Update the docs

This commit is contained in:
Michael Mintz 2019-12-09 04:04:03 -05:00
parent c0247ed909
commit 124cf19280
2 changed files with 70 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -1,17 +1,14 @@
[<img src="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/100006/images/super_logo_sb8.png" title="SeleniumBase" height="48">](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/README.md)
[<img src="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/100006/images/super_logo_sb4.png" title="SeleniumBase" height="48">](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/README.md)
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All-in-one framework for web automation, end-to-end testing, and website tours. SeleniumBase uses pytest for running Python scripts, while using Selenium WebDriver for controlling web browsers.
All-in-one framework for web automation, end-to-end testing, and website tours. SeleniumBase uses [pytest](https://pytest.org) for running Python scripts, while using [Selenium WebDriver](https://selenium.dev/) for controlling web browsers.
* Contains reliable, smart-waiting code to prevent flaky tests.
* Simplifies the process of creating UI tests for any website.
* Includes [Plugins](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/plugins/pytest_plugin.py) for logging [test results and screenshots](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/examples/example_logs/ReadMe.md).
* Multiplies the abilities of [pytest](https://pytest.org) and [Selenium WebDriver](https://selenium.dev/).
* Uses versatile [Python methods](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/help_docs/method_summary.md) and [command-line options](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/help_docs/customizing_test_runs.md).
* Helps you build reliable, non-flaky UI tests for any website.
* Includes flexible [command-line options](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/help_docs/customizing_test_runs.md) for running tests.
* Comes with easy-to-use [Python methods](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/help_docs/method_summary.md) for writing tests.
* Includes tools for [assisted-QA](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/examples/master_qa/ReadMe.md), [visual testing](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/examples/visual_testing/ReadMe.md), and [web tours](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/examples/tour_examples/ReadMe.md).
* Integrates with [Selenium Grid](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/utilities/selenium_grid/ReadMe.md), [Katalon Recorder](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/utilities/selenium_ide/ReadMe.md), and [MySQL](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/core/testcase_manager.py).
* Supports [Azure Pipelines](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/integrations/azure/azure_pipelines/ReadMe.md), [GCP](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/integrations/google_cloud/ReadMe.md), [TravisCI](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/.travis.yml), [Docker](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/integrations/docker/ReadMe.md), and more.
* Integrates with [Selenium Grid](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/utilities/selenium_grid/ReadMe.md), [Katalon Recorder](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/utilities/selenium_ide/ReadMe.md), and more.
* To see the full list of SeleniumBase features, [click here](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/help_docs/features_list.md).
<img src="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/100006/images/my_first_test_gif.gif" title="SeleniumBase"><br />
@ -212,6 +209,8 @@ SeleniumBase provides additional Pytest command-line options for tests:
--port=PORT # (The port that's used by the test server.)
--proxy=SERVER:PORT # (This is the proxy server:port combo used by tests.)
--agent=STRING # (This designates the web browser's User Agent to use.)
--mobile # (The option to use the mobile emulator while running tests.)
--metrics=STRING # ("CSSWidth,Height,PixelRatio" for mobile emulator tests.)
--extension-zip=ZIP # (Load a Chrome Extension .zip file, comma-separated.)
--extension-dir=DIR # (Load a Chrome Extension directory, comma-separated.)
--headless # (The option to run tests headlessly. The default on Linux OS.)

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@ -2,69 +2,74 @@
## <img src="https://cdn2.hubspot.net/hubfs/100006/images/super_square_logo_3a.png" title="SeleniumBase" height="32"> Customizing test runs
In addition to [settings.py](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/config/settings.py) (which lets you customize SeleniumBase global properties) you can customize test runs from the command line with pytest (or nosetests):
In addition to [settings.py](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/config/settings.py) for customizing global properties, you can customize test runs [from the command-line](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/plugins/pytest_plugin.py).
* Choose the browser for tests to use (Default: Chrome)
* Choose betweeen pytest & nose unittest runners
* Choose whether to enter Debug Mode on failures
* Choose additional variables to pass into tests
* Choose the User-Agent for the browser to use
* Choose the automation speed (with Demo Mode)
* Choose whether to run tests multi-threaded
* Choose whether to rerun failing tests
* Choose whether to reuse the browser session
* Choose a Chrome Extension to load
* Choose a Chrome User Data Directory to use
* Choose a BrowserStack server to run on
* Choose a Sauce Labs server to run on
* Choose a TestingBot server to run on
* Choose a CrossBrowserTesting server
* Choose a Selenium Grid to connect to
* Choose a database to save results to
* Choose a proxy server to connect to
...and more!
#### **Examples:**
These are run from the **[examples](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/tree/master/examples)** folder.
(Chrome is the default browser if not specified.)
The following tests can be run from the [examples/](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/tree/master/examples) folder:
# Run my_first_test.py in Chrome (default browser)
pytest my_first_test.py
pytest my_first_test.py --demo
# Run my_first_test.py in Firefox
pytest my_first_test.py --browser=firefox
# Run tests in Demo Mode to see assertions
pytest my_first_test.py --demo
# Run tests in Headless Mode (invisible browser)
pytest test_suite.py --headless
# Run tests multi-threaded using [n] threads
pytest test_suite.py -n=4
# Create a pytest html report after tests are done
pytest test_suite.py --html=report.html
nosetests test_suite.py --report --show-report
pytest test_suite.py --headless -n=4
pytest test_suite.py --reruns=1 --reruns-delay=1
pytest test_suite.py --server=IP_ADDRESS --port=4444
pytest test_suite.py --reuse-session
# Enter Debug Mode on failures
pytest test_fail.py --pdb -s
# Rerun failing tests more times
pytest test_suite.py --reruns=1
# Pass extra data into tests (retrieve: self.data)
pytest my_first_test.py --data="ABC,DEF"
# Run tests on a local Selenium Grid
pytest test_suite.py --server=
# Run tests on a remote Selenium Grid
pytest test_suite.py --server=IP_ADDRESS --port=4444
# Run tests on a remote Selenium Grid with authentication
pytest test_suite.py --server=USERNAME:KEY@IP_ADDRESS --port=80
# Reuse the same browser session for all tests being run
pytest test_suite.py --reuse-session
# Run tests through a proxy server
pytest proxy_test.py --proxy=IP_ADDRESS:PORT
# Run tests through a proxy server with authentication
pytest proxy_test.py --proxy=USERNAME:PASSWORD@IP_ADDRESS:PORT
# Run tests while setting the web browser's User Agent
pytest user_agent_test.py --agent="USER-AGENT-STRING"
# Run tests using Chrome's mobile device emulator (default settings)
pytest test_swag_labs.py --mobile
# Run mobile tests specifying CSS Width, CSS Height, and Pixel-Ratio
pytest test_swag_labs.py --mobile --metrics="411,731,3"
# Run tests while changing SeleniumBase default settings
pytest my_first_test.py --settings-file=custom_settings.py
You can interchange **pytest** with **nosetests**, but using pytest is strongly recommended because developers stopped supporting nosetests. Chrome is the default browser if not specified.
You can interchange **pytest** with **nosetests** for most things, but using pytest is strongly recommended because developers stopped supporting nosetests. Chrome is the default browser if not specified.
(NOTE: If you're using **pytest** for running tests outside of the SeleniumBase repo, **you'll want a copy of [pytest.ini](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/pytest.ini) at the base of the new folder structure**. If using **nosetests**, the same applies for [setup.cfg](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/setup.cfg).)
An easy way to override seleniumbase/config/settings.py is by using a custom settings file.
An easy way to override [seleniumbase/config/settings.py](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/seleniumbase/config/settings.py) is by using a custom settings file.
Here's the command-line option to add to tests: (See [examples/custom_settings.py](https://github.com/seleniumbase/SeleniumBase/blob/master/examples/custom_settings.py))
(Settings include default timeout values, a two-factor auth key, DB credentials, S3 credentials, and other important settings used by tests.)
@ -194,6 +199,8 @@ SeleniumBase provides additional Pytest command-line options for tests:
--port=PORT # (The port that's used by the test server.)
--proxy=SERVER:PORT # (This is the proxy server:port combo used by tests.)
--agent=STRING # (This designates the web browser's User Agent to use.)
--mobile # (The option to use the mobile emulator while running tests.)
--metrics=STRING # ("CSSWidth,Height,PixelRatio" for mobile emulator tests.)
--extension-zip=ZIP # (Load a Chrome Extension .zip file, comma-separated.)
--extension-dir=DIR # (Load a Chrome Extension directory, comma-separated.)
--headless # (The option to run tests headlessly. The default on Linux OS.)
@ -246,3 +253,18 @@ If you wish to change the User-Agent for your browser tests (Chrome and Firefox
pytest user_agent_test.py --agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Nintendo 3DS; U; ; en) Version/1.7412.EU"
#### **Mobile Device Testing:**
Use ``--mobile`` to quickly run your tests using Chrome's mobile device emulator with default values for device metrics (CSS Width, CSS Height, Pixel-Ratio) and a default value set for the user agent. To configure the mobile device metrics, use ``--metrics="CSS_Width,CSS_Height,Pixel_Ratio"`` to set those values. You'll also be able to set the user agent with ``--agent="USER-AGENT-STRING"`` (a default user agent will be used if not specified). To find real values for device metrics, [see this GitHub Gist](https://gist.github.com/sidferreira/3f5fad525e99b395d8bd882ee0fd9d00). For a list of available user agent strings, [check out this page](https://developers.whatismybrowser.com/useragents/explore/).
# Run tests using Chrome's mobile device emulator (default settings)
pytest test_swag_labs.py --mobile
# Run mobile tests specifying CSS Width, CSS Height, and Pixel-Ratio
pytest test_swag_labs.py --mobile --metrics="411,731,3"
# Run mobile tests specifying the user agent
pytest test_swag_labs.py --mobile --agent="Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 9; Pixel 3 XL)"