[MSFT] Wire cleanup pass (#2410)

Another step towards #2365. This pass 'bubbles up' wires which are merely pass throughs in a given module. It then 'sinks down' wires which are looped back in the instantiation. Together with the entity movement piece, this effectively moves the wires as well. Does not handle wire manipulation operations, which also need to be moved/copied.
This commit is contained in:
John Demme 2022-01-04 15:12:43 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 4fc4a870fd
commit bd3a6499f7
No known key found for this signature in database
5 changed files with 251 additions and 26 deletions

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@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ def InstanceOp : MSFTOp<"instance", [
StringAttr instanceNameAttr() {
return sym_nameAttr();
// Update the results.
InstanceOp getWithNewResults(MSFTModuleOp mod,
ArrayRef<unsigned> newToOldMap);
/// sym keyword for optional symbol simplifies parsing
@ -97,6 +101,11 @@ def MSFTModuleOp : MSFTOp<"module",
ArrayRef<std::pair<StringAttr, Type>> inputs,
ArrayRef<std::pair<StringAttr, Value>> outputs);
// Remove the ports at the specified indexes. Returns the new to old result
// mapping.
removePorts(ArrayRef<unsigned> inputs, ArrayRef<unsigned> outputs);
// Get the module's symbolic name as StringAttr.
StringAttr getNameAttr() {
return (*this)->getAttrOfType<StringAttr>(

View File

@ -26,3 +26,9 @@ def Partition: Pass<"msft-partition", "mlir::ModuleOp"> {
let constructor = "circt::msft::createPartitionPass()";
let dependentDialects = ["circt::hw::HWDialect"];
def WireCleanup: Pass<"msft-wire-cleanup", "mlir::ModuleOp"> {
let summary = "Cleanup unnecessary ports and wires";
let constructor = "circt::msft::createWireCleanupPass()";
let dependentDialects = [];

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@ -132,6 +132,37 @@ MSFTModuleOp::addPorts(ArrayRef<std::pair<StringAttr, Type>> inputs,
return newBlockArgs;
// Remove the ports at the specified indexes.
SmallVector<unsigned> MSFTModuleOp::removePorts(ArrayRef<unsigned> inputs,
ArrayRef<unsigned> outputs) {
FunctionType ftype = getType();
Block *body = getBodyBlock();
Operation *terminator = body->getTerminator();
setType(ftype.getWithoutArgsAndResults(inputs, outputs));
// Build new operand list for output op. Construct an output mapping to return
// as a side-effect.
unsigned numResults = ftype.getNumResults();
llvm::BitVector skipOutputs(numResults);
SmallVector<Value> newOutputValues;
SmallVector<unsigned> newToOldResultMap;
for (unsigned i : outputs)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < numResults; ++i)
if (!skipOutputs.test(i)) {
// Erase the arguments after setting the new output op operands since the
// arguments might be used by output op.
return newToOldResultMap;
// Copied nearly exactly from hwops.cpp.
// TODO: Unify code once a `ModuleLike` op interface exists.
static void buildModule(OpBuilder &builder, OperationState &result,

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@ -722,6 +722,167 @@ std::unique_ptr<Pass> createPartitionPass() {
} // namespace msft
} // namespace circt
namespace {
struct WireCleanupPass : public WireCleanupBase<WireCleanupPass>, PassCommon {
void runOnOperation() override;
void bubbleWiresUp(MSFTModuleOp mod);
void sinkWiresDown(MSFTModuleOp mod);
} // anonymous namespace
void WireCleanupPass::runOnOperation() {
ModuleOp topMod = getOperation();
SmallVector<MSFTModuleOp> sortedMods;
getAndSortModules(topMod, sortedMods);
for (auto mod : sortedMods)
for (auto mod : llvm::reverse(sortedMods))
/// Push up any wires which are simply passed-through.
void WireCleanupPass::bubbleWiresUp(MSFTModuleOp mod) {
Block *body = mod.getBodyBlock();
Operation *terminator = body->getTerminator();
// Find all "passthough" internal wires, filling 'inputPortsToRemove' as a
// side-effect.
DenseMap<Value, hw::PortInfo> passThroughs;
SmallVector<unsigned> inputPortsToRemove;
for (hw::PortInfo inputPort : mod.getPorts().inputs) {
BlockArgument portArg = body->getArgument(inputPort.argNum);
bool removePort = true;
for (OpOperand user : portArg.getUsers()) {
if (user.getOwner() == terminator)
passThroughs[portArg] = inputPort;
removePort = false;
if (removePort)
// Find all output ports which we can remove. Fill in 'outputToInputIdx' to
// help rewire instantiations later on.
DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> outputToInputIdx;
SmallVector<unsigned> outputPortsToRemove;
for (hw::PortInfo outputPort : mod.getPorts().outputs) {
assert(outputPort.argNum < terminator->getNumOperands() && "Invalid IR");
Value outputValue = terminator->getOperand(outputPort.argNum);
auto inputNumF = passThroughs.find(outputValue);
if (inputNumF == passThroughs.end())
hw::PortInfo inputPort = inputNumF->second;
outputToInputIdx[outputPort.argNum] = inputPort.argNum;
// Use MSFTModuleOp's `removePorts` method to remove the ports. It returns a
// mapping of the new output port to old output port indices to assist in
// updating the instantiations later on.
auto newToOldResult =
mod.removePorts(inputPortsToRemove, outputPortsToRemove);
// Update the instantiations.
auto setPassthroughsGetOperands = [&](InstanceOp newInst, InstanceOp oldInst,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &newOperands) {
// Re-map the passthrough values around the instance.
for (auto idxPair : outputToInputIdx) {
size_t outputPortNum = idxPair.first;
assert(outputPortNum <= oldInst.getNumResults());
size_t inputPortNum = idxPair.second;
assert(inputPortNum <= oldInst.getNumOperands());
// Use a sort-merge-join approach to figure out the operand mapping on the
// fly.
size_t mergeCtr = 0;
for (size_t operNum = 0, e = oldInst.getNumOperands(); operNum < e;
++operNum) {
if (mergeCtr < inputPortsToRemove.size() &&
operNum == inputPortsToRemove[mergeCtr])
updateInstances(mod, newToOldResult, setPassthroughsGetOperands);
/// Sink all the instance connections which are loops.
void WireCleanupPass::sinkWiresDown(MSFTModuleOp mod) {
auto instantiations = moduleInstantiations[mod];
// TODO: remove this limitation. This would involve looking at the common
// loopbacks for all the instances.
if (instantiations.size() != 1)
InstanceOp inst = instantiations[0];
// Find all the "loopback" connections in the instantiation. Populate
// 'inputToOutputLoopback' with a mapping of input port to output port which
// drives it. Populate 'resultsToErase' with output ports which only drive
// input ports.
DenseMap<unsigned, unsigned> inputToOutputLoopback;
SmallVector<unsigned> resultsToErase; // This is sorted.
for (unsigned resNum = 0, e = inst.getNumResults(); resNum < e; ++resNum) {
bool allLoops = true;
for (auto &use : inst.getResult(resNum).getUses()) {
if (use.getOwner() != inst.getOperation())
allLoops = false;
inputToOutputLoopback[use.getOperandNumber()] = resNum;
if (allLoops)
// Add internal connections to replace the instantiation's loop back
// connections.
Block *body = mod.getBodyBlock();
Operation *terminator = body->getTerminator();
SmallVector<unsigned> argsToErase;
for (auto resOper : inputToOutputLoopback) {
// Remove the ports.
SmallVector<unsigned> newToOldResultMap =
mod.removePorts(argsToErase, resultsToErase);
// and update the instantiations.
auto getOperands = [&](InstanceOp newInst, InstanceOp oldInst,
SmallVectorImpl<Value> &newOperands) {
// Use sort-merge-join to compute the new operands;
unsigned mergeJoinCtr = 0;
for (unsigned argNum = 0, e = oldInst.getNumOperands(); argNum < e;
++argNum) {
if (mergeJoinCtr < argsToErase.size() &&
argNum == argsToErase[mergeJoinCtr])
updateInstances(mod, newToOldResultMap, getOperands);
namespace circt {
namespace msft {
std::unique_ptr<Pass> createWireCleanupPass() {
return std::make_unique<WireCleanupPass>();
} // namespace msft
} // namespace circt
namespace {
#include "circt/Dialect/MSFT/MSFTPasses.h.inc"

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@ -1,39 +1,57 @@
// RUN: circt-opt %s --msft-partition -verify-diagnostics -split-input-file | FileCheck %s
// RUN: circt-opt %s --msft-partition --msft-wire-cleanup -verify-diagnostics -split-input-file | FileCheck --check-prefix=CLEANUP %s
msft.module @top {} (%clk : i1) -> () {
msft.module @top {} (%clk : i1) -> (out1: i2, out2: i2) {
msft.partition @part1, "dp"
msft.instance @b @B(%clk) : (i1) -> (i32)
%res1 = msft.instance @b @B(%clk) : (i1) -> (i2)
%c0 = hw.constant 0 : i1
msft.instance @unit1 @Extern(%c0) { targetDesignPartition = @top::@part1 }: (i1) -> (i1)
%c0 = hw.constant 0 : i2
%res2 = msft.instance @unit1 @Extern(%c0) { targetDesignPartition = @top::@part1 }: (i2) -> (i2)
msft.output %res1, %res2 : i2, i2
msft.module.extern @Extern (%foo_a: i1) -> (foo_x: i1)
msft.module.extern @Extern (%foo_a: i2) -> (foo_x: i2)
msft.module @B {} (%clk : i1) -> (x: i1) {
%c1 = hw.constant 1 : i1
%0 = msft.instance @unit1 @Extern(%c1) { targetDesignPartition = @top::@part1 }: (i1) -> (i1)
%1 = seq.compreg %0, %clk { targetDesignPartition = @top::@part1 } : i1
msft.module @B {} (%clk : i1) -> (x: i2) {
%c1 = hw.constant 1 : i2
%0 = msft.instance @unit1 @Extern(%c1) { targetDesignPartition = @top::@part1 }: (i2) -> (i2)
%1 = seq.compreg %0, %clk { targetDesignPartition = @top::@part1 } : i2
%2 = msft.instance @unit2 @Extern(%1) { targetDesignPartition = @top::@part1 }: (i1) -> (i1)
%2 = msft.instance @unit2 @Extern(%1) { targetDesignPartition = @top::@part1 }: (i2) -> (i2)
msft.output %2: i1
msft.output %2: i2
// CHECK-LABEL: msft.module @top {} (%clk: i1) {
// CHECK: %part1.b.unit1.foo_x, %part1.b.seq.compreg.b.seq.compreg, %part1.b.unit2.foo_x, %part1.unit1.foo_x = msft.instance @part1 @dp(%b.unit1.foo_a, %b.seq.compreg.in0, %b.seq.compreg.in1, %b.unit2.foo_a, %false) : (i1, i1, i1, i1, i1) -> (i1, i1, i1, i1)
// CHECK: %b.x, %b.unit1.foo_a, %b.seq.compreg.in0, %b.seq.compreg.in1, %b.unit2.foo_a = msft.instance @b @B(%clk, %part1.b.unit1.foo_x, %part1.b.seq.compreg.b.seq.compreg, %part1.b.unit2.foo_x) : (i1, i1, i1, i1) -> (i1, i1, i1, i1, i1)
// CHECK: %false = hw.constant false
// CHECK: msft.output
// CHECK-LABEL: msft.module @B {} (%clk: i1, %unit1.foo_x: i1, %seq.compreg.out0: i1, %unit2.foo_x: i1) -> (x: i1, unit1.foo_a: i1, seq.compreg.in0: i1, seq.compreg.in1: i1, unit2.foo_a: i1) {
// CHECK: %true = hw.constant true
// CHECK: msft.output %unit2.foo_x, %true, %unit1.foo_x, %clk, %seq.compreg.out0 : i1, i1, i1, i1, i1
// CHECK-LABEL: msft.module @dp {} (%b.unit1.foo_a: i1, %b.seq.compreg.in0: i1, %b.seq.compreg.in1: i1, %b.unit2.foo_a: i1, %unit1.foo_a: i1) -> (b.unit1.foo_x: i1, b.seq.compreg.b.seq.compreg: i1, b.unit2.foo_x: i1, unit1.foo_x: i1) {
// CHECK: %b.unit1.foo_x = msft.instance @b.unit1 @Extern(%b.unit1.foo_a) : (i1) -> i1
// CHECK: %b.seq.compreg = seq.compreg %b.seq.compreg.in0, %b.seq.compreg.in1 : i1
// CHECK: %b.unit2.foo_x = msft.instance @b.unit2 @Extern(%b.unit2.foo_a) : (i1) -> i1
// CHECK: %unit1.foo_x = msft.instance @unit1 @Extern(%unit1.foo_a) : (i1) -> i1
// CHECK: msft.output %b.unit1.foo_x, %b.seq.compreg, %b.unit2.foo_x, %unit1.foo_x : i1, i1, i1, i1
// CHECK-LABEL: msft.module @top {} (%clk: i1) -> (out1: i2, out2: i2) {
// CHECK: %part1.b.unit1.foo_x, %part1.b.seq.compreg.b.seq.compreg, %part1.b.unit2.foo_x, %part1.unit1.foo_x = msft.instance @part1 @dp(%b.unit1.foo_a, %b.seq.compreg.in0, %b.seq.compreg.in1, %b.unit2.foo_a, %c0_i2) : (i2, i2, i1, i2, i2) -> (i2, i2, i2, i2)
// CHECK: %b.x, %b.unit1.foo_a, %b.seq.compreg.in0, %b.seq.compreg.in1, %b.unit2.foo_a = msft.instance @b @B(%clk, %part1.b.unit1.foo_x, %part1.b.seq.compreg.b.seq.compreg, %part1.b.unit2.foo_x) : (i1, i2, i2, i2) -> (i2, i2, i2, i1, i2)
// CHECK: %c0_i2 = hw.constant 0 : i2
// CHECK: msft.output %b.x, %part1.unit1.foo_x : i2, i2
// CHECK-LABEL: msft.module.extern @Extern(%foo_a: i2) -> (foo_x: i2)
// CHECK-LABEL: msft.module @B {} (%clk: i1, %unit1.foo_x: i2, %seq.compreg.out0: i2, %unit2.foo_x: i2) -> (x: i2, unit1.foo_a: i2, seq.compreg.in0: i2, seq.compreg.in1: i1, unit2.foo_a: i2) {
// CHECK: %c1_i2 = hw.constant 1 : i2
// CHECK: msft.output %unit2.foo_x, %c1_i2, %unit1.foo_x, %clk, %seq.compreg.out0 : i2, i2, i2, i1, i2
// CHECK-LABEL: msft.module @dp {} (%b.unit1.foo_a: i2, %b.seq.compreg.in0: i2, %b.seq.compreg.in1: i1, %b.unit2.foo_a: i2, %unit1.foo_a: i2) -> (b.unit1.foo_x: i2, b.seq.compreg.b.seq.compreg: i2, b.unit2.foo_x: i2, unit1.foo_x: i2) {
// CHECK: %b.unit1.foo_x = msft.instance @b.unit1 @Extern(%b.unit1.foo_a) : (i2) -> i2
// CHECK: %b.seq.compreg = seq.compreg %b.seq.compreg.in0, %b.seq.compreg.in1 : i2
// CHECK: %b.unit2.foo_x = msft.instance @b.unit2 @Extern(%b.unit2.foo_a) : (i2) -> i2
// CHECK: %unit1.foo_x = msft.instance @unit1 @Extern(%unit1.foo_a) : (i2) -> i2
// CHECK: msft.output %b.unit1.foo_x, %b.seq.compreg, %b.unit2.foo_x, %unit1.foo_x : i2, i2, i2, i2
// CLEANUP-LABEL: msft.module @top {} (%clk: i1) -> (out1: i2, out2: i2) {
// CLEANUP: %part1.b.unit1.foo_x, %part1.b.seq.compreg.b.seq.compreg = msft.instance @part1 @dp(%b.x, %clk, %c0_i2) : (i2, i1, i2) -> (i2, i2)
// CLEANUP: %b.x = msft.instance @b @B() : () -> i2
// CLEANUP: %c0_i2 = hw.constant 0 : i2
// CLEANUP: msft.output %part1.b.unit1.foo_x, %part1.b.seq.compreg.b.seq.compreg : i2, i2
// CLEANUP-LABEL: msft.module.extern @Extern(%foo_a: i2) -> (foo_x: i2)
// CLEANUP-LABEL: msft.module @B {} () -> (x: i2) {
// CLEANUP: %c1_i2 = hw.constant 1 : i2
// CLEANUP: msft.output %c1_i2 : i2
// CLEANUP-LABEL: msft.module @dp {} (%b.unit1.foo_a: i2, %b.seq.compreg.in0: i1, %b.seq.compreg.in1: i2) -> (b.unit1.foo_x: i2, b.seq.compreg.b.seq.compreg: i2) {
// CLEANUP: %b.unit1.foo_x = msft.instance @b.unit1 @Extern(%b.unit1.foo_a) : (i2) -> i2
// CLEANUP: %b.seq.compreg = seq.compreg %b.unit1.foo_x, %b.seq.compreg.in0 : i2
// CLEANUP: %b.unit2.foo_x = msft.instance @b.unit2 @Extern(%b.seq.compreg) : (i2) -> i2
// CLEANUP: %unit1.foo_x = msft.instance @unit1 @Extern(%b.seq.compreg.in1) : (i2) -> i2
// CLEANUP: msft.output %b.unit2.foo_x, %unit1.foo_x : i2, i2