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//===- InsertMergeBlocks.cpp - Insert Merge Blocks --------------*- C++ -*-===//
// Part of the LLVM Project, under the Apache License v2.0 with LLVM Exceptions.
// See for license information.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 WITH LLVM-exception
#include "circt/Transforms/Passes.h"
#include "mlir/Analysis/CFGLoopInfo.h"
#include "mlir/Conversion/LLVMCommon/ConversionTarget.h"
#include "mlir/Conversion/LLVMCommon/Pattern.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/ControlFlow/IR/ControlFlow.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/ControlFlow/IR/ControlFlowOps.h"
#include "mlir/Dialect/Func/IR/FuncOps.h"
#include "mlir/IR/Dominance.h"
#include "mlir/Pass/Pass.h"
#include "mlir/Transforms/DialectConversion.h"
#include "llvm/ADT/TypeSwitch.h"
namespace circt {
#include "circt/Transforms/"
} // namespace circt
using namespace mlir;
using namespace circt;
/// Replaces the branching to oldDest of with an equivalent operation that
/// instead branches to newDest.
static LogicalResult changeBranchTarget(Block *block, Block *oldDest,
Block *newDest,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
auto term = block->getTerminator();
return llvm::TypeSwitch<Operation *, LogicalResult>(term)
.Case<cf::BranchOp>([&](auto branchOp) {
rewriter.replaceOpWithNewOp<cf::BranchOp>(branchOp, newDest,
return success();
.Case<cf::CondBranchOp>([&](auto condBr) {
auto cond = condBr.getCondition();
Block *trueDest = condBr.getTrueDest();
Block *falseDest = condBr.getFalseDest();
// Change to the correct destination.
if (trueDest == oldDest)
trueDest = newDest;
if (falseDest == oldDest)
falseDest = newDest;
condBr, cond, trueDest, condBr.getTrueOperands(), falseDest,
return success();
.Default([&](Operation *op) {
return op->emitError("Unexpected terminator that cannot be handled.");
/// Creates a new intermediate block that b1 and b2 branch to. The new block
/// branches to their common successor oldSucc.
static FailureOr<Block *> buildMergeBlock(Block *b1, Block *b2, Block *oldSucc,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
auto blockArgTypes = oldSucc->getArgumentTypes();
SmallVector<Location> argLocs(blockArgTypes.size(), rewriter.getUnknownLoc());
Block *res = rewriter.createBlock(oldSucc, blockArgTypes, argLocs);
rewriter.create<cf::BranchOp>(rewriter.getUnknownLoc(), oldSucc,
if (failed(changeBranchTarget(b1, oldSucc, res, rewriter)))
return failure();
if (failed(changeBranchTarget(b2, oldSucc, res, rewriter)))
return failure();
return res;
namespace {
/// A dual CFG that contracts cycles into single logical blocks.
struct DualGraph {
DualGraph(Region &r, CFGLoopInfo &loopInfo);
size_t getNumPredecessors(Block *b) { return predCnts.lookup(b); }
void getPredecessors(Block *b, SmallVectorImpl<Block *> &res);
size_t getNumSuccessors(Block *b) { return succMap.lookup(b).size(); }
ArrayRef<Block *> getSuccessors(Block *b) {
return succMap.find(b)->getSecond();
// If the block is part of a contracted block, the header of the contracted
// block is returned. Otherwise, the block itself is returned.
Block *lookupDualBlock(Block *b);
DenseMap<Block *, size_t> getPredCountMapCopy() { return predCnts; }
CFGLoopInfo &loopInfo;
DenseMap<Block *, SmallVector<Block *>> succMap;
DenseMap<Block *, size_t> predCnts;
} // namespace
DualGraph::DualGraph(Region &r, CFGLoopInfo &loopInfo)
: loopInfo(loopInfo), succMap(), predCnts() {
for (Block &b : r) {
CFGLoop *loop = loopInfo.getLoopFor(&b);
if (loop && loop->getHeader() != &b)
// Create and get a new succ map entry for the current block.
SmallVector<Block *> &succs =
succMap.try_emplace(&b, SmallVector<Block *>()).first->getSecond();
// NOTE: This assumes that there is only one exiting node, i.e., not
// two blocks from the same loop can be predecessors of one block.
unsigned predCnt = 0;
for (auto *pred : b.getPredecessors())
if (!loop || !loop->contains(pred))
if (loop && loop->getHeader() == &b)
llvm::copy(b.getSuccessors(), std::back_inserter(succs));
predCnts.try_emplace(&b, predCnt);
Block *DualGraph::lookupDualBlock(Block *b) {
CFGLoop *loop = loopInfo.getLoopFor(b);
if (!loop)
return b;
return loop->getHeader();
void DualGraph::getPredecessors(Block *b, SmallVectorImpl<Block *> &res) {
CFGLoop *loop = loopInfo.getLoopFor(b);
assert((!loop || loop->getHeader() == b) &&
"can only get predecessors of blocks in the graph");
for (auto *pred : b->getPredecessors()) {
if (loop && loop->contains(pred))
if (CFGLoop *predLoop = loopInfo.getLoopFor(pred)) {
assert(predLoop->getExitBlock() &&
"multiple exit blocks are not yet supported");
namespace {
using BlockToBlockMap = DenseMap<Block *, Block *>;
/// A helper class to store the split block information gathered during analysis
/// of the CFG.
struct SplitInfo {
/// Points to the last split block that dominates the block.
BlockToBlockMap in;
/// Either points to the last split block or to itself, if the block itself is
/// a split block.
BlockToBlockMap out;
} // namespace
/// Builds a binary merge block tree for the predecessors of currBlock.
static LogicalResult buildMergeBlocks(Block *currBlock, SplitInfo &splitInfo,
Block *predDom,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter,
DualGraph &graph) {
SmallVector<Block *> preds;
llvm::copy(currBlock->getPredecessors(), std::back_inserter(preds));
// Map from split blocks to blocks that descend from it.
DenseMap<Block *, Block *> predsToConsider;
while (!preds.empty()) {
Block *pred = preds.pop_back_val();
Block *splitBlock = splitInfo.out.lookup(graph.lookupDualBlock(pred));
if (splitBlock == predDom)
// Needs no additional merge block, as this directly descends from the
// correct split block.
if (predsToConsider.count(splitBlock) == 0) {
// No other block with the same split block was found yet, so just store
// it and wait for a match.
predsToConsider.try_emplace(splitBlock, pred);
// Found a pair, so insert a new merge block for them.
Block *other = predsToConsider.lookup(splitBlock);
FailureOr<Block *> mergeBlock =
buildMergeBlock(pred, other, currBlock, rewriter);
if (failed(mergeBlock))
return failure();
// Update info for the newly created block.
Block *splitIn =;*mergeBlock, splitIn);
// By construction, this block has only one successor, therefore, out == in.
splitInfo.out.try_emplace(*mergeBlock, splitIn);
if (!predsToConsider.empty())
return currBlock->getParentOp()->emitError(
"irregular control flow is not yet supported");
return success();
/// Checks preconditions of this transformation.
static LogicalResult preconditionCheck(Region &r, CFGLoopInfo &loopInfo) {
for (auto &info : loopInfo.getTopLevelLoops())
// Does only return a block if it is the only exit block.
if (!info->getExitBlock())
return r.getParentOp()->emitError(
"multiple exit blocks are not yet supported");
return success();
/// Insert additional blocks that serve as counterparts to the blocks that
/// diverged the control flow.
/// The resulting merge block tree is guaranteed to be a binary tree.
/// This transformation does not affect any blocks that are part of a loop as it
/// treats a loop as one logical block.
/// Irregular control flow is not supported and results in a failed
/// transformation.
LogicalResult circt::insertMergeBlocks(Region &r,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) {
Block *entry = &r.front();
DominanceInfo domInfo(r.getParentOp());
CFGLoopInfo loopInfo(domInfo.getDomTree(&r));
if (failed(preconditionCheck(r, loopInfo)))
return failure();
// Traversing the graph in topological order can be simply done with a stack.
SmallVector<Block *> stack;
// Holds the graph that contains the relevant blocks. It for example contracts
// loops into one block to preserve a DAG structure.
DualGraph graph(r, loopInfo);
// Counts the amount of predecessors remaining.
auto predsToVisit = graph.getPredCountMapCopy();
SplitInfo splitInfo;
while (!stack.empty()) {
Block *currBlock = stack.pop_back_val();
Block *in = nullptr;
Block *out = nullptr;
bool isMergeBlock = graph.getNumPredecessors(currBlock) > 1;
bool isSplitBlock = graph.getNumSuccessors(currBlock) > 1;
SmallVector<Block *> preds;
graph.getPredecessors(currBlock, preds);
if (isMergeBlock) {
Block *predDom = currBlock;
for (auto *pred : preds) {
predDom = domInfo.findNearestCommonDominator(predDom, pred);
if (failed(
buildMergeBlocks(currBlock, splitInfo, predDom, rewriter, graph)))
return failure();
// The sub-CFG created by the predDom (split block) and the current merge
// block can logically be treated like a single block, thus their "in"s
// are the same.
in =;
} else if (!preds.empty()) {
Block *pred = preds.front();
in = splitInfo.out.lookup(pred);
if (isSplitBlock)
out = currBlock;
out = in;, in);
splitInfo.out.try_emplace(currBlock, out);
for (auto *succ : graph.getSuccessors(currBlock)) {
auto it = predsToVisit.find(succ);
unsigned predsRemaining = --(it->getSecond());
// Pushing the block on the stack once all it's successors were visited
// ensures a topological traversal.
if (predsRemaining == 0)
return success();
namespace {
using PtrSet = SmallPtrSet<Operation *, 4>;
struct FuncOpPattern : public OpConversionPattern<func::FuncOp> {
FuncOpPattern(PtrSet &rewrittenFuncs, MLIRContext *ctx)
: OpConversionPattern(ctx), rewrittenFuncs(rewrittenFuncs) {}
matchAndRewrite(func::FuncOp op, OpAdaptor adaptor,
ConversionPatternRewriter &rewriter) const override {
if (!op.isExternal())
if (failed(insertMergeBlocks(op.getRegion(), rewriter))) {
return failure();
return success();
PtrSet &rewrittenFuncs;
struct InsertMergeBlocksPass
: public circt::impl::InsertMergeBlocksBase<InsertMergeBlocksPass> {
void runOnOperation() override {
auto *ctx = &getContext();
RewritePatternSet patterns(ctx);
// Remembers traversed functions to only apply the conversion once.
PtrSet rewrittenFuncs;
patterns.add<FuncOpPattern>(rewrittenFuncs, ctx);
ConversionTarget target(*ctx);
[&](func::FuncOp func) { return rewrittenFuncs.contains(func); });
if (applyPartialConversion(getOperation(), target, std::move(patterns))
} // namespace
namespace circt {
std::unique_ptr<mlir::Pass> createInsertMergeBlocksPass() {
return std::make_unique<InsertMergeBlocksPass>();
} // namespace circt