
151 lines
4.2 KiB

subroutine set_kplusb (ibrav, xk, wk, b_length, nks, npk, lcart)
! This subroutine sets the k and k+b points (with zero weights)
! used in the preparatory run for a raman calculation
! on input: xk and wk contain k-points and corresponding weights
! on output: the number of points is enlarged, the first are the
! original ones
use kinds, only : DP
implicit none
integer :: npk, nks, ibrav
real (kind = dp), intent(in) :: b_length
! input: length of the b_vector
real(kind=DP), intent(inout):: xk (3, npk), wk (npk)
! input-output: coordinates of k points
! input-output: weights of k points
logical, intent(in) :: lcart
! input: if .true. construction of additional k-points in cart. directions
! else in directions of the nearest neighbor k-points
integer :: i, ik
real(kind = dp), allocatable, dimension(:,:) :: b
if (lcart) then
if (7 * nks.gt.npk) call errore ('set_kplusb', 'too many k points', &
& nks)
allocate( b(3,6))
b = 0.d0
do i = 1, 3
b(i,i) = 1.0_dp
b(i,i+3) = -1.0_dp
end do
b = b * b_length
! Add k+b to the k-points
do ik = nks, 1, -1
xk(:,( 7*(ik-1) )+1) = xk(:,ik)
wk( ( 7*(ik-1) )+1 ) = wk(ik)
end do
do ik = 1, nks
do i = 1, 6
xk(:,7*(ik-1)+i+1) = xk(:,7*(ik-1) +1) + b(:,i)
wk( 7 *(ik-1)+i+1 ) = 0.0_dp
end do
end do
nks = 7 * nks
select case (ibrav)
if (7 * nks.gt.npk) call errore ('set_kplusb', 'too many k points', &
& nks)
allocate( b(3,6))
b = 0.d0
do i = 1, 3
b(i,i) = 1.0_dp
b(i,i+3) = -1.0_dp
end do
b = b * b_length
! Add k+b to the k-points
do ik = nks, 1, -1
xk(:,( 7*(ik-1) )+1) = xk(:,ik)
wk( ( 7*(ik-1) )+1 ) = wk(ik)
end do
do ik = 1, nks
do i = 1, 6
xk(:,7*(ik-1)+i+1) = xk(:,7*(ik-1) +1) + b(:,i)
wk( 7 *(ik-1)+i+1 ) = 0.0_dp
end do
end do
nks = 7 * nks
case (2)
if ( 9 * nks.gt.npk) call errore ('set_kplusb', 'too many k points', &
& nks)
! set the vector b for this case
b = 1.0_dp
b(:,2) = - b(:,2)
b(1,7) = - b(1,7)
b(:,8) = - b(:,7)
b(1,5) = - b(1,5)
b(2,5) = - b(2,5)
b(3,6) = - b(3,6)
b(2,3) = - b(2,3)
b(:,4) = - b(:,3)
b = b * b_length
! Add k+b to the k-points
do ik = nks, 1, -1
xk(:,( 9*(ik-1) )+1) = xk(:,ik)
wk( ( 9*(ik-1) )+1 ) = wk(ik)
end do
do ik = 1, nks
do i = 1, 8
xk(:,9*(ik-1)+i+1) = xk(:,( 9*(ik-1) )+1 ) + b(:,i)
wk( 9 *(ik-1)+i+1 ) = 0.0_dp
end do
end do
nks = 9 * nks
if (13 * nks.gt.npk) call errore ('set_kplusb', 'too many k points', &
& nks)
b = 0.0_dp
b(1:2,1:4) = 1.0_dp
b(1,2) = -b(1,1)
b(2,3) = -b(2,1)
b(1,4) = -b(1,1)
b(2,4) = -b(2,1)
b(1,5:8) = 1.0_dp
b(3,5:8) = 1.0_dp
b(1,6) = -b(1,5)
b(3,7) = -b(3,5)
b(1,8) = -b(1,5)
b(3,8) = -b(3,5)
b(2:3,9:12) = 1.0_dp
b(2,10) = -b(2,9)
b(3,11) = -b(3,9)
b(2,12) = -b(2,9)
b(3,12) = -b(3,9)
b = b * b_length
do ik = nks, 1, -1
xk(:,( 13*(ik-1) )+1) = xk(:,ik)
wk( ( 13*(ik-1) )+1 ) = wk(ik)
end do
do ik = nks, 1, -1
do i = 1, 12
xk(:,13*(ik-1)+i+1) = xk(:,( 13*(ik-1) )+1 ) + b(:,i)
wk( 13 *(ik-1)+i+1 ) = 0.0_dp
end do
end do
nks = 13 * nks
case default
call errore ('set_kplusb', 'IBRAV not implemented', ibrav)
end select
end if
end subroutine set_kplusb