mirror of https://github.com/llvm/circt.git
148 lines
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148 lines
4.4 KiB
// RUN: circt-opt %s --convert-verif-to-smt --split-input-file --verify-diagnostics
func.func @assert_with_unsupported_property_type(%arg0: !smt.bv<1>) {
%0 = builtin.unrealized_conversion_cast %arg0 : !smt.bv<1> to !ltl.sequence
// expected-error @below {{failed to legalize operation 'verif.assert' that was explicitly marked illegal}}
verif.assert %0 : !ltl.sequence
// -----
func.func @assert_with_unsupported_property_type(%arg0: !smt.bv<1>) {
%0 = builtin.unrealized_conversion_cast %arg0 : !smt.bv<1> to !ltl.property
// expected-error @below {{failed to legalize operation 'verif.assert' that was explicitly marked illegal}}
verif.assert %0 : !ltl.property
// -----
func.func @multiple_assertions_bmc() -> (i1) {
// expected-error @below {{bounded model checking problems with multiple assertions are not yet correctly handled - instead, you can assert the conjunction of your assertions}}
%bmc = verif.bmc bound 10 num_regs 0 initial_values []
init {}
loop {}
circuit {
^bb0(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i32):
%c1_i32 = hw.constant 1 : i32
%cond1 = comb.icmp ugt %arg0, %c1_i32 : i32
verif.assert %cond1 : i1
%cond2 = comb.icmp ugt %arg1, %c1_i32 : i32
verif.assert %cond2 : i1
%sum = comb.add %arg0, %arg1 : i32
verif.yield %sum : i32
func.return %bmc : i1
// -----
func.func @multiple_asserting_modules_bmc() -> (i1) {
// expected-error @below {{bounded model checking problems with multiple assertions are not yet correctly handled - instead, you can assert the conjunction of your assertions}}
%bmc = verif.bmc bound 10 num_regs 0 initial_values []
init {}
loop {}
circuit {
^bb0(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i1, %arg2: i1):
hw.instance "" @OneAssertion(x: %arg1: i1) -> ()
hw.instance "" @OneAssertion(x: %arg2: i1) -> ()
%sum = comb.add %arg0, %arg0 : i32
verif.yield %sum : i32
func.return %bmc : i1
hw.module @OneAssertion(in %x: i1) {
verif.assert %x : i1
// -----
func.func @two_separated_assertions() -> (i1) {
// expected-error @below {{bounded model checking problems with multiple assertions are not yet correctly handled - instead, you can assert the conjunction of your assertions}}
%bmc = verif.bmc bound 10 num_regs 0 initial_values []
init {}
loop {}
circuit {
^bb0(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i1, %arg2: i1):
hw.instance "" @OneAssertion(x: %arg1: i1) -> ()
verif.assert %arg2 : i1
%sum = comb.add %arg0, %arg0 : i32
verif.yield %sum : i32
func.return %bmc : i1
hw.module @OneAssertion(in %x: i1) {
verif.assert %x : i1
// -----
func.func @multiple_nested_assertions() -> (i1) {
// expected-error @below {{bounded model checking problems with multiple assertions are not yet correctly handled - instead, you can assert the conjunction of your assertions}}
%bmc = verif.bmc bound 10 num_regs 0 initial_values []
init {}
loop {}
circuit {
^bb0(%arg0: i32, %arg1: i1, %arg2: i1):
hw.instance "" @TwoAssertions(x: %arg1: i1, y: %arg2: i1) -> ()
%sum = comb.add %arg0, %arg0 : i32
verif.yield %sum : i32
func.return %bmc : i1
hw.module @TwoAssertions(in %x: i1, in %y: i1) {
verif.assert %x : i1
verif.assert %y : i1
// -----
func.func @multiple_clocks() -> (i1) {
// expected-error @below {{only modules with one or zero clocks are currently supported}}
%bmc = verif.bmc bound 10 num_regs 1 initial_values [unit]
init {
%c0_i1 = hw.constant 0 : i1
%clk = seq.to_clock %c0_i1
verif.yield %clk, %clk : !seq.clock, !seq.clock
loop {
^bb0(%clock0: !seq.clock, %clock1: !seq.clock):
verif.yield %clock0, %clock1 : !seq.clock, !seq.clock
circuit {
^bb0(%clock0: !seq.clock, %clock1: !seq.clock, %arg0: i32):
%c1_i32 = hw.constant 1 : i32
%cond1 = comb.icmp ugt %arg0, %c1_i32 : i32
verif.assert %cond1 : i1
verif.yield %arg0 : i32
func.return %bmc : i1
// -----
func.func @multiple_clocks() -> (i1) {
// expected-error @below {{initial values are currently only supported for registers with integer types}}
%bmc = verif.bmc bound 10 num_regs 1 initial_values [0]
init {
%c0_i1 = hw.constant 0 : i1
%clk = seq.to_clock %c0_i1
verif.yield %clk : !seq.clock
loop {
^bb0(%clk: !seq.clock):
verif.yield %clk: !seq.clock
circuit {
^bb0(%clk: !seq.clock, %arg0: !hw.array<2xi32>):
%true = hw.constant true
verif.assert %true : i1
verif.yield %arg0 : !hw.array<2xi32>
func.return %bmc : i1