@ pytest -n=4
pytest --html=report.html
# Enter Debug Mode on failures
pytest --pdb -s
pytest --pdb
# Rerun failing tests more times
pytest --reruns=1
# Pass extra data into tests (retrieve:
# Pass extra data into tests (retrieve by calling
pytest --data="ABC,DEF"
# Run tests on a local Selenium Grid
@ -68,14 +71,15 @@ pytest --mobile --metrics="411,731,3"
You can interchange **pytest** with **nosetests** for most things, but using pytest is strongly recommended because developers stopped supporting nosetests. Chrome is the default browser if not specified.
You can interchange ``pytest`` with ``nosetests`` for most tests, but using ``pytest`` is recommended. (``chrome`` is the default browser if not specified.)
(NOTE: If you're using **pytest** for running tests outside of the SeleniumBase repo, **you'll want a copy of [pytest.ini]( at the base of the new folder structure**. If using **nosetests**, the same applies for [setup.cfg](
If you're using ``pytest`` for running tests outside of the SeleniumBase repo, you'll want a copy of [pytest.ini]( at the base of the new folder structure. If using ``nosetests``, the same applies for [setup.cfg](
Here are some useful command-line options that come with ``pytest``:
Here are some useful command-line options that come with Pytest:
-v # Prints the full test name for each test.
-q # Prints fewer details in the console output when running tests.
-v # Verbose mode. Print the full name of each test run.
-q # Quiet mode. Print fewer details in the console output when running tests.
-x # Stop running the tests after the first failure is reached.
--html=report.html # Creates a detailed pytest-html report after tests finish.
--collect-only # Show what tests would get run without actually running them.
@ -86,56 +90,70 @@ Here are some useful command-line options that come with Pytest:
-m=MARKER # Only run tests that are marked with the specified pytest marker.
SeleniumBase provides additional Pytest command-line options for tests:
SeleniumBase provides additional ``pytest`` command-line options for tests:
--browser=BROWSER # (The web browser to use.)
--browser=BROWSER # (The web browser to use. Default: "chrome")
--cap-file=FILE # (The web browser's desired capabilities to use.)
--cap-string=STRING # (The web browser's desired capabilities to use.)
--settings-file=FILE # (Overrides SeleniumBase values.)
--settings-file=FILE # (Override default SeleniumBase settings.)
--env=ENV # (Set a test environment. Use "self.env" to use this in tests.)
--data=DATA # (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "" in tests.)
--var1=DATA # (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "self.var1" in tests.)
--var2=DATA # (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "self.var2" in tests.)
--var3=DATA # (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "self.var3" in tests.)
--data=DATA # (Extra test data. Access with "" in tests.)
--var1=DATA # (Extra test data. Access with "self.var1" in tests.)
--var2=DATA # (Extra test data. Access with "self.var2" in tests.)
--var3=DATA # (Extra test data. Access with "self.var3" in tests.)
--user-data-dir=DIR # (Set the Chrome user data directory to use.)
--server=SERVER # (The server / IP address used by the tests.)
--port=PORT # (The port that's used by the test server.)
--proxy=SERVER:PORT # (This is the proxy server:port combo used by tests.)
--agent=STRING # (This designates the web browser's User Agent to use.)
--mobile # (The option to use the mobile emulator while running tests.)
--metrics=STRING # ("CSSWidth,Height,PixelRatio" for mobile emulator tests.)
--agent=STRING # (Modify the web browser's User-Agent string.)
--mobile # (Use the mobile device emulator while running tests.)
--metrics=STRING # (Set mobile "CSSWidth,CSSHeight,PixelRatio".)
--extension-zip=ZIP # (Load a Chrome Extension .zip file, comma-separated.)
--extension-dir=DIR # (Load a Chrome Extension directory, comma-separated.)
--headless # (The option to run tests headlessly. The default on Linux OS.)
--headed # (The option to run tests with a GUI on Linux OS.)
--headless # (Run tests headlessly. Default mode on Linux OS.)
--headed # (Run tests with a GUI on Linux OS.)
--start-page=URL # (The starting URL for the web browser when tests begin.)
--archive-logs # (Archive old log files instead of deleting them.)
--time-limit=SECONDS # (Safely fail any test that exceeds the limit limit.)
--slow # (The option to slow down the automation.)
--demo # (The option to visually see test actions as they occur.)
--demo-sleep=SECONDS # (The option to wait longer after Demo Mode actions.)
--slow # (Slow down the automation. Faster than using Demo Mode.)
--demo # (Slow down and visually see test actions as they occur.)
--demo-sleep=SECONDS # (Set the wait time after Demo Mode actions.)
--highlights=NUM # (Number of highlight animations for Demo Mode actions.)
--message-duration=SECONDS # (The time length for Messenger alerts.)
--check-js # (The option to check for JavaScript errors after page loads.)
--ad-block # (The option to block some display ads after page loads.)
--block-images # (The option to block images from loading during tests.)
--check-js # (Check for JavaScript errors after page loads.)
--ad-block # (Block some types of display ads after page loads.)
--block-images # (Block images from loading during tests.)
--verify-delay=SECONDS # (The delay before MasterQA verification checks.)
--disable-csp # (This disables the Content Security Policy of websites.)
--enable-sync # (The option to enable "Chrome Sync".)
--use-auto-ext # (The option to use Chrome's automation extension.)
--swiftshader # (The option to use Chrome's "--use-gl=swiftshader" feature.)
--incognito # (The option to enable Chrome's Incognito mode.)
--guest # (The option to enable Chrome's Guest mode.)
--devtools # (The option to open Chrome's DevTools when the browser opens.)
--reuse-session # (The option to reuse the browser session between tests.)
--crumbs # (Option to delete all cookies between tests reusing a session.)
--maximize-window # (The option to start with the web browser maximized.)
--save-screenshot # (The option to save a screenshot after each test.)
--enable-sync # (Enable "Chrome Sync".)
--use-auto-ext # (Use Chrome's automation extension.)
--swiftshader # (Use Chrome's "--use-gl=swiftshader" feature.)
--incognito # (Enable Chrome's Incognito mode.)
--guest # (Enable Chrome's Guest mode.)
--devtools # (Open Chrome's DevTools when the browser opens.)
--reuse-session # (Reuse the browser session between tests.)
--crumbs # (Delete all cookies between tests reusing a session.)
--maximize-window # (Start tests with the web browser window maximized.)
--save-screenshot # (Save a screenshot at the end of each test.)
--visual-baseline # (Set the visual baseline for Visual/Layout tests.)
--timeout-multiplier=MULTIPLIER # (Multiplies the default timeout values.)
(For more details, see the full list of command-line options **[here](**.)
You can also view a list of popular ``pytest`` options for SeleniumBase by typing:
seleniumbase options
Or the short form:
sbase options
### <img src="" title="SeleniumBase" width="30" /> Customizing default settings:
An easy way to override [seleniumbase/config/]( is by using a custom settings file.
@ -181,6 +199,7 @@ Or you can create your own Selenium Grid for test distribution. ([See this ReadM
pytest --browser=chrome
(During test failures, logs and screenshots from the most recent test run will get saved to the ``latest_logs/`` folder. Those logs will get moved to ``archived_logs/`` if you have ARCHIVE_EXISTING_LOGS set to True in [](, otherwise log files with be cleaned up at the start of the next test run.)
### <img src="" title="SeleniumBase" width="30" /> Demo Mode:
@ -214,14 +233,15 @@ pytest --reruns=2 --reruns-delay=1
### <img src="" title="SeleniumBase" width="30" /> Debugging tests:
**You can use the following code snippets in your scripts to help you debug issues:**
You can use the following calls in your scripts to help you debug issues:
import time; time.sleep(5) # Makes the test wait and do nothing for 5 seconds.
import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace() # Enter debugging mode. n = next, c = continue, s = step.
import pytest; pytest.set_trace() # Enter debugging mode. n = next, c = continue, s = step.
**To pause an active test that throws an exception or error, add ``--pdb -s``:**
To pause an active test that throws an exception or error, add ``--pdb -s``:
pytest --pdb -s

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@ -13,14 +13,14 @@ from seleniumbase.fixtures import constants, errors
class Base(Plugin):
This parser plugin includes the following command-line options for Nose:
--env=ENV (Set a test environment. Use "self.env" to use this in tests.)
--data=DATA (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "" in tests.)
--var1=DATA (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "self.var1" in tests.)
--var2=DATA (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "self.var2" in tests.)
--var3=DATA (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "self.var3" in tests.)
--settings-file=FILE (Overrides SeleniumBase values.)
--env=ENV (Set the test env. Access with "self.env" in tests.)
--data=DATA (Extra test data. Access with "" in tests.)
--var1=DATA (Extra test data. Access with "self.var1" in tests.)
--var2=DATA (Extra test data. Access with "self.var2" in tests.)
--var3=DATA (Extra test data. Access with "self.var3" in tests.)
--settings-file=FILE (Override default SeleniumBase settings.)
--archive-logs (Archive old log files instead of deleting them.)
--report (The option to create a fancy report after tests complete.)
--report (Create a fancy nosetests report after tests complete.)
--show-report If is turned on, then the report will
display immediately after tests complete their run.
Only use this when running tests locally, as this will

View File

@ -11,50 +11,50 @@ from seleniumbase.fixtures import constants
def pytest_addoption(parser):
This parser plugin includes the following command-line options for pytest:
--browser=BROWSER (The web browser to use.)
This plugin adds the following command-line options to pytest:
--browser=BROWSER (The web browser to use. Default: "chrome")
--cap-file=FILE (The web browser's desired capabilities to use.)
--cap-string=STRING (The web browser's desired capabilities to use.)
--settings-file=FILE (Overrides SeleniumBase values.)
--env=ENV (Set a test environment. Use "self.env" to use this in tests.)
--data=DATA (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "" in tests.)
--var1=DATA (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "self.var1" in tests.)
--var2=DATA (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "self.var2" in tests.)
--var3=DATA (Extra data to pass to tests. Use "self.var3" in tests.)
--settings-file=FILE (Override default SeleniumBase settings.)
--env=ENV (Set the test env. Access with "self.env" in tests.)
--data=DATA (Extra test data. Access with "" in tests.)
--var1=DATA (Extra test data. Access with "self.var1" in tests.)
--var2=DATA (Extra test data. Access with "self.var2" in tests.)
--var3=DATA (Extra test data. Access with "self.var3" in tests.)
--user-data-dir=DIR (Set the Chrome user data directory to use.)
--server=SERVER (The server / IP address used by the tests.)
--port=PORT (The port that's used by the test server.)
--proxy=SERVER:PORT (This is the proxy server:port combo used by tests.)
--agent=STRING (This designates the web browser's User Agent to use.)
--mobile (The option to use the mobile emulator while running tests.)
--metrics=STRING ("CSSWidth,Height,PixelRatio" for mobile emulator tests.)
--agent=STRING (Modify the web browser's User-Agent string.)
--mobile (Use the mobile device emulator while running tests.)
--metrics=STRING (Set mobile "CSSWidth,CSSHeight,PixelRatio".)
--extension-zip=ZIP (Load a Chrome Extension .zip file, comma-separated.)
--extension-dir=DIR (Load a Chrome Extension directory, comma-separated.)
--headless (The option to run tests headlessly. The default on Linux OS.)
--headed (The option to run tests with a GUI on Linux OS.)
--headless (Run tests headlessly. Default mode on Linux OS.)
--headed (Run tests with a GUI on Linux OS.)
--start-page=URL (The starting URL for the web browser when tests begin.)
--archive-logs (Archive old log files instead of deleting them.)
--time-limit=SECONDS (Safely fail any test that exceeds the limit limit.)
--slow (The option to slow down the automation.)
--demo (The option to visually see test actions as they occur.)
--demo-sleep=SECONDS (The option to wait longer after Demo Mode actions.)
--slow (Slow down the automation. Faster than using Demo Mode.)
--demo (Slow down and visually see test actions as they occur.)
--demo-sleep=SECONDS (Set the wait time after Demo Mode actions.)
--highlights=NUM (Number of highlight animations for Demo Mode actions.)
--message-duration=SECONDS (The time length for Messenger alerts.)
--check-js (The option to check for JavaScript errors after page loads.)
--ad-block (The option to block some display ads after page loads.)
--block-images (The option to block images from loading during tests.)
--check-js (Check for JavaScript errors after page loads.)
--ad-block (Block some types of display ads after page loads.)
--block-images (Block images from loading during tests.)
--verify-delay=SECONDS (The delay before MasterQA verification checks.)
--disable-csp (This disables the Content Security Policy of websites.)
--enable-sync (The option to enable "Chrome Sync".)
--use-auto-ext (The option to use Chrome's automation extension.)
--swiftshader (The option to use Chrome's "--use-gl=swiftshader" feature.)
--incognito (The option to enable Chrome's Incognito mode.)
--guest (The option to enable Chrome's Guest mode.)
--devtools (The option to open Chrome's DevTools when the browser opens.)
--reuse-session (The option to reuse the browser session between tests.)
--crumbs (Option to delete all cookies between tests reusing a session.)
--maximize (The option to start with the web browser maximized.)
--save-screenshot (The option to save a screenshot after each test.)
--disable-csp (Disable the Content Security Policy of websites.)
--enable-sync (Enable "Chrome Sync".)
--use-auto-ext (Use Chrome's automation extension.)
--swiftshader (Use Chrome's "--use-gl=swiftshader" feature.)
--incognito (Enable Chrome's Incognito mode.)
--guest (Enable Chrome's Guest mode.)
--devtools (Open Chrome's DevTools when the browser opens.)
--reuse-session / --rs (Reuse the browser session between tests.)
--crumbs (Delete all cookies between tests reusing a session.)
--maximize (Start tests with the web browser window maximized.)
--save-screenshot (Save a screenshot at the end of each test.)
--visual-baseline (Set the visual baseline for Visual/Layout tests.)
--timeout-multiplier=MULTIPLIER (Multiplies the default timeout values.)