
82 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE all_electron(ild,ic)
! this routine is a driver to an all-electron calculation
! with the parameters given in input
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE radial_grids, ONLY: ndmx
USE ld1inc, ONLY: isic, grid, zeta, rho, enne, vpot, vxt, enl, &
deld, encl, etot, ecxc, evxt, ehrt, epseu, ekin, &
vnl, vh, lsd, nspin, nlcc, vdw, nn, ll, oc, nwf, &
zed, zval, vxc, exc, excgga, v0, verbosity, &
relpert, evel, edar, eso, vsic, vsicnew, vhn1, egc
INTEGER, INTENT(in) :: ic ! counter on configurations
LOGICAL :: ild ! if true compute log der
! compute an initial estimate of the potential
CALL starting_potential (ndmx, grid%mesh, zval, zed, nwf, oc, nn, ll,&
grid%r,enl, v0, vxt, vpot, enne, nspin )
! allocate variables for SIC, if needed
IF (isic /= 0) THEN
ALLOCATE(vsic(ndmx,nwf), vsicnew(ndmx), vhn1(ndmx), egc(ndmx))
! solve the eigenvalue self-consistent equation
CALL scf(ic)
! compute relativistic corrections to the eigenvalues
IF ( relpert ) CALL compute_relpert(evel,edar,eso)
! compute total energy
CALL elsd (zed,grid,rho,vxt,vh,vxc,exc,excgga,nwf,nspin,enl,oc, &
IF (verbosity=='high') CALL elsd_highv(ic)
! add sic correction if needed
IF(isic /= 0) CALL esic
! print results
CALL write_results
! compute logarithmic derivative
IF (deld > 0.0_DP .and. ild) CALL lderiv
! compute C6 coefficient if required
IF (vdw) THEN
CALL c6_tfvw ( grid%mesh, zed, grid, rho(1,1) )
CALL c6_dft ( grid%mesh, zed, grid )
IF (isic /= 0) THEN
DEALLOCATE(egc, vhn1, vsicnew, vsic)
END SUBROUTINE all_electron