[HW Docs] Write rationale for HW modules, parameters and other things.

This resolves Issue 1857
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Chris Lattner 2021-09-25 18:24:44 -07:00
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@ -13,8 +13,13 @@ Rationale](RationaleSV.md).
- [Introduction to the `hw` Dialect](#introduction-to-the-hw-dialect)
- [`hw` Type System](#hw-type-system)
- [`hw.module` and `hw.instance`](#hwmodule-and-hwinstance)
- [Parameterized Modules](#parameterized-modules)
- [Instance paths](#instance-paths)
- [Parameterized Modules](#parameterized-modules)
- [Valid Parameter Expression Attributes](#valid-parameter-expression-attributes)
- [Parameter Expression Canonicalization](#parameter-expression-canonicalization)
- [Using parameters in the body of a module](#using-parameters-in-the-body-of-a-module)
- [Parameterized Types](#parameterized-types)
- [Answers to other common questions](#answers-to-other-common-questions)
- [Type declarations](#type-declarations)
- [Symbols and Visibility](#symbols-and-visibility)
- [Future Directions](#future-directions)
@ -76,58 +81,259 @@ Verilog.
The basic structure of a hardware designed is made up an "instance tree" of
"modules" and "instances" that refer to them. There are loose analogies to
software programs which have corresponding "functions" and "calls" (but there
are also major differences, see "Instance paths" below). A module in the `hw`
dialect has several major components:
are also major differences, see "[Instance paths](#instance-paths)" below).
Modules can have a
definition `hw.module`, they can be a definition of an external module whose
signature is known but whose body is provided separately `hw.module.extern`,
and can be a definition of an external module with a known signature that
can/will be generated in the future on demand (`hw.module.generated`).
1) A symbol `name` which specifies the MLIR name for the module.
2) input ports, as bb arguments.
3) result ports, with `hw.output`
4) parameters (described below)
5) other attributes.
A simple example module looks like this (many more can be found in the
`hw` is generally designed to be permissive in what it allows for the types of ports.
hw.module @two_and_three(%in: i4) -> (twoX: i4, threeX: i4) {
%0 = comb.add %in, %in : i4
%1 = comb.add %a, %0 : i4
hw.output %0, %1 : i4, i4
TODO: Spotlight on module. Allows arbitrary types for ports.
The signature of a modules have these major components:
**Zero Bit Integer Ports**
1) A symbol `name` which specifies the MLIR name for the module
(`@two_and_three` in the example above). This is what connects instances to
modules in a stable way.
2) A list of input ports, each of which has a type (`%in: i4` in the example
above). Each input port is available as an SSA value through a block
argument in the entry block of an `hw.module`, allowing them to be used
within its body. "inout" ports are modeled as inputs with an `!hw.inout<T>`
type. Input port names are prefixed with a `%` because they are available
as SSA values in the body.
3) A list of result port names and types (`twoX: i4` and `threeX: i4` in the
example above). In a `hw.module` definition, the values for the
results are provided by the operands to the `hw.output` terminator in the
body block. The names of result ports are not prefixed with `%` because
they are not MLIR SSA values.
4) A list of module "parameters", which provide parametric polymorphism
capabilities (somewhat similar to C++ templates) for modules. These are
described in more detail in the "[Parameterized
Modules](#parameterized-modules) section below.
5) The `verilogName` attribute can be used to override the name for an external
module. We hope to eliminate this in the future and just use the symbol.
6) Other ad-hoc attributes. The `hw` dialect is intended to allow open
extensibility by other dialects. Ad-hoc attributes put on `hw` dialect
modules should be namespace qualified according to the dialect they come
from to avoid conflicts.
Certain operations support zero bit declarations:
This definition is fairly close to the Verilog family, but there are some
notable differences: for example:
- The `hw.module` operation allows zero bit ports, since it supports an open
type system. They are dropped from Verilog emission.
- Interface signals are allowed to be zero bits wide. They are dropped from
Verilog emission.
### Parameterized Modules
TODO: describe this.
- Why not use SSA graph.
- Why not default arguments.
- Parameterized types.
- Concat types.
- Canonicalization of affine expressions.
- how to go from parameter space to value space with localparam etc.
- We split output ports from input ports, don't use `hw.output` instead of
connects to specify the results. This allows better SSA dataflow
analysis from the `hw.output` which is useful for inter-module analyses.
- We allow arbitrary types for module ports. The `hw` dialect is generally
designed to be extensible by other dialects, and thus being permissive here
is useful. That said, the [Verilog exporter](VerilogGeneration.md) does not
support arbitrary user-defined types.
- The `comb` dialect in particular does not use signed integer types, its
operators do not support zero-width integer types. Modules, on the other
hand, do support both of these. Zero width ports are omitted (printed as
comments) when generating verilog.
### Instance paths
An IR for Hardware is different than an IR for Software in a very important way:
while each function in a software program usually compiles into one blob of
binary code no matter how many times it is called, each instance in a hardware
design is typically fully instantiated, because different instances turn into
design is typically fully instantiated, because different instance turn into
different gates. The consequence of this is that the instance tree is really a
compression mechanism that is eventually elaborated away.
This compression approach has major advantages: it is much better for memory
and compile time to represent a single definition of a hardware block than the
(possibly thousands or millions) of concrete instances that will eventually be
required. However, hardware engineers do need to reason about and control the
different instances in some cases (e.g. providing physical layout constraints
for one instance but not the rest).
required. However, hardware engineers often do need to reason about and control
the different instances in some cases (e.g. providing physical layout
constraints for one instance but not the rest).
TODO: Bake out a design for this.
TODO: Bake out a design for instance path references, an equivalent to the
FIRRTL dialect `InstanceGraph` type, etc.
## Parameterized Modules
The `hw` dialect supports parametric "compile-time" polymorphism for modules.
This allows for metaprogramming along the instance tree, guaranteed
"instantiation time" optimizations and code generation, further enables
the "IR compression" benefits of using instances in the first place, and enables
the generation of parameters in generated Verilog (which can increase the
percieved readability of the generated code).
Parameters are declared on modules (including generated and external ones)
with angle brackets: each parameter has a name and type, and can optionally
have a default value. Instances of a parameterized module provide a value for
each parameter (even defaulted ones) in the same order:
// This module has two parameters "p1" and "p2".
hw.module.extern @parameterized<p1: i42 = 17, p2: i1>(%in: i8) -> (out: i8)
hw.module @UseParameterized(%a: i8) -> (ww: i8) {
%r0 = hw.instance "inst" @parameters<p1: i42 = 17, p2: i1 = 1>(in: %a: i8) -> (out: i8)
hw.output %r0 : i8
This approach makes analysis and transformation of the IR simple, predictable,
and efficient: because the parameter list on instances and on modules always
line up, they are indexable by integers (instead of strings), intermodule
analysis is straight-forward (no filling in of default values etc), and
Verilog generation is always predictable: the default value for a parameter
is used when the instance and the module default are the same (e.g. in the
example above, `p1` is not printed at the instance site because it is the same
as the default.
### Valid Parameter Expression Attributes
The following attributes may be used as expressions involving parameters at
an instance site or in the default value for a parameter declaration on a
- IntegerAttr/FloatAttr/StringAttr constants may be used as simple leaf values.
- The `#hw.param.decl.ref` attribute is used to refer to the value of a
parameter in the current module. This is valid in most positions where a
parameter attribute is used - except in the default value for a module.
- The `#hw.param.binary` operator allows combining other parameter expressions
into an expression tree. Expression trees have important canonicalization
rules to ensure important cases are canonicalized to uniquable
- `#hw.param.verbatim<"some string">` may be used to provide an opaque blob of
textual verilog that is uniqued by its string contents. This is intended
as a general "escape hatch" that allows frontend authors to CIRCT does not
provide any checking to ensure that this is correct or safe, and assumes it
is single expression - parenthesize the string contents if not to be safe.
This [should eventually support
substitutions](https://github.com/llvm/circt/issues/1881) like
Because parameter expressions are MLIR attributes, they are immortal values
that are uniqued based on their structure. This has several important
implications, including:
- A parameter reference (`#hw.param.decl.ref`) to a parameter `x` doesn't know
what module it is in. The verifier checks that parameter expressions are
valid within the body of a module, and that the types line up between the
parameter reference and the declaration (after all, two different modules can
have two different parameters named `x` with different types).
- We want to depend on MLIR canonicalizing and uniquing the pointer address of
attributes in a predictable way to ensure that further derived uniqued objects
(e.g. a parameterized integer type) is also uniqued correctly. For example,
we do not want the types `hw.int<x+1>` and `hw.int<1+x>` to turn into
different types. See the [Parameter Expression
Canonicalization](#parameter-expression-canonicalization) section below for
more details.
- Whereas the rest of the `hw` dialect is generally open for extension, the
current grammar of attribute expressions is closed: you have to hack the
HW dialect verifier and VerilogEmitter to add new kinds of valid expressions.
This is considered a limitation, we'd like to move to an attribute interface
at some point that would allow dialect-defined attributes. For example, this
would allow moving `hw.param.verbatim` attribute down to the `sv` dialect.
### Parameter Expression Canonicalization
As mentioned above, it is important to canonicalize parameter expressions. This
slightly reduces memory usage, but more importantly ensures that equivalent
parameter expressions are pointer equivalent: we don't want `x+1` and `1+x` to
be different, because that would cause everything derived from them to be as
On the other hand, we expect to support a lot of weird expressions over time (at
least the full complement that Verilog supports) and canonicalize arbitrary
expressions in a predictable way is untennable. As such, we support
canonicalizating a fixed set of expressions predictably: more may be added in
the future.
This set includes:
- TODO: None yet. :-)
### Using parameters in the body of a module
Parameters are not SSA values, so they cannot directly be used within the body
of the module. To project them with a specific name, you can use the
`sv.localparam` declaration like so:
hw.module @M1<param1: i1>(%clock : i1, ...) {
%param1 = sv.localparam : i1 { value = #hw.param.decl.ref<"param1">: i1 }
sv.if %param1 { // Compile-time conditional on parameter.
sv.fwrite "Only happens when the parameter is set\n"
Alternatively, if you don't want to introduce a local name, you can use a
**TODO**: yet-to-be-implemented new op.
### Parameterized Types
TODO: Not done yet.
### Answers to other common questions
During the design work on parameterized modules, we had several proposals for
alternative designs a lot of discussion on this. See in particular, these
discussions at the open design meetings:
- [September 15, 2021](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fOSRdyZR2w75D87yU2Ma9h2-_lEPL4NxvhJGJd-s5pk/edit#heading=h.gdy95njn5105):
discussion about using SSA values vs attributes for expressions, whether
parameters should just be a "special kind of port" etc.
- [September 22, 2021](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fOSRdyZR2w75D87yU2Ma9h2-_lEPL4NxvhJGJd-s5pk/edit#heading=h.tcwfqa9fi7u2):
discussions on expression canonicalization, parameterized type casting and
other topics.
This section tries to condense some of those discussions into key points:
**Why do instances repeat default parameters from modules?**
As described above, the full set of module parameters are specified on an
instance, even if some have default values. The reason for this is that we want
the IR to be simple and efficient to analyze by the compiler: keeping (and
verifying that) instance parameters are in canonical form means that we can
index them with integers instead of names (just like module input and result
ports), and intermodule analysis/optimization doesn't have to handle default
values as a special case. Instead they are just a matter for frontends and
the Verilog exporter to care about.
**Why model parameters with attributes instead of SSA values?**
It seems unfortunate to replicate some parts of the `comb` dialect (e.g.
`comb.add`) as attributes rather than just reusing the existing attributes.
Such a design has historical familiarity (e.g. LLVM's `ConstantExpr` class)
which led to a bunch of complexity in LLVM that would have been better avoided
(and yes - there are much better designs for LLVM's purposes than what it has
All that said, using attributes is the right thing for a number of reasons:
1) This arithmetic happens at metaprogramming time, these ops do not turn into
hardware. It use important and useful to be able to know that structurally.
2) We need to verify parameter expressions are valid for the module they are
defined in - it isn't generally ok for the verifier of the `hw.instance` op
to walk an arbitrary amount of IR to check that an SSA value is valid as a
3) We need to support parameterized types like `!hw.int<n>`: because MLIR types
are immortal and uniqued, they can refer to attributes but cannot refer to
SSA values (which may be destoyed).
4) Operations need to be able to compute their own type without creating other
operations. For example, we need to compute that the result type of
`comb.concat %a, %b : (i1, !hw.int<n>)` is `!hw.int<n+1>` without introducing
a new `comb.add` node to "add one to n".
5) In practice, comb ops and the canonicalizations that apply to them have very
different goals than the canonicalizations we apply to parameter expressions.
## Type declarations


@ -1 +1 @@
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