
56 lines
2.6 KiB

// RUN: circt-opt %s -verify-diagnostics | circt-opt -verify-diagnostics | FileCheck %s
hw.module @B(in %a: i1, out nameOfPortInSV: i1, out "": i1) {
%0 = comb.or %a, %a : i1
%1 = comb.and %a, %a : i1
hw.output %0, %1: i1, i1
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module @B(in %a : i1, out nameOfPortInSV : i1, out "" : i1)
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = comb.or %a, %a : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = comb.and %a, %a : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.output %0, %1 : i1, i1
hw.module.extern @C(in %nameOfPortInSV: i1, out "": i1, out "": i1)
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module.extern @C(in %nameOfPortInSV : i1, out "" : i1, out "" : i1)
hw.module.extern @explicitResultName(out FOO: i1)
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module.extern @explicitResultName(out FOO : i1)
hw.module.extern @D_ATTR(in %a: i1, out "": i1, out "": i1) attributes {filename = "test.v", p = {DEFAULT = 0 : i64}}
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module.extern @D_ATTR(in %a : i1, out "" : i1, out "" : i1) attributes {filename = "test.v", p = {DEFAULT = 0 : i64}}
hw.module @A(in %d: i1, inout %e: i1, out "": i1, out "": i1) {
// Instantiate @B as a HW module with result-as-output sementics
%r1, %r2 = hw.instance "b1" @B(a: %d: i1) -> (nameOfPortInSV: i1, "": i1)
// Instantiate @C with a public symbol on the instance
%f, %g = hw.instance "c1" sym @E @C(nameOfPortInSV: %d: i1) -> ("": i1, "": i1)
// Connect the inout port with %f
sv.assign %e, %f : i1
// Output values
hw.output %g, %r1 : i1, i1
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module @A(in %d : i1, inout %e : i1, out "" : i1, out "" : i1)
// CHECK-NEXT: %b1.nameOfPortInSV, %b1.1 = hw.instance "b1" @B(a: %d: i1) -> (nameOfPortInSV: i1, "": i1)
// CHECK-NEXT: %c1.0, %c1.1 = hw.instance "c1" sym @E @C(nameOfPortInSV: %d: i1) -> ("": i1, "": i1)
hw.module @AnyType1(in %a: vector< 3 x i8 >) { }
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module @AnyType1(in %a : vector<3xi8>)
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module @AnyTypeInstance()
hw.module @AnyTypeInstance() {
%vec = arith.constant dense <0> : vector<3xi8>
hw.instance "anyType1" @AnyType1(a: %vec: vector<3xi8>) -> ()
// CHECK: %cst = arith.constant dense<0> : vector<3xi8>
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.instance "anyType1" @AnyType1(a: %cst: vector<3xi8>) -> ()
hw.generator.schema @MEMORY, "Simple-Memory", ["ports", "write_latency", "read_latency"]
hw.module.generated @genmod1, @MEMORY(out FOOBAR: i1) attributes {write_latency=1, read_latency=1, ports=["read","write"]}
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.generator.schema @MEMORY, "Simple-Memory", ["ports", "write_latency", "read_latency"]
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.module.generated @genmod1, @MEMORY(out FOOBAR : i1) attributes {ports = ["read", "write"], read_latency = 1 : i64, write_latency = 1 : i64}