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! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
MODULE parameters
! First all the parameter declaration
ntypx = 10, &! max number of different types of atom
npsx = ntypx, &! max number of different PPs (obsolete)
npk = 40000, &! max number of k-points
lmaxx = 3, &! max non local angular momentum
nchix = 6, &! max number of atomic wavefunctions per atom
ndm = 2000 ! max number of points in the atomic radial mesh
nbrx = 8, &! max number of beta functions
lqmax= 2*lmaxx+1, &! max number of angular momenta of Q
nqfm = 8 ! max number of coefficients in Q smoothing
! ... More parameter for the CP codes
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: mmaxx = ndm ! maximum mesh size for pseudo
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: cp_lmax = lmaxx + 1 ! maximum number of channels
! (s,p,d,f)
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nacx = 10 ! maximum number of averaged
! quantities saved to the restart
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nsx = ntypx ! maximum number of species
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: natx = 5000 ! maximum number of atoms
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nbndxx = 10000 ! maximum number of electronic states
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: npkx = npk ! maximum number of K points
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: ncnsx = 101 ! maximum number of constraints
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: nspinx = 2 ! maximum number of spinors
END MODULE parameters