
164 lines
4.2 KiB

namespace eval ::helpdoc::gui_help {
variable helpContent
variable helpNameList ""
proc printHelp_ {channel} {
variable helpContent
variable helpNameList
foreach name $helpNameList {
puts $channel "\n# ------------------------------------------------------------------------"
if { [llength $name] > 1 } {
puts $channel "grouphelp [list $name] -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext [list $helpContent($name)]\n"
} else {
puts $channel "help $name -helpfmt helpdoc -helptext [list $helpContent($name)]\n"
proc addHelp_ {names helpTxt} {
variable helpContent
variable helpNameList
::tclu::ladd helpNameList $names
append helpContent($names) ${helpTxt}\n
proc grouphelp {names helpTxt} {
foreach name $names {
if { [info exists ::guib::moduleObj::module_item($name)] } {
if { $::guib::moduleObj::module_item(ident,$name) != "" } {
switch -- $::guib::moduleObj::module_item($name) {
var - dimension - table {
lappend ok_names $::guib::moduleObj::module_item(ident,$name)
if { [info exists ok_names] } {
addHelp_ $ok_names $helpTxt
proc help {name helpTxt} {
# hande exceptions
switch -- $::module {
atomic {
switch -- $name {
nwfts - test_wfs {
# in module file we have nwfts_*
#puts "[array names ::guib::moduleObj::module_item -glob ${name}_*]"
set names [array names ::guib::moduleObj::module_item -glob ${name}_*]
if { $names != "" } {
grouphelp $names $helpTxt
ph {
if { $name eq "alpha_mix(niter)" } {
# in module file we have alpha_mix(1)
set name alpha_mix(1)
if { $name == "occupations_table" } {
puts "occupations_table"
puts " def-exists [info exists ::helpdoc::def_item($name)]"
puts " module-exists [info exists ::guib::moduleObj::module_item($name)]"
puts " module-ident $::guib::moduleObj::module_item(ident,$name)"
if { [info exists ::guib::moduleObj::module_item($name)] } {
if { $::guib::moduleObj::module_item(ident,$name) != "" } {
switch -- $::guib::moduleObj::module_item($name) {
var - dimension - table - text {
# important: we must pass from name to ident
addHelp_ $::guib::moduleObj::module_item(ident,$name) $helpTxt
proc ::helpdoc::checkGui_makeHelpFile {deffile modulefile} {
variable xsltproc
variable helpfile
variable xml_temp
if { $xsltproc == "" } {
::tclu::ERROR "can't find useable xsltproc, gui help file creation skipped"
# help file will be written to $helpfile
set helpfile [file tail [file rootname $modulefile]]-help.tcl
set orig_helpfile [file rootname $modulefile]-help.tcl
if { "$helpfile" == "$orig_helpfile" } {
puts stderr [::tclu::labelMsg WARNING "file \"$orig_helpfile\" exists.\nMaking a $orig_helpfile.bak backup copy."]
file copy -force $orig_helpfile $orig_helpfile.bak
# open/create a temporaty xml file ...
set orig_xmlfile [file rootname $deffile].xml
set xml_prefix [file tail [file rootname $deffile]]
if { "$xml_prefix.xml" == "$orig_xmlfile" } {
# ups, we don't want to overwrite $xmlfile
set xml_temp ${xml_prefix}_temp.xml
} else {
set xml_temp ${xml_prefix}.xml
set xml_fid [open $xml_temp w]
# copy $orig_xmlfile to $xml_temp, but replace the stylesheet input_xx.xsl by guihelp.xsl
::tclu::lineread line $orig_xmlfile {
if { [string match {<?xml-stylesheet*} $line] } {
puts $xml_fid {<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" href="guihelp.xsl"?>}
} else {
puts $xml_fid $line
close $xml_fid
puts "\n\tXml-file $xml_temp has been written.\n"
catch [list exec $xsltproc $xml_temp > $xml_temp.tcl]
puts "\n\tAuxiliary help-file $xml_temp.tcl has been written.\n"
# create a $helpfile
namespace eval gui_help {
set helpID [open $::helpdoc::helpfile w]
puts $helpID {
# Help-file automatically created by helpdoc utility
source $::helpdoc::xml_temp.tcl
printHelp_ $helpID
close $helpID
puts "\n\tHelp-file $helpfile has been written.\n"