
212 lines
5.7 KiB

import os
import cv2
import glob
import json
import shutil
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from PIL import Image
from labelme import utils
from utils.densemap import get_dotsmap
from skimage.measure import label
from skimage.measure import regionprops
class_dict = {
1: 'Norm',
2: 'SV',
3: 'LineSV',
class_dict_rev = {
'Norm': 1,
'SV': 2,
'LineSV': 3,
def get_json(img_path, lbl):
print("get json image path:", img_path)
img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
w, h = np.where(lbl != 0)
points = [[h[i], w[i]] for i in range(len(h))]
points = np.array(points, np.int16).tolist()
shapes = [{"label": class_dict[lbl[item[1], item[0]]], "points": [item], "group_id": None, "shape_type": "point", "flags": {}} for item in points]
imagePath = img_path.split('/')[-1]
imageData = utils.img_arr_to_b64(img) #.decode('utf-8')
imageHeight, imageWidth = img.shape
json_data = {
'version': '5.0.1',
'flags': {},
'shapes': shapes,
'imagePath': imagePath,
'imageData': imageData,
'imageHeight': imageHeight,
'imageWidth': imageWidth
return json_data
def get_json2(img_path, lbl):
img = cv2.imread(img_path, cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
w, h = np.where(lbl != 0)
points = [[h[i], w[i]] for i in range(len(h))]
points = np.array(points, np.int16).tolist()
shapes = [{"label": class_dict[lbl[item[1], item[0]]], "points": [item[::-1]], "group_id": None, "shape_type": "point",
"flags": {}} for item in points]
imagePath = img_path.split('/')[-1]
imageData = utils.img_arr_to_b64(img).decode('utf-8')
imageHeight, imageWidth = img.shape
json_data = {
'version': '5.0.1',
'flags': {},
'shapes': shapes,
'imagePath': imagePath,
'imageData': imageData,
'imageHeight': imageHeight,
'imageWidth': imageWidth
return json_data
def hough_center_detection(i, rp, labeled_img, img_size=2048):
hs, ws, he, we = rp.bbox
hs = np.clip(hs - 8, 0, img_size-1)
ws = np.clip(ws - 8, 0, img_size-1)
he = np.clip(he + 8, 0, img_size-1)
we = np.clip(we + 8, 0, img_size-1)
m = np.array(labeled_img == rp.label, np.uint8)[hs:he, ws:we]
m = cv2.dilate(m, np.ones((3, 3)))
cricles = cv2.HoughCircles(
method = cv2.HOUGH_GRADIENT,
dp = 1,
minDist = 13,
# minDist = 18,
minRadius = 5,
# minRadius = 7,
maxRadius = 12,
param1 = 5,
# param1 = 8,
param2 = 6,
# param2 = 8,
if cricles is None:
return np.array([])
if (rp.area > 400) & (cricles.shape[1] != 2):
print(i, cricles.shape[1])
centers = np.round(cricles[0][:, :2][:, ::-1] + [hs, ws])
centers = np.array(centers, np.int32)
return centers
# def get_mask(probs, min_size=16, ds=5):
# binary = np.array(probs * 255., np.uint8)
# _, binary = cv2.threshold(binary, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
# centers = []
# mask = np.zeros(binary.shape)
# labeled_img = label(binary)
# rps = regionprops(labeled_img, intensity_image=probs)
# for rp in rps:
# if rp.area < min_size:
# continue
# h, w = np.array(np.round(rp.centroid), np.int32)
# mask[h, w] = 1
# return mask
def get_mask_v2(probs, min_area=48):
binary = np.array(probs * 255., np.uint8)
_, binary = cv2.threshold(binary, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
centers = []
mask = np.zeros(binary.shape)
labeled_img = label(binary)
rps = regionprops(labeled_img, intensity_image=probs)
for i, rp in enumerate(rps):
if rp.area < min_area:
rp_centers = hough_center_detection(i, rp, labeled_img)
if len(rp_centers) == 0:
h, w = np.array(np.round(rp.centroid), np.int32)
mask[h, w] = 1
for h, w in rp_centers:
# if h == 1280:
# break
# if w == 1280:
# break
mask[h, w] = 1
return mask
def save_pred_to_json(json_path, save_path):
with open(json_path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
pred = np.array(data['pred'])
lb = np.array(data['label'], dtype=np.uint8)
img_path = np.array(data['img_path'])
print("image path: ", img_path)
nums = len(img_path)
for i in range(nums):
name = img_path[i].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
print("name: ", name)
# gt
Image.fromarray(lb[i]).save('{}/{}.png'.format(save_path, name))[i]).save('{}/{}.jpg'.format(save_path, name))
# pred
pred_lbl = get_mask_v2(pred[i])
json_data = get_json(img_path[i], pred_lbl)
with open('{}/{}.json'.format(save_path, name), 'w') as f:
json.dump(json_data, f)
def save_pred_to_json_jj(json_path, save_path):
with open(json_path) as f:
data = json.load(f)
pred = np.array(data['pred'])
lb = np.array(data['label'], dtype=np.uint8)
img_path = np.array(data['img_path'])
nums = len(img_path)
for i in range(nums):
name = img_path[i].split('/')[-1].split('.')[0]
# gt
Image.fromarray(lb[i]).save('{}/{}.png'.format(save_path, name))[i]).save('{}/{}.jpg'.format(save_path, name))
# pred
pred_lbl = get_mask_v2(pred[i])
json_data = get_json(img_path[i], pred_lbl)
with open('{}/{}.json'.format(save_path, name), 'w') as f:
json.dump(json_data, f)