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a Logical Equivalence Checking tool


circt-lec depends on the Z3 theorem prover version 4.8.11 or newer: the build system will attempt to deduce its location. A custom install directory can otherwise be specified with the Z3_DIR CMake option, in which case it should also include a CMake package configuration file like Z3Config.cmake.

To avoid building the tool set the CIRCT_LEC_DISABLE CMake option on.


circt-lec [options] <input file> [input file]

The tool will compare circuits from the two input files; if no second file is specified, both circuits will be parsed from the first and only file.

The circuits to be compared can be specified as their module's name with the c1 and c2 options, otherwise the first module in the appropriate file will be selected.

comb operations are currently supported only on binary state logic.

Command-line options
  • --c1=<module name> specifies a module name for the first circuit
  • --c2=<module name> specifies a module name for the second circuit
  • -v turns on printing verbose information about execution
  • -s turns on printing statistics about the execution of the logical engine
  • -debug turns on printing debug information
  • -debug-only=<component list> only prints debug information for the specified components (among lec-exporter, lec-solver, lec-circuit)


Regression testing

The tool can be tested by running the following command from the circt directory when built with the default paths: ./llvm/build/./bin/llvm-lit -vs build/integration_test/circt-lec