
351 lines
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from torch import nn
import torch
class MLP(nn.Module):
""" a simple 4-layer MLP """
def __init__(self, nin, nout, nh):
super().__init__() = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(nin, nh),
nn.Linear(nh, nh),
nn.Linear(nh, nh),
nn.Linear(nh, nout),
def forward(self, x):
class GCL_basic(nn.Module):
"""Graph Neural Net with global state and fixed number of nodes per graph.
hidden_dim: Number of hidden units.
num_nodes: Maximum number of nodes (for self-attentive pooling).
global_agg: Global aggregation function ('attn' or 'sum').
temp: Softmax temperature.
def __init__(self):
super(GCL_basic, self).__init__()
def edge_model(self, source, target, edge_attr):
def node_model(self, h, edge_index, edge_attr):
def forward(self, x, edge_index, edge_attr=None):
row, col = edge_index
edge_feat = self.edge_model(x[row], x[col], edge_attr)
x = self.node_model(x, edge_index, edge_feat)
return x, edge_feat
class GCL(GCL_basic):
"""Graph Neural Net with global state and fixed number of nodes per graph.
hidden_dim: Number of hidden units.
num_nodes: Maximum number of nodes (for self-attentive pooling).
global_agg: Global aggregation function ('attn' or 'sum').
temp: Softmax temperature.
def __init__(self, input_nf, output_nf, hidden_nf, edges_in_nf=0, act_fn=nn.ReLU(), bias=True, attention=False, t_eq=False, recurrent=True):
super(GCL, self).__init__()
self.attention = attention
self.recurrent = recurrent
input_edge_nf = input_nf * 2
self.edge_mlp = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_edge_nf + edges_in_nf, hidden_nf, bias=bias),
nn.Linear(hidden_nf, hidden_nf, bias=bias),
if self.attention:
self.att_mlp = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_nf, hidden_nf, bias=bias),
nn.Linear(hidden_nf, 1, bias=bias),
self.node_mlp = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(hidden_nf + input_nf, hidden_nf, bias=bias),
nn.Linear(hidden_nf, output_nf, bias=bias))
#if recurrent:
#self.gru = nn.GRUCell(hidden_nf, hidden_nf)
def edge_model(self, source, target, edge_attr):
edge_in =[source, target], dim=1)
if edge_attr is not None:
edge_in =[edge_in, edge_attr], dim=1)
out = self.edge_mlp(edge_in)
if self.attention:
att = self.att_mlp(torch.abs(source - target))
out = out * att
return out
def node_model(self, h, edge_index, edge_attr):
row, col = edge_index
agg = unsorted_segment_sum(edge_attr, row, num_segments=h.size(0))
out =[h, agg], dim=1)
out = self.node_mlp(out)
if self.recurrent:
out = out + h
#out = self.gru(out, h)
return out
class GCL_rf(GCL_basic):
"""Graph Neural Net with global state and fixed number of nodes per graph.
hidden_dim: Number of hidden units.
num_nodes: Maximum number of nodes (for self-attentive pooling).
global_agg: Global aggregation function ('attn' or 'sum').
temp: Softmax temperature.
def __init__(self, nf=64, edge_attr_nf=0, reg=0, act_fn=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), clamp=False):
super(GCL_rf, self).__init__()
self.clamp = clamp
layer = nn.Linear(nf, 1, bias=False)
torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(layer.weight, gain=0.001)
self.phi = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(edge_attr_nf + 1, nf),
self.reg = reg
def edge_model(self, source, target, edge_attr):
x_diff = source - target
radial = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(x_diff ** 2, dim=1)).unsqueeze(1)
e_input =[radial, edge_attr], dim=1)
e_out = self.phi(e_input)
m_ij = x_diff * e_out
if self.clamp:
m_ij = torch.clamp(m_ij, min=-100, max=100)
return m_ij
def node_model(self, x, edge_index, edge_attr):
row, col = edge_index
agg = unsorted_segment_mean(edge_attr, row, num_segments=x.size(0))
x_out = x + agg - x*self.reg
return x_out
class E_GCL(nn.Module):
"""Graph Neural Net with global state and fixed number of nodes per graph.
hidden_dim: Number of hidden units.
num_nodes: Maximum number of nodes (for self-attentive pooling).
global_agg: Global aggregation function ('attn' or 'sum').
temp: Softmax temperature.
def __init__(self, input_nf, output_nf, hidden_nf, edges_in_d=0, nodes_att_dim=0, act_fn=nn.ReLU(), recurrent=True, coords_weight=1.0, attention=False, clamp=False, norm_diff=False, tanh=False):
super(E_GCL, self).__init__()
input_edge = input_nf * 2
self.coords_weight = coords_weight
self.recurrent = recurrent
self.attention = attention
self.norm_diff = norm_diff
self.tanh = tanh
edge_coords_nf = 1
self.edge_mlp = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_edge + edge_coords_nf + edges_in_d, hidden_nf),
nn.Linear(hidden_nf, hidden_nf),
self.node_mlp = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(hidden_nf + input_nf + nodes_att_dim, hidden_nf),
nn.Linear(hidden_nf, output_nf))
layer = nn.Linear(hidden_nf, 1, bias=False)
torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(layer.weight, gain=0.001)
self.clamp = clamp
coord_mlp = []
coord_mlp.append(nn.Linear(hidden_nf, hidden_nf))
if self.tanh:
self.coords_range = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1))*3
self.coord_mlp = nn.Sequential(*coord_mlp)
if self.attention:
self.att_mlp = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(hidden_nf, 1),
#if recurrent:
# self.gru = nn.GRUCell(hidden_nf, hidden_nf)
def edge_model(self, source, target, radial, edge_attr):
if edge_attr is None: # Unused.
out =[source, target, radial], dim=1)
out =[source, target, radial, edge_attr], dim=1)
out = self.edge_mlp(out)
if self.attention:
att_val = self.att_mlp(out)
out = out * att_val
return out
def node_model(self, x, edge_index, edge_attr, node_attr):
row, col = edge_index
agg = unsorted_segment_sum(edge_attr, row, num_segments=x.size(0))
if node_attr is not None:
agg =[x, agg, node_attr], dim=1)
agg =[x, agg], dim=1)
out = self.node_mlp(agg)
if self.recurrent:
out = x + out
return out, agg
def coord_model(self, coord, edge_index, coord_diff, edge_feat):
row, col = edge_index
trans = coord_diff * self.coord_mlp(edge_feat)
trans = torch.clamp(trans, min=-100, max=100) #This is never activated but just in case it case it explosed it may save the train
agg = unsorted_segment_mean(trans, row, num_segments=coord.size(0))
coord += agg*self.coords_weight
return coord
def coord2radial(self, edge_index, coord):
row, col = edge_index
coord_diff = coord[row] - coord[col]
radial = torch.sum((coord_diff)**2, 1).unsqueeze(1)
if self.norm_diff:
norm = torch.sqrt(radial) + 1
coord_diff = coord_diff/(norm)
return radial, coord_diff
def forward(self, h, edge_index, coord, edge_attr=None, node_attr=None):
row, col = edge_index
radial, coord_diff = self.coord2radial(edge_index, coord)
edge_feat = self.edge_model(h[row], h[col], radial, edge_attr)
coord = self.coord_model(coord, edge_index, coord_diff, edge_feat)
h, agg = self.node_model(h, edge_index, edge_feat, node_attr)
# coord = self.node_coord_model(h, coord)
# x = self.node_model(x, edge_index, x[col], u, batch) # GCN
return h, coord, edge_attr
class E_GCL_vel(E_GCL):
"""Graph Neural Net with global state and fixed number of nodes per graph.
hidden_dim: Number of hidden units.
num_nodes: Maximum number of nodes (for self-attentive pooling).
global_agg: Global aggregation function ('attn' or 'sum').
temp: Softmax temperature.
def __init__(self, input_nf, output_nf, hidden_nf, edges_in_d=0, nodes_att_dim=0, act_fn=nn.ReLU(), recurrent=True, coords_weight=1.0, attention=False, norm_diff=False, tanh=False):
E_GCL.__init__(self, input_nf, output_nf, hidden_nf, edges_in_d=edges_in_d, nodes_att_dim=nodes_att_dim, act_fn=act_fn, recurrent=recurrent, coords_weight=coords_weight, attention=attention, norm_diff=norm_diff, tanh=tanh)
self.norm_diff = norm_diff
self.coord_mlp_vel = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(input_nf, hidden_nf),
nn.Linear(hidden_nf, 1))
def forward(self, h, edge_index, coord, vel, edge_attr=None, node_attr=None):
row, col = edge_index
radial, coord_diff = self.coord2radial(edge_index, coord)
edge_feat = self.edge_model(h[row], h[col], radial, edge_attr)
coord = self.coord_model(coord, edge_index, coord_diff, edge_feat)
coord += self.coord_mlp_vel(h) * vel
h, agg = self.node_model(h, edge_index, edge_feat, node_attr)
# coord = self.node_coord_model(h, coord)
# x = self.node_model(x, edge_index, x[col], u, batch) # GCN
return h, coord, edge_attr
class GCL_rf_vel(nn.Module):
"""Graph Neural Net with global state and fixed number of nodes per graph.
hidden_dim: Number of hidden units.
num_nodes: Maximum number of nodes (for self-attentive pooling).
global_agg: Global aggregation function ('attn' or 'sum').
temp: Softmax temperature.
def __init__(self, nf=64, edge_attr_nf=0, act_fn=nn.LeakyReLU(0.2), coords_weight=1.0):
super(GCL_rf_vel, self).__init__()
self.coords_weight = coords_weight
self.coord_mlp_vel = nn.Sequential(
nn.Linear(1, nf),
nn.Linear(nf, 1))
layer = nn.Linear(nf, 1, bias=False)
torch.nn.init.xavier_uniform_(layer.weight, gain=0.001)
#layer.weight.uniform_(-0.1, 0.1)
self.phi = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(1 + edge_attr_nf, nf),
nn.Tanh()) #we had to add the tanh to keep this method stable
def forward(self, x, vel_norm, vel, edge_index, edge_attr=None):
row, col = edge_index
edge_m = self.edge_model(x[row], x[col], edge_attr)
x = self.node_model(x, edge_index, edge_m)
x += vel * self.coord_mlp_vel(vel_norm)
return x, edge_attr
def edge_model(self, source, target, edge_attr):
x_diff = source - target
radial = torch.sqrt(torch.sum(x_diff ** 2, dim=1)).unsqueeze(1)
e_input =[radial, edge_attr], dim=1)
e_out = self.phi(e_input)
m_ij = x_diff * e_out
return m_ij
def node_model(self, x, edge_index, edge_m):
row, col = edge_index
agg = unsorted_segment_mean(edge_m, row, num_segments=x.size(0))
x_out = x + agg * self.coords_weight
return x_out
def unsorted_segment_sum(data, segment_ids, num_segments):
"""Custom PyTorch op to replicate TensorFlow's `unsorted_segment_sum`."""
result_shape = (num_segments, data.size(1))
result = data.new_full(result_shape, 0) # Init empty result tensor.
segment_ids = segment_ids.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, data.size(1))
result.scatter_add_(0, segment_ids, data)
return result
def unsorted_segment_mean(data, segment_ids, num_segments):
result_shape = (num_segments, data.size(1))
segment_ids = segment_ids.unsqueeze(-1).expand(-1, data.size(1))
result = data.new_full(result_shape, 0) # Init empty result tensor.
count = data.new_full(result_shape, 0)
result.scatter_add_(0, segment_ids, data)
count.scatter_add_(0, segment_ids, torch.ones_like(data))
return result / count.clamp(min=1)