Add check_window() for making visual comparison validations

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Michael Mintz 2019-04-01 03:04:48 -04:00
parent ded0dad7c9
commit 0950aef7b1
1 changed files with 196 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -21,6 +21,8 @@ Page elements are given enough time to load before WebDriver acts on them.
Code becomes greatly simplified and easier to maintain.
import codecs
import json
import logging
import math
import os
@ -38,6 +40,7 @@ from seleniumbase.core.testcase_manager import TestcaseManager
from seleniumbase.core import download_helper
from seleniumbase.core import log_helper
from seleniumbase.core import tour_helper
from seleniumbase.core import visual_helper
from seleniumbase.fixtures import constants
from seleniumbase.fixtures import js_utils
from seleniumbase.fixtures import page_actions
@ -2436,6 +2439,198 @@ class BaseCase(unittest.TestCase):
def switch_to_default_window(self):
def check_window(self, name="default", level=0, baseline=False):
""" *** Automated Visual Testing with SeleniumBase ***
The first time a test calls self.check_window() for a unique "name"
parameter provided, it will set a visual baseline, meaning that it
creates a folder, saves the URL to a file, saves the current window
screenshot to a file, and creates the following three files
with the listed data saved:
tags_level1.txt -> HTML tags from the window
tags_level2.txt -> HTML tags + attributes from the window
tags_level3.txt -> HTML tags + attributes/values from the window
Baseline folders are named based on the test name and the name
parameter passed to self.check_window(). The same test can store
multiple baseline folders.
If the baseline is being set/reset, the "level" doesn't matter.
After the first run of self.check_window(), it will compare the
HTML tags of the latest window to the one from the initial run.
Here's how the level system works:
* level=0 ->
DRY RUN ONLY - Will perform a comparison to the baseline, and
print out any differences that are found, but
won't fail the test even if differences exist.
* level=1 ->
HTML tags are compared to tags_level1.txt
* level=2 ->
HTML tags are compared to tags_level1.txt and
HTML tags/attributes are compared to tags_level2.txt
* level=3 ->
HTML tags are compared to tags_level1.txt and
HTML tags + attributes are compared to tags_level2.txt and
HTML tags + attributes/values are compared to tags_level3.txt
As shown, Level-3 is the most strict, Level-1 is the least strict.
If the comparisons from the latest window to the existing baseline
don't match, the current test will fail, except for Level-0 tests.
You can reset the visual baseline on the command line by using:
As long as "--visual_baseline" is used on the command line while
running tests, the self.check_window() method cannot fail because
it will rebuild the visual baseline rather than comparing the html
tags of the latest run to the existing baseline. If there are any
expected layout changes to a website that you're testing, you'll
need to reset the baseline to prevent unnecessary failures.
self.check_window() will fail with "Page Domain Mismatch Failure"
if the page domain doesn't match the domain of the baseline.
If you want to use self.check_window() to compare a web page to
a later version of itself from within the same test run, you can
add the parameter "baseline=True" to the first time you call
self.check_window() in a test to use that as the baseline. This
only makes sense if you're calling self.check_window() more than
once with the same name parameter in the same test.
Automated Visual Testing with self.check_window() is not very
effective for websites that have dynamic content that changes
the layout and structure of web pages. For those, you're much
better off using regular SeleniumBase functional testing.
Example usage:
self.check_window(name="testing", level=0)
self.check_window(name="xkcd_home", level=1)
self.check_window(name="github_page", level=2)
self.check_window(name="wikipedia_page", level=3)
if level == "0":
level = 0
if level == "1":
level = 1
if level == "2":
level = 2
if level == "3":
level = 3
if level != 0 and level != 1 and level != 2 and level != 3:
raise Exception('Parameter "level" must be set to 0, 1, 2, or 3!')
module = self.__class__.__module__
if '.' in module and len(module.split('.')[-1]) > 1:
module = module.split('.')[-1]
test_id = "%s.%s" % (module, self._testMethodName)
if not name or len(name) < 1:
name = "default"
name = str(name)
baseline_dir = constants.VisualBaseline.STORAGE_FOLDER
visual_baseline_path = baseline_dir + "/" + test_id + "/" + name
page_url_file = visual_baseline_path + "/page_url.txt"
screenshot_file = visual_baseline_path + "/screenshot.png"
level_1_file = visual_baseline_path + "/tags_level_1.txt"
level_2_file = visual_baseline_path + "/tags_level_2.txt"
level_3_file = visual_baseline_path + "/tags_level_3.txt"
set_baseline = False
if baseline or self.visual_baseline:
set_baseline = True
if not os.path.exists(visual_baseline_path):
set_baseline = True
except Exception:
pass # Only reachable during multi-threaded test runs
if not os.path.exists(page_url_file):
set_baseline = True
if not os.path.exists(screenshot_file):
set_baseline = True
if not os.path.exists(level_1_file):
set_baseline = True
if not os.path.exists(level_2_file):
set_baseline = True
if not os.path.exists(level_3_file):
set_baseline = True
page_url = self.get_current_url()
soup = self.get_beautiful_soup()
html_tags = soup.body.find_all()
level_1 = [[] for tag in html_tags]
level_1 = json.loads(json.dumps(level_1)) # Tuples become lists
level_2 = [[, sorted(tag.attrs.keys())] for tag in html_tags]
level_2 = json.loads(json.dumps(level_2)) # Tuples become lists
level_3 = [[, sorted(tag.attrs.items())] for tag in html_tags]
level_3 = json.loads(json.dumps(level_3)) # Tuples become lists
if set_baseline:
self.save_screenshot("screenshot.png", visual_baseline_path)
out_file =, "w+")
out_file =, "w+")
out_file =, "w+")
out_file =, "w+")
if not set_baseline:
f = open(page_url_file, 'r')
page_url_data =
f = open(level_1_file, 'r')
level_1_data = json.loads(
f = open(level_2_file, 'r')
level_2_data = json.loads(
f = open(level_3_file, 'r')
level_3_data = json.loads(
domain_fail = (
"Page Domain Mismatch Failure: "
"Current Page Domain doesn't match the Page Domain of the "
"Baseline! Can't compare two completely different sites! "
"Run with --visual_baseline to reset the baseline!")
level_1_failure = (
"\n\n*** Exception: <Level 1> Visual Diff Failure:\n"
"* HTML tags don't match the baseline!")
level_2_failure = (
"\n\n*** Exception: <Level 2> Visual Diff Failure:\n"
"* HTML tag attributes don't match the baseline!")
level_3_failure = (
"\n\n*** Exception: <Level 3> Visual Diff Failure:\n"
"* HTML tag attribute values don't match the baseline!")
page_domain = self.get_domain_url(page_url)
page_data_domain = self.get_domain_url(page_url_data)
unittest.TestCase.maxDiff = 1000
if level == 1 or level == 2 or level == 3:
self.assert_equal(page_domain, page_data_domain, domain_fail)
self.assert_equal(level_1, level_1_data, level_1_failure)
unittest.TestCase.maxDiff = None
if level == 2 or level == 3:
self.assert_equal(level_2, level_2_data, level_2_failure)
if level == 3:
self.assert_equal(level_3, level_3_data, level_3_failure)
if level == 0:
unittest.TestCase.maxDiff = 1000
page_domain, page_data_domain, domain_fail)
self.assert_equal(level_1, level_1_data, level_1_failure)
unittest.TestCase.maxDiff = None
self.assert_equal(level_2, level_2_data, level_2_failure)
self.assert_equal(level_3, level_3_data, level_3_failure)
except Exception as e:
print(e) # Level-0 Dry Run (Only print the differences)
def save_screenshot(self, name, folder=None):
""" The screenshot will be in PNG format. """
return page_actions.save_screenshot(self.driver, name, folder)
@ -2888,6 +3083,7 @@ class BaseCase(unittest.TestCase):
self.verify_delay = sb_config.verify_delay
self.disable_csp = sb_config.disable_csp
self.save_screenshot_after_test = sb_config.save_screenshot
self.visual_baseline = sb_config.visual_baseline
self.timeout_multiplier = sb_config.timeout_multiplier
self.use_grid = False
if self.servername != "localhost":