
70 lines
3.9 KiB

//RUN: circt-opt %s -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics | circt-opt | FileCheck %s
// Testing Objectives:
// * inst can only be used in entities
// * inst must always refer to a valid proc or entity (match symbol name, input and output operands)
// * syntax: no inputs and outputs, one input zero outputs, zero inputs one output, multiple inputs and outputs
// * check that number of inputs and number of outputs are verified separately
// CHECK-LABEL: @empty_entity
llhd.entity @empty_entity() -> () {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @one_input_entity
llhd.entity @one_input_entity(%arg : !llhd.sig<i32>) -> () {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @one_output_entity
llhd.entity @one_output_entity() -> (%arg : !llhd.sig<i32>) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @entity
llhd.entity @entity(%arg0 : !llhd.sig<i32>, %arg1 : !llhd.sig<i16>) -> (%out0 : !llhd.sig<i8>, %out1 : !llhd.sig<i4>) {}
// CHECK-LABEL: @empty_proc
llhd.proc @empty_proc() -> () {
// CHECK-LABEL: @one_input_proc
llhd.proc @one_input_proc(%arg : !llhd.sig<i32>) -> () {
// CHECK-LABEL: @one_output_proc
llhd.proc @one_output_proc() -> (%arg : !llhd.sig<i32>) {
// CHECK-LABEL: @proc
llhd.proc @proc(%arg0 : !llhd.sig<i32>, %arg1 : !llhd.sig<i16>) -> (%out0 : !llhd.sig<i8>, %out1 : !llhd.sig<i4>) {
// CHECK-LABEL: @hwModule
hw.module @hwModule(%arg0 : i32, %arg1 : i16) -> (arg2: i8) {
%0 = hw.constant 2 : i8
hw.output %0 : i8
// CHECK: llhd.entity @caller (%[[ARG0:.*]] : !llhd.sig<i32>, %[[ARG1:.*]] : !llhd.sig<i16>) -> (%[[OUT0:.*]] : !llhd.sig<i8>, %[[OUT1:.*]] : !llhd.sig<i4>) {
llhd.entity @caller(%arg0 : !llhd.sig<i32>, %arg1 : !llhd.sig<i16>) -> (%out0 : !llhd.sig<i8>, %out1 : !llhd.sig<i4>) {
// CHECK-NEXT: llhd.inst "empty_entity" @empty_entity() -> () : () -> ()
"llhd.inst"() {callee=@empty_entity, operand_segment_sizes=array<i32: 0,0>, name="empty_entity"} : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: llhd.inst "empty_proc" @empty_proc() -> () : () -> ()
"llhd.inst"() {callee=@empty_proc, operand_segment_sizes=array<i32: 0,0>, name="empty_proc"} : () -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: llhd.inst "one_in_entity" @one_input_entity(%[[ARG0]]) -> () : (!llhd.sig<i32>) -> ()
"llhd.inst"(%arg0) {callee=@one_input_entity, operand_segment_sizes=array<i32: 1,0>, name="one_in_entity"} : (!llhd.sig<i32>) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: llhd.inst "one_in_proc" @one_input_proc(%[[ARG0]]) -> () : (!llhd.sig<i32>) -> ()
"llhd.inst"(%arg0) {callee=@one_input_proc, operand_segment_sizes=array<i32: 1,0>, name="one_in_proc"} : (!llhd.sig<i32>) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: llhd.inst "one_out_entity" @one_output_entity() -> (%[[ARG0]]) : () -> !llhd.sig<i32>
"llhd.inst"(%arg0) {callee=@one_output_entity, operand_segment_sizes=array<i32: 0,1>, name="one_out_entity"} : (!llhd.sig<i32>) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: llhd.inst "one_out_proc" @one_output_proc() -> (%[[ARG0]]) : () -> !llhd.sig<i32>
"llhd.inst"(%arg0) {callee=@one_output_proc, operand_segment_sizes=array<i32: 0,1>, name="one_out_proc"} : (!llhd.sig<i32>) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: llhd.inst "entity" @entity(%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]]) -> (%[[OUT0]], %[[OUT1]]) : (!llhd.sig<i32>, !llhd.sig<i16>) -> (!llhd.sig<i8>, !llhd.sig<i4>)
"llhd.inst"(%arg0, %arg1, %out0, %out1) {callee=@entity, operand_segment_sizes=array<i32: 2,2>, name="entity"} : (!llhd.sig<i32>, !llhd.sig<i16>, !llhd.sig<i8>, !llhd.sig<i4>) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: llhd.inst "proc" @proc(%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]]) -> (%[[OUT0]], %[[OUT1]]) : (!llhd.sig<i32>, !llhd.sig<i16>) -> (!llhd.sig<i8>, !llhd.sig<i4>)
"llhd.inst"(%arg0, %arg1, %out0, %out1) {callee=@proc, operand_segment_sizes=array<i32: 2,2>, name="proc"} : (!llhd.sig<i32>, !llhd.sig<i16>, !llhd.sig<i8>, !llhd.sig<i4>) -> ()
// CHECK-NEXT: llhd.inst "module" @hwModule(%[[ARG0]], %[[ARG1]]) -> (%[[OUT0]]) : (!llhd.sig<i32>, !llhd.sig<i16>) -> !llhd.sig<i8>
llhd.inst "module" @hwModule(%arg0, %arg1) -> (%out0) : (!llhd.sig<i32>, !llhd.sig<i16>) -> !llhd.sig<i8>