mirror of https://github.com/llvm/circt.git
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258 lines
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// RUN: circt-opt %s --lower-esi-to-physical -verify-diagnostics | circt-opt -verify-diagnostics | FileCheck %s
// RUN: circt-opt %s --lower-esi-ports -verify-diagnostics | circt-opt -verify-diagnostics | FileCheck --check-prefix=IFACE %s
// RUN: circt-opt %s --lower-esi-to-physical --lower-esi-ports --hw-flatten-io --lower-esi-to-hw | FileCheck --check-prefix=HW %s
hw.module.extern @Sender(in %clk: !seq.clock, out x: !esi.channel<i4>, out y: i8) attributes {esi.bundle}
hw.module.extern @ArrSender(out x: !esi.channel<!hw.array<4xi64>>) attributes {esi.bundle}
hw.module.extern @Reciever(in %a: !esi.channel<i4>, in %clk: !seq.clock) attributes {esi.bundle}
hw.module.extern @i0SenderReceiver(in %in: !esi.channel<i0>, out out: !esi.channel<i0>)
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module.extern @Sender(in %clk : !seq.clock, out x : !esi.channel<i4>, out y : i8)
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module.extern @Reciever(in %a : !esi.channel<i4>, in %clk : !seq.clock)
// IFACE-LABEL: sv.interface @IValidReady_i4 {
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.signal @valid : i1
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.signal @ready : i1
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.signal @data : i4
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.modport @sink (input @ready, output @valid, output @data)
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.modport @source (input @valid, input @data, output @ready)
// IFACE-LABEL: sv.interface @IValidReady_ArrayOf4xi64 {
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.signal @valid : i1
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.signal @ready : i1
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.signal @data : !hw.array<4xi64>
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.modport @sink (input @ready, output @valid, output @data)
// IFACE-NEXT: sv.interface.modport @source (input @valid, input @data, output @ready)
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module.extern @Sender(in %clk : !seq.clock, in %x : !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@sink>, out y : i8)
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module.extern @ArrSender(in %x : !sv.modport<@IValidReady_ArrayOf4xi64::@sink>)
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module.extern @Reciever(in %a : !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@source>, in %clk : !seq.clock)
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module.extern @i0SenderReceiver(in %in : i0, in %in_valid : i1, in %out_ready : i1, out in_ready : i1, out out : i0, out out_valid : i1)
hw.module @test(in %clk: !seq.clock, in %rst:i1) {
%esiChan2, %0 = hw.instance "sender2" @Sender(clk: %clk: !seq.clock) -> (x: !esi.channel<i4>, y: i8)
%bufferedChan2 = esi.buffer %clk, %rst, %esiChan2 { stages = 4 } : i4
hw.instance "recv2" @Reciever (a: %bufferedChan2: !esi.channel<i4>, clk: %clk: !seq.clock) -> ()
// CHECK: %sender2.x, %sender2.y = hw.instance "sender2" @Sender(clk: %clk: !seq.clock) -> (x: !esi.channel<i4>, y: i8)
// CHECK-NEXT: %0 = esi.stage %clk, %rst, %sender2.x : i4
// CHECK-NEXT: %1 = esi.stage %clk, %rst, %0 : i4
// CHECK-NEXT: %2 = esi.stage %clk, %rst, %1 : i4
// CHECK-NEXT: %3 = esi.stage %clk, %rst, %2 : i4
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.instance "recv2" @Reciever(a: %3: !esi.channel<i4>, clk: %clk: !seq.clock) -> ()
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module @test(in %clk : !seq.clock, in %rst : i1) {
// IFACE-NEXT: %i4FromSender2 = sv.interface.instance : !sv.interface<@IValidReady_i4>
// IFACE-NEXT: %[[#modport1:]] = sv.modport.get %i4FromSender2 @source : !sv.interface<@IValidReady_i4> -> !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@source>
// IFACE-NEXT: %[[#channel:]] = esi.wrap.iface %[[#modport1:]] : !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@source> -> !esi.channel<i4>
// IFACE-NEXT: %[[#modport2:]] = sv.modport.get %i4FromSender2 @sink : !sv.interface<@IValidReady_i4> -> !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@sink>
// IFACE-NEXT: %sender2.y = hw.instance "sender2" @Sender(clk: %clk: !seq.clock, x: %2: !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@sink>) -> (y: i8)
// IFACE-NEXT: %[[#buffer:]] = esi.buffer %clk, %rst, %[[#channel:]] {stages = 4 : i64} : i4
// IFACE-NEXT: %i4ToRecv2 = sv.interface.instance : !sv.interface<@IValidReady_i4>
// IFACE-NEXT: %[[#modport3:]] = sv.modport.get %i4ToRecv2 @sink : !sv.interface<@IValidReady_i4> -> !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@sink>
// IFACE-NEXT: esi.unwrap.iface %[[#buffer:]] into %[[#modport3:]] : (!esi.channel<i4>, !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@sink>)
// IFACE-NEXT: %[[#modport4:]] = sv.modport.get %i4ToRecv2 @source : !sv.interface<@IValidReady_i4> -> !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@source>
// IFACE-NEXT: hw.instance "recv2" @Reciever(a: %[[#modport4:]]: !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@source>, clk: %clk: !seq.clock) -> ()
// HW-LABEL: hw.module @test(in %clk : !seq.clock, in %rst : i1)
// After all 3 ESI lowering passes, there shouldn't be any ESI constructs!
// HW-NOT: esi
hw.module @add11(in %clk: !seq.clock, in %ints: !esi.channel<i32>, out mutatedInts: !esi.channel<i32>, out c4: i4) {
%i, %i_valid = esi.unwrap.vr %ints, %rdy : i32
%c11 = hw.constant 11 : i32
%m = comb.add %c11, %i : i32
%mutInts, %rdy = esi.wrap.vr %m, %i_valid : i32
%c4 = hw.constant 0 : i4
hw.output %mutInts, %c4 : !esi.channel<i32>, i4
// HW-LABEL: hw.module @add11(in %clk : !seq.clock, in %ints : i32, in %ints_valid : i1, in %mutatedInts_ready : i1, out ints_ready : i1, out mutatedInts : i32, out mutatedInts_valid : i1, out c4 : i4) {
// HW: %{{.+}} = hw.constant 11 : i32
// HW: [[RES0:%.+]] = comb.add %ints, %{{.+}} : i32
// HW: %{{.+}} = hw.constant 0 : i4
// HW: hw.output %mutatedInts_ready, [[RES0]], %ints_valid, %{{.+}} : i1, i32, i1, i4
hw.module @InternRcvr(in %in: !esi.channel<!hw.array<4xi8>>) {}
hw.module @test2(in %clk: !seq.clock, in %rst:i1) {
%ints, %c4 = hw.instance "adder" @add11(clk: %clk: !seq.clock, ints: %ints: !esi.channel<i32>) -> (mutatedInts: !esi.channel<i32>, c4: i4)
%valid, %ready, %data = esi.snoop.vr %ints: !esi.channel<i32>
%xact = comb.and %valid, %ready : i1
%nullBit = esi.null : !esi.channel<i4>
hw.instance "nullRcvr" @Reciever(a: %nullBit: !esi.channel<i4>, clk: %clk: !seq.clock) -> ()
%nullArray = esi.null : !esi.channel<!hw.array<4xi8>>
hw.instance "nullInternRcvr" @InternRcvr(in: %nullArray: !esi.channel<!hw.array<4xi8>>) -> ()
// HW-LABEL: hw.module @test2(in %clk : !seq.clock, in %rst : i1) {
// HW-NEXT: %adder.ints_ready, %adder.mutatedInts, %adder.mutatedInts_valid, %adder.c4 = hw.instance "adder" @add11(clk: %clk: !seq.clock, ints: %adder.mutatedInts: i32, ints_valid: %adder.mutatedInts_valid: i1, mutatedInts_ready: %adder.ints_ready: i1) -> (ints_ready: i1, mutatedInts: i32, mutatedInts_valid: i1, c4: i4)
// HW-NEXT: [[XACT:%.+]] = comb.and %adder.mutatedInts_valid, %adder.ints_ready : i1
// HW: [[ZERO:%.+]] = hw.bitcast %c0_i4 : (i4) -> i4
// HW: sv.interface.signal.assign %i4ToNullRcvr(@IValidReady_i4::@data) = [[ZERO]] : i4
// HW: [[ZM:%.+]] = sv.modport.get %{{.+}} @source : !sv.interface<@IValidReady_i4> -> !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@source>
// HW: hw.instance "nullRcvr" @Reciever(a: [[ZM]]: !sv.modport<@IValidReady_i4::@source>, clk: %clk: !seq.clock) -> ()
// HW: %c0_i32 = hw.constant 0 : i32
// HW: [[ZA:%.+]] = hw.bitcast %c0_i32 : (i32) -> !hw.array<4xi8>
// HW: %nullInternRcvr.in_ready = hw.instance "nullInternRcvr" @InternRcvr(in: [[ZA]]: !hw.array<4xi8>, in_valid: %false_0: i1) -> (in_ready: i1)
hw.module @twoChannelArgs(in %clk: !seq.clock, in %ints: !esi.channel<i32>, in %foo: !esi.channel<i7>) {
%rdy = hw.constant 1 : i1
%i, %i_valid = esi.unwrap.vr %ints, %rdy : i32
%i2, %i2_valid = esi.unwrap.vr %foo, %rdy : i7
// HW-LABEL: hw.module @twoChannelArgs(in %clk : !seq.clock, in %ints : i32, in %ints_valid : i1, in %foo : i7, in %foo_valid : i1, out ints_ready : i1, out foo_ready : i1)
// HW: %true = hw.constant true
// HW: hw.output %true, %true : i1, i1
// IFACE: %i1ToHandshake_fork0FromArg0 = sv.interface.instance : !sv.interface<@IValidReady_i1>
hw.module.extern @handshake_fork_1ins_2outs_ctrl(in %in0: !esi.channel<i1>, in %clock: i1, in %reset: i1, out out0: !esi.channel<i1>, out out1: !esi.channel<i1>) attributes {esi.bundle}
hw.module @test_constant(in %arg0: !esi.channel<i1>, in %clock: i1, in %reset: i1, out outCtrl: !esi.channel<i1>) {
%handshake_fork0.out0, %handshake_fork0.out1 = hw.instance "handshake_fork0" @handshake_fork_1ins_2outs_ctrl(in0: %arg0: !esi.channel<i1>, clock: %clock: i1, reset: %reset: i1) -> (out0: !esi.channel<i1>, out1: !esi.channel<i1>)
hw.output %handshake_fork0.out1 : !esi.channel<i1>
// HW-LABEL: hw.module @i0Typed(in %a : i0, in %a_valid : i1, in %clk : !seq.clock, in %rst : i1, in %x_ready : i1, out a_ready : i1, out x : i0, out x_valid : i1) {
// HW: %pipelineStage.a_ready, %pipelineStage.x, %pipelineStage.x_valid = hw.instance "pipelineStage" @ESI_PipelineStage1<WIDTH: ui32 = 0>(clk: %clk: !seq.clock, rst: %rst: i1, a: %a: i0, a_valid: %a_valid: i1, x_ready: %x_ready: i1) -> (a_ready: i1, x: i0, x_valid: i1)
// HW: hw.output %pipelineStage.a_ready, %pipelineStage.x, %pipelineStage.x_valid : i1, i0, i1
// HW: }
hw.module @i0Typed(in %a: !esi.channel<i0>, in %clk: !seq.clock, in %rst: i1, out x: !esi.channel<i0>) {
%0 = esi.buffer %clk, %rst, %a : i0
%i0Value, %valid = esi.unwrap.vr %0, %ready : i0
%chanOutput, %ready = esi.wrap.vr %i0Value, %valid : i0
hw.output %chanOutput : !esi.channel<i0>
// IFACE: hw.module @HandshakeToESIWrapper(in %clock : i1, in %reset : i1, in %in_ctrl : i0, in %in_ctrl_valid : i1, in %in0_ld_data0 : i32, in %in0_ld_data0_valid : i1, in %in1_ld_data0 : i32, in %in1_ld_data0_valid : i1, in %out_ctrl_ready : i1, in %in0_ld_addr0_ready : i1, in %in1_ld_addr0_ready : i1, in %out0_ready : i1, out in_ctrl_ready : i1, out in0_ld_data0_ready : i1, out in1_ld_data0_ready : i1, out out_ctrl : i0, out out_ctrl_valid : i1, out in0_ld_addr0 : i64, out in0_ld_addr0_valid : i1, out in1_ld_addr0 : i64, out in1_ld_addr0_valid : i1, out out0 : i32, out out0_valid : i1)
hw.module @HandshakeToESIWrapper(in %clock : i1, in %reset : i1, in %in_ctrl : !esi.channel<i0>, in %in0_ld_data0: !esi.channel<i32>, in %in1_ld_data0: !esi.channel<i32>, out out_ctrl: !esi.channel<i0>, out in0_ld_addr0: !esi.channel<i64>, out in1_ld_addr0: !esi.channel<i64>, out out0: !esi.channel<i32>) {
%i0 = hw.constant 0 : i0
%c1 = hw.constant 1 : i1
%c32 = hw.constant 1 : i32
%c64 = hw.constant 1 : i64
%chanOutput, %ready = esi.wrap.vr %i0, %c1 : i0
%chanOutput_2, %ready_3 = esi.wrap.vr %c64, %c1 : i64
%chanOutput_6, %ready_7 = esi.wrap.vr %c64, %c1 : i64
%chanOutput_8, %ready_9 = esi.wrap.vr %c32, %c1 : i32
hw.output %chanOutput, %chanOutput_2, %chanOutput_6, %chanOutput_8 : !esi.channel<i0>, !esi.channel<i64>, !esi.channel<i64>, !esi.channel<i32>
// IFACE: hw.module @ServiceWrapper(in %clock : i1, in %reset : i1, in %ctrl : i0, in %ctrl_valid : i1, in %port0 : i32, in %port0_valid : i1, in %port1 : i32, in %port1_valid : i1, in %ctrl_ready : i1, in %port0_ready : i1, in %port1_ready : i1, out ctrl_ready : i1, out port0_ready : i1, out port1_ready : i1, out ctrl : i0, out ctrl_valid : i1, out port0 : i64, out port0_valid : i1, out port1 : i64, out port1_valid : i1)
hw.module @ServiceWrapper(in %clock: i1, in %reset: i1, in %ctrl: !esi.channel<i0>, in %port0: !esi.channel<i32>, in %port1: !esi.channel<i32>, out ctrl: !esi.channel<i0>, out port0: !esi.channel<i64>, out port1: !esi.channel<i64>) {
%HandshakeToESIWrapper.out_ctrl, %HandshakeToESIWrapper.in0_ld_addr0, %HandshakeToESIWrapper.in1_ld_addr0, %HandshakeToESIWrapper.out0 = hw.instance "HandshakeToESIWrapper" @HandshakeToESIWrapper(clock: %clock: i1, reset: %reset: i1, in_ctrl: %ctrl: !esi.channel<i0>, in0_ld_data0: %port0: !esi.channel<i32>, in1_ld_data0: %port1: !esi.channel<i32>) -> (out_ctrl: !esi.channel<i0>, in0_ld_addr0: !esi.channel<i64>, in1_ld_addr0: !esi.channel<i64>, out0: !esi.channel<i32>)
hw.output %HandshakeToESIWrapper.out_ctrl, %HandshakeToESIWrapper.in0_ld_addr0, %HandshakeToESIWrapper.in1_ld_addr0 : !esi.channel<i0>, !esi.channel<i64>, !esi.channel<i64>
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module @i1FifoLoopback(in %in : i3, in %in_empty : i1, in %out_rden : i1, out in_rden : i1, out out : i3, out out_empty : i1)
// IFACE-NEXT: %chanOutput, %rden = esi.wrap.fifo %in, %in_empty : !esi.channel<i3, FIFO>
// IFACE-NEXT: %data, %empty = esi.unwrap.fifo %chanOutput, %out_rden : !esi.channel<i3, FIFO>
// IFACE-NEXT: hw.output %rden, %data, %empty : i1, i3, i1
// HW-LABEL: hw.module @i1FifoLoopback(in %in : i3, in %in_empty : i1, in %out_rden : i1, out in_rden : i1, out out : i3, out out_empty : i1)
// HW-NEXT: hw.output %out_rden, %in, %in_empty : i1, i3, i1
hw.module @i1FifoLoopback(in %in: !esi.channel<i3, FIFO>, out out: !esi.channel<i3, FIFO>) {
hw.output %in : !esi.channel<i3, FIFO>
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module @fifoLoopbackTop()
// IFACE-NEXT: %data, %empty = esi.unwrap.fifo %chanOutput, %foo.in_rden : !esi.channel<i3, FIFO>
// IFACE-NEXT: %chanOutput, %rden = esi.wrap.fifo %foo.out, %foo.out_empty : !esi.channel<i3, FIFO>
// IFACE-NEXT: %foo.in_rden, %foo.out, %foo.out_empty = hw.instance "foo" @i1FifoLoopback(in: %data: i3, in_empty: %empty: i1, out_rden: %rden: i1) -> (in_rden: i1, out: i3, out_empty: i1)
// HW-LABEL: hw.module @fifoLoopbackTop()
// HW-NEXT: %foo.in_rden, %foo.out, %foo.out_empty = hw.instance "foo" @i1FifoLoopback(in: %foo.out: i3, in_empty: %foo.out_empty: i1, out_rden: %foo.in_rden: i1) -> (in_rden: i1, out: i3, out_empty: i1)
hw.module @fifoLoopbackTop() {
%chan = hw.instance "foo" @i1FifoLoopback(in: %chan: !esi.channel<i3, FIFO>) -> (out: !esi.channel<i3, FIFO>)
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module @structFifoLoopback(in %in_in : !hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>, in %in_flatBroke_in : i1, in %out_readEnable_in : i1, out in_readEnable : i1, out out : !hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>, out out_flatBroke : i1)
// IFACE-NEXT: %chanOutput, %rden = esi.wrap.fifo %in_in, %in_flatBroke_in : !esi.channel<!hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>, FIFO>
// IFACE-NEXT: %data, %empty = esi.unwrap.fifo %chanOutput, %out_readEnable_in : !esi.channel<!hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>, FIFO>
// IFACE-NEXT: hw.output %rden, %data, %empty : i1, !hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>, i1
!st1 = !hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>
hw.module @structFifoLoopback(in %in: !esi.channel<!st1, FIFO>, out out: !esi.channel<!st1, FIFO>)
attributes {esi.portFlattenStructs, esi.portRdenSuffix="_readEnable",
esi.portEmptySuffix="_flatBroke", esi.portInSuffix="_in"} {
hw.output %in : !esi.channel<!st1, FIFO>
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module @structFifoLoopbackTop()
// IFACE-NEXT: %data, %empty = esi.unwrap.fifo %chanOutput, %foo.in_readEnable : !esi.channel<!hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>, FIFO>
// IFACE-NEXT: %chanOutput, %rden = esi.wrap.fifo %foo.out, %foo.out_flatBroke : !esi.channel<!hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>, FIFO>
// IFACE-NEXT: %foo.in_readEnable, %foo.out, %foo.out_flatBroke = hw.instance "foo" @structFifoLoopback(in_in: %data: !hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>, in_flatBroke_in: %empty: i1, out_readEnable_in: %rden: i1) -> (in_readEnable: i1, out: !hw.struct<a: i3, b: i7>, out_flatBroke: i1)
// IFACE-NEXT: hw.output
hw.module @structFifoLoopbackTop() {
%chan = hw.instance "foo" @structFifoLoopback(in: %chan: !esi.channel<!st1, FIFO>) -> (out: !esi.channel<!st1, FIFO>)
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module @i1FifoDelay1Loopback(in %in : i3, in %in_empty : i1, in %out_rden : i1, out in_rden : i1, out out : i3, out out_empty : i1)
// IFACE-NEXT: %chanOutput, %rden = esi.wrap.fifo %in, %in_empty : !esi.channel<i3, FIFO(1)>
// IFACE-NEXT: %data, %empty = esi.unwrap.fifo %chanOutput, %out_rden : !esi.channel<i3, FIFO(1)>
// IFACE-NEXT: hw.output %rden, %data, %empty : i1, i3, i1
// HW-LABEL: hw.module @i1FifoDelay1Loopback(in %in : i3, in %in_empty : i1, in %out_rden : i1, out in_rden : i1, out out : i3, out out_empty : i1)
// HW-NEXT: hw.output %out_rden, %in, %in_empty : i1, i3, i1
hw.module @i1FifoDelay1Loopback(in %in: !esi.channel<i3, FIFO(1)>, out out: !esi.channel<i3, FIFO(1)>) {
hw.output %in : !esi.channel<i3, FIFO(1)>
// IFACE-LABEL: hw.module @i3LoopbackOddNames(in %in : i3, in %in_good : i1, in %out_letErRip : i1, out in_letErRip_out : i1, out out_out : i3, out out_good_out : i1) attributes {esi.portFlattenStructs, esi.portOutSuffix = "_out", esi.portReadySuffix = "_letErRip", esi.portValidSuffix = "_good"} {
// IFACE-NEXT: %chanOutput, %ready = esi.wrap.vr %in, %in_good : i3
// IFACE-NEXT: %rawOutput, %valid = esi.unwrap.vr %chanOutput, %out_letErRip : i3
// IFACE-NEXT: hw.output %ready, %rawOutput, %valid : i1, i3, i1
hw.module @i3LoopbackOddNames(in %in: !esi.channel<i3>, out out: !esi.channel<i3>)
attributes {esi.portFlattenStructs, esi.portValidSuffix="_good",
esi.portReadySuffix="_letErRip", esi.portOutSuffix="_out"} {
hw.output %in : !esi.channel<i3>
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module @fifo1(in %clk : !seq.clock, in %rst : i1, in %in : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO>, out out : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %true = hw.constant true
// CHECK-NEXT: %data, %empty = esi.unwrap.fifo %in, [[R2:%.+]] : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO>
// CHECK-NEXT: %out, %full, %empty_0 = seq.fifo depth 12 rd_latency 2 in %data rdEn %rden wrEn [[R2]] clk %clk rst %rst : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: [[R0:%.+]] = comb.xor %empty, %true {sv.namehint = "inputNotEmpty"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[R1:%.+]] = comb.xor %full, %true {sv.namehint = "seqFifoNotFull"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[R2]] = comb.and [[R0]], [[R1]] {sv.namehint = "inputEn"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %chanOutput, %rden = esi.wrap.fifo %out, %empty_0 : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.output %chanOutput : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>
hw.module @fifo1(in %clk: !seq.clock, in %rst: i1, in %in: !esi.channel<i32, FIFO>, out out: !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>) {
%fifo = esi.fifo in %in clk %clk rst %rst depth 12 : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO> -> !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>
hw.output %fifo : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module @fifoValidReadyInput(in %clk : !seq.clock, in %rst : i1, in %in : !esi.channel<i32>, out out : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %true = hw.constant true
// CHECK-NEXT: %rawOutput, %valid = esi.unwrap.vr %in, [[InputEN:%.+]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: %true_0 = hw.constant true
// CHECK-NEXT: [[DataNotAvailable:%.+]] = comb.xor bin %valid, %true_0 {sv.namehint = "dataNotAvailable"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %out, %full, %empty = seq.fifo depth 12 rd_latency 2 in %rawOutput rdEn %rden wrEn [[InputEN]] clk %clk rst %rst : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: [[InputNotEmpty:%.+]] = comb.xor [[DataNotAvailable]], %true {sv.namehint = "inputNotEmpty"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SeqFifoNotFull:%.+]] = comb.xor %full, %true {sv.namehint = "seqFifoNotFull"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[InputEN]] = comb.and [[InputNotEmpty]], [[SeqFifoNotFull]] {sv.namehint = "inputEn"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %chanOutput, %rden = esi.wrap.fifo %out, %empty : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.output %chanOutput : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>
hw.module @fifoValidReadyInput(
in %clk: !seq.clock, in %rst: i1,
in %in: !esi.channel<i32, ValidReady>,
out out: !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>) {
%fifo = esi.fifo in %in clk %clk rst %rst depth 12 : !esi.channel<i32, ValidReady> -> !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>
hw.output %fifo : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO(2)>
// CHECK-LABEL: hw.module @fifoValidReadyOutput(in %clk : !seq.clock, in %rst : i1, in %in : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO>, out out : !esi.channel<i32>) {
// CHECK-NEXT: %true = hw.constant true
// CHECK-NEXT: %data, %empty = esi.unwrap.fifo %in, [[InputEN:%.+]] : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO>
// CHECK-NEXT: %out, %full, %empty_0 = seq.fifo depth 12 in %data rdEn [[OutputRdEn:%.+]] wrEn [[InputEN]] clk %clk rst %rst : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: [[InputNotEmpty:%.+]] = comb.xor %empty, %true {sv.namehint = "inputNotEmpty"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[SeqFifoNotFull:%.+]] = comb.xor %full, %true {sv.namehint = "seqFifoNotFull"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: [[InputEN]] = comb.and [[InputNotEmpty]], [[SeqFifoNotFull]] {sv.namehint = "inputEn"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %true_1 = hw.constant true
// CHECK-NEXT: [[R3:%.+]] = comb.xor bin %empty_0, %true_1 : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: %chanOutput, %ready = esi.wrap.vr %out, [[R3]] : i32
// CHECK-NEXT: [[OutputRdEn]] = comb.and [[R3]], %ready {sv.namehint = "outputRdEn"} : i1
// CHECK-NEXT: hw.output %chanOutput : !esi.channel<i32>
hw.module @fifoValidReadyOutput(
in %clk: !seq.clock, in %rst: i1,
in %in: !esi.channel<i32, FIFO>,
out out: !esi.channel<i32, ValidReady>) {
%fifo = esi.fifo in %in clk %clk rst %rst depth 12 : !esi.channel<i32, FIFO> -> !esi.channel<i32, ValidReady>
hw.output %fifo : !esi.channel<i32, ValidReady>