
163 lines
4.1 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine d_matrix (dy1, dy2, dy3)
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds, only: DP
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
USE symme, ONLY: nsym, s
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: dy1 (3, 3, 48), dy2 (5, 5, 48), dy3 (7, 7, 48)
integer, parameter :: maxl = 3, maxm = 2*maxl+1, &
maxlm = (maxl+1)*(maxl+1)
! maxl = max value of l allowed
! maxm = number of m components for l=maxl
! maxlm= number of l,m spherical harmonics for l <= maxl
integer :: m, n, ipol, isym
real(kind=DP) :: ylm(maxm, maxlm), yl1 (3, 3), yl2(5, 5), yl3(7,7), &
yl1_inv (3, 3), yl2_inv(5, 5), yl3_inv(7, 7), ylms(maxm, maxlm), &
rl(3,maxm), rrl (maxm), srl(3,maxm), scart (3, 3), delta(7,7), capel
real(kind=DP), parameter :: eps = 1.0d-9
real(kind=DP), external :: rndm, DDOT
! randomly distributed points on a sphere
do m = 1, maxm
rl (1, m) = rndm () - 0.5
rl (2, m) = rndm () - 0.5
rl (3, m) = rndm () - 0.5
rrl (m) = rl (1,m)**2 + rl (2,m)**2 + rl (3,m)**2
call ylmr2 ( maxlm, 2*maxl+1, rl, rrl, ylm )
! invert Yl for each block of definite l (note the transpose operation)
! l = 1 block
do m = 1, 3
do n = 1, 3
yl1 (m, n) = ylm (n, 1+m)
end do
end do
call invmat (3, yl1, yl1_inv, capel)
! l = 2 block
do m = 1, 5
do n = 1, 5
yl2 (m, n) = ylm (n, 4+m)
end do
end do
call invmat (5, yl2, yl2_inv, capel)
! l = 3 block
do m = 1, 7
do n = 1, 7
yl3 (m, n) = ylm (n, 9+m)
end do
end do
call invmat (7, yl3, yl3_inv, capel)
! now for each symmetry operation of the point-group ...
do isym = 1, nsym
! scart = symmetry operation in cartesian axis
! srl(:,m) = rotated rl(:,m) vectors
call s_axis_to_cart (s (1, 1, isym), scart, at, bg)
srl = matmul (scart, rl)
call ylmr2 ( maxlm, maxm, srl, rrl, ylms )
! find D_S = Yl_S * Yl_inv (again, beware the transpose)
! l = 1
do m = 1, 3
do n = 1, 3
yl1 (m, n) = ylms (n, 1+m)
end do
end do
dy1 (:, :, isym) = matmul (yl1(:,:), yl1_inv(:,:))
! l = 2 block
do m = 1, 5
do n = 1, 5
yl2 (m, n) = ylms (n, 4+m)
end do
end do
dy2 (:, :, isym) = matmul (yl2(:,:), yl2_inv(:,:))
! l = 3 block
do m = 1, 7
do n = 1, 7
yl3 (m, n) = ylms (n, 9+m)
end do
end do
dy3 (:, :, isym) = matmul (yl3(:,:), yl3_inv(:,:))
! check that D_S matrices are orthogonal as they should if Ylm are
! correctly defined.
delta(:,:) = 0.d0
do m= 1, 7
delta(m,m) = 1.d0
end do
do isym =1,nsym
! l = 1 block
capel = 0.d0
do m = 1, 3
do n = 1, 3
capel = capel + &
( DDOT(3,dy1(1,m,isym),1,dy1(1,n,isym),1) - delta(m,n) )**2
end do
end do
if (capel.gt.eps) call errore ('d_matrix', &
'D_S (l=1) for this symmetry operation is not orthogonal',isym)
! l = 2 block
capel = 0.d0
do m = 1, 5
do n = 1, 5
capel = capel + &
( DDOT(5,dy2(1,m,isym),1,dy2(1,n,isym),1) - delta(m,n) )**2
end do
end do
if (capel.gt.eps) call errore ('d_matrix', &
'D_S (l=2) for this symmetry operation is not orthogonal',isym)
! l = 3 block
capel = 0.d0
do m = 1, 7
do n = 1, 7
capel = capel + &
( DDOT(7,dy3(1,m,isym),1,dy3(1,n,isym),1) - delta(m,n) )**2
end do
end do
if (capel.gt.eps) call errore ('d_matrix', &
'D_S (l=3) for this symmetry operation is not orthogonal',isym)
end do
end subroutine d_matrix