
215 lines
6.7 KiB

// RUN: circt-opt %s --verify-esi-connections --esi-connect-services -split-input-file -verify-diagnostics
sv.interface @IData {
sv.interface.signal @data : i32
sv.interface.signal @valid : i1
sv.interface.signal @stall : i1
sv.interface.modport @Sink (output @data, output @valid, input @ready)
hw.module @test() {
%ifaceOut = sv.interface.instance : !sv.interface<@IData>
%ifaceOutSink = sv.modport.get %ifaceOut @Sink: !sv.interface<@IData> -> !sv.modport<@IData::@Sink>
// expected-error @+1 {{Interface is not a valid ESI interface.}}
%idataChanOut = esi.wrap.iface %ifaceOutSink: !sv.modport<@IData::@Sink> -> !<i32>
// -----
sv.interface @IData {
sv.interface.signal @data : i2
sv.interface.signal @valid : i1
sv.interface.signal @ready : i1
sv.interface.modport @Sink (output @data, output @valid, input @ready)
hw.module @test() {
%ifaceOut = sv.interface.instance : !sv.interface<@IData>
%ifaceOutSink = sv.modport.get %ifaceOut @Sink: !sv.interface<@IData> -> !sv.modport<@IData::@Sink>
// expected-error @+1 {{Operation specifies '!<i32>' but type inside doesn't match interface data type 'i2'.}}
%idataChanOut = esi.wrap.iface %ifaceOutSink: !sv.modport<@IData::@Sink> -> !<i32>
// -----
sv.interface @IData {
sv.interface.signal @data : i2
sv.interface.signal @valid : i1
sv.interface.signal @ready : i1
sv.interface.modport @Sink (output @data, output @valid, input @ready)
hw.module @test(in %m : !sv.modport<@IData::@Noexist>) {
// expected-error @+1 {{Could not find modport @IData::@Noexist in symbol table.}}
%idataChanOut = esi.wrap.iface %m: !sv.modport<@IData::@Noexist> -> !<i32>
// -----
hw.module @testFifoTypes(in %clk: !seq.clock, in %rst: i1, in %a: !<i32, FIFO>, in %b: !<i16, FIFO(2)>) {
// expected-error @+1 {{input and output types must match}}
%fifo = esi.fifo in %a clk %clk rst %rst depth 12 : !<i32, FIFO> -> !<i16, FIFO(2)>
hw.output %fifo : !<i16, FIFO(2)>
// -----
esi.service.decl @HostComms {
esi.service.port @Send : !esi.bundle<[!<i16> from "send"]>
hw.module @Loopback (in %clk: i1) {
// expected-error @+2 {{Request channel type does not match service port bundle channel type}}
// expected-note @+1 {{Service port 'send' type: '!<i16>'}}
%dataIn = esi.service.req <@HostComms::@Send> (#esi.appid<"loopback_fromhw">) : !esi.bundle<[!<i8> from "send"]>
// -----
esi.service.decl @HostComms {
esi.service.port @Send : !esi.bundle<[!<i16> from "send"]>
hw.module @Loopback (in %clk: i1) {
// expected-error @+1 {{Request port bundle channel count does not match service port bundle channel count}}
%dataIn = esi.service.req<@HostComms::@Send> (#esi.appid<"loopback_fromhw">) : !esi.bundle<[!<i8> to "send", !<i3> to "foo"]>
// -----
esi.service.decl @HostComms {
hw.module @Loopback (in %clk: i1) {
// expected-error @+1 {{'esi.service.req' op Could not locate port "Recv"}}
%dataIn = esi.service.req <@HostComms::@Recv> (#esi.appid<"loopback_tohw">) : !esi.bundle<[!<i1> from "foo"]>
// -----
hw.module @Loopback (in %clk: i1) {
// expected-error @+1 {{'esi.service.req' op Could not find service declaration @HostComms}}
%dataIn = esi.service.req <@HostComms::@Recv> (#esi.appid<"loopback_tohw">) : !esi.bundle<[!<i1> from "foo"]>
// -----
!reqResp = !esi.bundle<[!<i16> from "req", !<i8> to "resp"]>
esi.service.decl @HostComms {
esi.service.port @ReqResp : !reqResp
hw.module @Top(in %clk: i1, in %rst: i1) {
// expected-error @+2 {{'esi.service.impl_req' op did not recognize option name "badOpt"}}
// expected-error @+1 {{'esi.service.impl_req' op failed to generate server}}
esi.service.instance #esi.appid<"cosim"> svc @HostComms impl as "cosim" opts {badOpt = "wrong!"} (%clk, %rst) : (i1, i1) -> ()
// -----
!TypeA = !hw.struct<bar: i6>
// expected-error @+1 {{invalid field name: "header5"}}
!TypeAwin1 = !esi.window<
"TypeAwin1", !TypeA, [
<"FrameA", [
hw.module.extern @TypeAModuleDst(in %windowed: !TypeAwin1)
// -----
!TypeA = !hw.struct<bar: i6>
// expected-error @+1 {{cannot specify num items on non-array field "bar"}}
!TypeAwin1 = !esi.window<
"TypeAwin1", !TypeA, [
<"FrameA", [
<"bar", 4>
hw.module.extern @TypeAModuleDst(in %windowed: !TypeAwin1)
// -----
!TypeA = !hw.struct<bar: !hw.array<5xi2>>
// expected-error @+1 {{num items is larger than array size}}
!TypeAwin1 = !esi.window<
"TypeAwin1", !TypeA, [
<"FrameA", [
<"bar", 8>
hw.module.extern @TypeAModuleDst(in %windowed: !TypeAwin1)
// -----
!TypeA = !hw.struct<foo : i3, bar: !hw.array<5xi2>>
// expected-error @+1 {{array with size specified must be in their own frame (in "bar")}}
!TypeAwin1 = !esi.window<
"TypeAwin1", !TypeA, [
<"FrameA", [
<"bar", 5>
hw.module.extern @TypeAModuleDst(in %windowed: !TypeAwin1)
// -----
hw.module.extern @Source(out a: !<i1>)
hw.module.extern @Sink(in %a: !<i1>)
hw.module @Top() {
// expected-error @+1 {{channels must have at most one consumer}}
%a = hw.instance "src" @Source() -> (a: !<i1>)
// expected-note @+1 {{channel used here}}
hw.instance "sink1" @Sink(a: %a: !<i1>) -> ()
// expected-note @+1 {{channel used here}}
hw.instance "sink2" @Sink(a: %a: !<i1>) -> ()
// -----
!bundleType = !esi.bundle<[!<i32> to addr]>
hw.module.extern @Source(out a: !bundleType)
hw.module.extern @Sink(in %a: !bundleType)
hw.module @Top() {
// expected-error @+1 {{bundles must have exactly one use}}
%a = hw.instance "src" @Source() -> (a: !bundleType)
// expected-note @+1 {{bundle used here}}
hw.instance "sink1" @Sink(a: %a: !bundleType) -> ()
// expected-note @+1 {{bundle used here}}
hw.instance "sink2" @Sink(a: %a: !bundleType) -> ()
// -----
!bundleType = !esi.bundle<[!<i32> to addr]>
hw.module.extern @Source(out a: !bundleType)
hw.module.extern @Sink(in %a: !bundleType)
hw.module @Top() {
// expected-error @+1 {{bundles must have exactly one use}}
%a = hw.instance "src" @Source() -> (a: !bundleType)
// -----
hw.module @wrap_multi_unwrap(in %a_data: i8, in %a_valid: i1, out a_ready: i1) {
// expected-error @+1 {{'esi.wrap.vr' op channels must have at most one consumer}}
%a_chan, %a_ready = esi.wrap.vr %a_data, %a_valid : i8
%true = hw.constant true
// expected-note @+1 {{channel used here}}
%ap_data, %ap_valid = esi.unwrap.vr %a_chan, %true : i8
// expected-note @+1 {{channel used here}}
%ab_data, %ab_valid = esi.unwrap.vr %a_chan, %true : i8
hw.output %a_ready : i1