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import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from import load_data_v3,load_data_v6
import os
import json
from skimage.feature import graycomatrix
#第一步,遍历edge index.T里面的第一列对应的点的序号[:,0]
#先找edge index.T里面的第一列对应的点的序号[:,1],即邻居有哪些
# edge_index = np.array([[1, 3], [4, 5], [1, 7], [1, 10]])
# labels = np.array([0,0,0,2,0,2,0,2,0,0,2])
# 指定文件夹路径
folder_path = '/home/gao/mouclear/analyze_center/new+label'
img_size = 2048
# target_size = [150,200]
target_size = [165,185]
def calculate_entropy(image):
hist, _ = np.histogram(image, bins=range(256), range=(0, 255))
probabilities = hist / np.sum(hist)
entropy = -np.sum(probabilities[probabilities > 0] * np.log2(probabilities[probabilities > 0]))
return entropy
def calculate_entropy_subimages(image, grid_size=(3, 3)):
- image: 二维NumPy数组表示灰度图像。
- grid_size: 一个元组,指定分割图像的网格大小,例如(3, 3)表示9个子图像。
- entropies: 所有子图像熵的列表。
height, width = image.shape
sub_height = height // grid_size[0]
sub_width = width // grid_size[1]
entropies = []
for i in range(grid_size[0]):
for j in range(grid_size[1]):
# 计算子图像的边界
start_row = i * sub_height
end_row = start_row + sub_height
start_col = j * sub_width
end_col = start_col + sub_width
# 提取子图像
sub_image = image[start_row:end_row, start_col:end_col]
# 计算子图像的熵
entropy = calculate_entropy(sub_image)
# 计算熵的均值和方差
mean_entropy = np.mean(entropies)
variance_entropy = np.var(entropies)
return mean_entropy, variance_entropy
def calculate_entropy_v2(image, distances=[1], angles=[0], levels=256, return_matrix=False):
- image: 二维NumPy数组表示灰度图像。
- distances: 考虑的像素距离。
- angles: 考虑的角度可以是0, 90, 135, 45度。
- levels: 灰度级别数量默认为256。
- return_matrix: 是否返回灰度共生矩阵默认为False。
- entropy: 熵值。
- glcm (如果return_matrix为True): 灰度共生矩阵。
# 确保image是uint8类型
image = image.astype(np.uint8)
# 计算灰度共生矩阵
glcm = graycomatrix(image, distances, angles, levels, symmetric=True, normed=True)
# 创建一个与glcm形状相同的掩码用于过滤零概率值
mask = glcm > 0
# 计算每个GLCM的熵只对非零概率值进行计算
glcm_entropy = -np.sum(glcm * np.log2(glcm) * mask, axis=1) / np.sum(mask, axis=1)
# 取平均熵作为图像的熵
entropy = np.mean(glcm_entropy[glcm_entropy > 0]) # 排除NaN值
# # 计算每个GLCM的熵
# glcm_prob = glcm / np.sum(glcm)
# glcm_entropy = -np.sum(glcm_prob * np.log2(glcm_prob), axis=1)
# 取平均熵作为图像的熵
# entropy = np.mean(glcm_entropy)
if return_matrix:
return entropy, glcm
return entropy
def process_json_file(json_file):
json_filename = os.path.basename(json_file)
json_filename_without_ext = os.path.splitext(json_filename)[0]
image_filename = f"{json_filename_without_ext}.png"
points, edge_index, labels, lights = load_data_v6(json_file) # 假设这是你的数据加载函数
graph_index = np.where(labels == 3)
center_index = np.where(labels == 4)
vacancy = np.where(labels == 5)
combined_index = np.array(center_index[0].tolist() + graph_index[0].tolist() + vacancy[0].tolist())
# print(len(combined_index))
selected_point = []
selected_light = []
selected_label = []
for i in combined_index:
selected_point = np.array(selected_point)
selected_light = np.array(selected_light)
selected_label = np.array(selected_label)
bg = np.zeros((img_size, img_size))
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
for label, point in zip(selected_label, selected_point):
img_h, img_w = bg.shape # 背景图像的高度和宽度
h, w = point
ps = 1 # 因为 light 是 3x3 的区域,所以 ps 应该是 1
hs = np.clip(h - ps, 0, img_h - ps - 1)
ws = np.clip(w - ps, 0, img_w - ps - 1)
he = hs + 2 * ps + 1 # 3x3 区域的结束行索引
we = ws + 2 * ps + 1 # 3x3 区域的结束列索引
if label == 3:
array_3x3 = np.full((3, 3), 200)
if label == 4:
if json_filename_without_ext !='2_2':
array_3x3 = np.full((3,3), 50)
array_3x3 = np.full((3, 3), 200)
if label == 5:
array_3x3 = np.full((3, 3), 50)
# 绘制到背景图像上
bg[hs:he, ws:we] = array_3x3
# 绘制完所有 light 后,找到被修改的区域
modified_rows, modified_cols = np.where(bg != 0)
# 计算最小和最大索引,以确定被修改区域的范围
min_row, max_row = min(modified_rows), max(modified_rows)
min_col, max_col = min(modified_cols), max(modified_cols)
# 计算需要裁剪的边界,以保持统一尺寸
pad_height = max_row - min_row
pad_width = max_col - min_col
pad_top = (target_size[0] - pad_height) // 2
pad_left = (target_size[1] - pad_width) // 2
# 确保裁剪尺寸不超出原始图片尺寸
pad_top = min(pad_top, img_size - max_row)
pad_left = min(pad_left, img_size - max_col)
# 裁剪背景图像,只保留被修改的区域,并添加边界以保持统一尺寸
cropped_bg = bg[
min_row - pad_top:min_row - pad_top + target_size[0],
min_col - pad_left:min_col - pad_left + target_size[1]
# 裁剪背景图像,只保留被修改的区域
# cropped_bg = bg[min_row-1:max_row + 1, min_col-1:max_col + 1]
# 绘制裁剪后的背景图像
plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9))
plt.imshow(cropped_bg, cmap='gray') # 使用 'nearest' 插值以保持像素的完整性
plt.savefig(image_filename, bbox_inches='tight', pad_inches=0)
plt.close() # 关闭绘图以释放资源
# 计算 bg 图像的熵
# entropy = calculate_entropy(cropped_bg)
# print(f"The entropy of the image is: {entropy}")
# entropy = calculate_entropy_v2(cropped_bg)
# print("灰度共生矩阵的熵:", entropy)
mean_entropy, variance_entropy = calculate_entropy_subimages(cropped_bg)
print(f"熵的均值: {mean_entropy}")
print(f"熵的方差: {variance_entropy}")
# 可以选择再次显示图像和熵值
plt.imshow(cropped_bg, cmap='gray')
# plt.title(f"Image Entropy: {entropy}")
# 遍历文件夹中的所有文件
for filename in os.listdir(folder_path):
if filename.endswith('.json'):
json_file = os.path.join(folder_path, filename)