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\title{Notes on pseudopotential generation}
\author{\em Paolo Giannozzi\\
Universit\`a di Udine and \\
Democritos National Simulation Center\\
URL: {\tt http://www.fisica.uniud.it/\~{}giannozz}}
When I started to do my first first-principle calculation
(that is, my first$^2$-principle calculation) with S. Baroni
on CsI under pressure (1985), it became quickly evident that
available pseudopotentials (PP's) couldn't do the job. So we
generated our own PP's. Since that first experience I have
generated a large number of PP's and people keep asking me
new PP's from time to time. I am happy that "my" PP's are
appreciated and used by other people. I don't think however
that the generation of PP's is such a hard task that it requires
an official (or unofficial) PP wizard to do this. For this reason
I want to share here my (little) experience.
These notes were originally written having in mind my version
of the PP generation code and of the various related utilities
(still available on the web from my home page, but no longer
maintained). I am in the process of adapting them to cover the
extended capabilities of the improved version {\tt atomic},
packaged with PWscf ({\tt http://www.pwscf.org}). If you remark
any inconsistencies, please let me know.
The {\tt atomic} code, written in large part by A. Dal Corso
(Democritos and Sissa Trieste) can generate both
Norm-Conserving (NC) \cite{NC} and Ultrasoft (US) \cite{van} PP's.
It allows for multiple projectors, full relativistic calculations,
spin-split PP's for spin-orbit calculations.
\subsection{Who needs to generate a pseudopotential?}
There are at least three well-known published sets of NC-PP's:
those of Bachelet, Hamann, and Schl\"uter \cite{BHS},
those of Gonze, Stumpf, and Scheffler \cite{Gonze}, and
those of Goedecker, Teter, and Hutter \cite{Goedecker}.
Moreover, all major packages for electronic-structure calculations
include a downloadable table of PP's. One could then wonder
what a PP generation code is useful for. The problem is that
sometimes available PP's will not suit your needs. For instance,
you may want:
\item[--] a better accuracy;
\item[--] PP's generated with some exotic or new exchange-correlation
\item[--] a different partition of electrons into valence and core;
\item[--] ``softer'' PP's (i.e. PP that require a smaller cutoff
in plane-wave calculations);
\item[--] PP's with a core hole for calculations of XPS or NEXAFS
cross sections;
\item[--] all-electron wavefunctions reconstruction (requires the
knowledge of all-electron and pseudo orbitals used in
the generation of PP's);
or you may simply want to know what is a PP, how to produce PP's,
how reliable they are.
\subsection{About similar work}
There are other PP generation packages available on-line.
Those I am aware of include:
\item the code by Jos\'e-Lu{\'\i}s Martins {\em et al.}\cite{TM}:\\
{\tt http://bohr.inesc-mn.pt/\~{}jlm/pseudo.html}
\item the {\tt fhi98PP} package\cite{fhi98PP}:\\
{\tt http://www.fhi-berlin.mpg.de/th/fhi98md/fhi98PP}
\item the OPIUM code by Andrew Rappe {\em et al.}\cite{RRKJ}:\\
{\tt http://opium.sourceforge.net/}
\item David Vanderbilt's US-PP package \cite{van}:\\
{\tt http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/\~{}dhv/uspp/index.html}.
Other codes may be available upon request from the authors.
Years ago, it occurred to me that a web-based PP generation
tool would have been nice. Being too lazy and too ignorant
in web-based applications, I did nothing.
I recently discovered that Miguel Marques {\em et al.} have
implemented something like this: see
{\tt http://www.tddft.org/programs/octopus/pseudo.php}.
\section{Pseudopotential generation, in general}
In the following I am assuming that the basic PP theory
is known to the reader. Otherwise, see
Refs.\cite{NC,BHS,TM,fhi98PP,RRKJ} and references quoted
therein for NC-PP's; Refs.\cite{van,PAW} for US-PP's.
I am also assuming that the generated PP's are to be used
in separable form \cite{KB} with a plane-wave (PW) basis set.
The PP generation is a three-step process. First, one generates
atomic levels and wavefunctions with Density-functional theory (DFT).
Second, from atomic results one generates the PP. Third, one checks
whether what he got is actually working. If not, one tries again in
a different way.
The first step is invariably done assuming a spherically symmetric
self-consistent Hamiltonian, so that all elementary quantum mechanics
results for the atom apply. The atomic state is defined by the
"electronic configuration", one-electron states are defined by a
principal quantum number and by the angular momentum and are obtained
by solving a self-consistent radial Schr\"odinger-like (Kohn-Sham)
The second step exists in many variants. One can generate ``traditional''
single-projector NC-PP's; multiple-projector NC-PP's; or US-PP's.
In the following we will consider mostly the case of ``traditional''
NC-PP's. The crucial step is the generation of smooth, nodeless
``pseudo-orbitals'' from atomic all-electron (AE) orbitals. Two popular
methods are presently implemented: Troullier-Martins \cite{TM}
and Rappe-Rabe-Kaxiras-Joannopoulos \cite{RRKJ} (RRKJ).
The third step is closer to cooking than to science. There is a
large arbitrariness in the preceding step that one would like to
exploit in order to get the "best" PP, but there is no well-defined
way to do this. Moreover one is often forced to strike a compromise
between accuracy and computer time. This step is the main focus of
these notes.
\section{Step-by-step Pseudopotential generation}
If you want to generate a PP for a given atom, the checklist is the
\item choose the exchange-correlation functional
\item choose the valence-core partition
\item choose the electronic reference configuration
\item choose which reference states to pseudize, and at which energies
\item choose the type of pseudization
\item choose the matching radii
\item choose the parameters for the ``nonlinear core
\item choose the local potential
\item generate the pseudopotential
\item check for transferability
\subsection{Choosing the exchange-correlation functional}
A large number of exchange-correlation functionals, both
in the Local-Density Approximation (LDA) or in the Generalized
Gradient Approximation (GGA), are implemented.
Most of them have been extensively tested, but beware:
some exotic or seldom-used functionals might contain bugs.
PP's must be generated with the SAME functional that will
be later used in calculations. The use of, for instance,
GGA functionals with LDA PP's is inconsistent. This is why
the PP file contains information on the DFT level used in their
generation: if you or your code ignore it, you do it at your
own risk.
Note that functionals may present numerical problems
when the charge density goes to zero. For instance, the Becke
gradient correction to the exchange may diverge for
$\rho \rightarrow 0$. This does not happen in a free atom
if the charge density behaves as it should, that is, as
$\rho(r)\rightarrow exp(-\alpha r)$ for $r \rightarrow \infty$.
In a pseudoatom, however, a weird behavior may arise
around the core region, $r\rightarrow 0$, because the
pseudocharge in that region is very small or sometimes
vanishing (if there are no filled $s$ states). As a consequence,
nasty-looking ``spikes'' appear in the unscreened pseudopotential
very close to the nucleus. This is not nice at all but it is
usually harmless, because the interested region is really
very small. However in some unfortunate cases there can be
convergence problems. If you do not want to see those horrible
spikes, or if you experience problems, you have the following
\item[--] Use a better-behaved GGA, such as PBE
\item[--] Use the nonlinear core correction,
which ensures the presence of some charge close to the nucleus.
% \item[--] cut out the gradient correction for small $r$
% (set variable {\tt rcut} to $\sim 0.001$ or so).
\subsection{Choosing the valence-core partition}
This seems to be a trivial step, and often it is: valence states
are those that contribute to bonding, core states are those that
do not contribute. Things may sometimes be more complicated than
this. For instance:
\item[--] in transition metals, whose typical outer electronic
configuration is: \\
$nd^i(n+1)s^j(n+1)p^k$ ($n=$main quantum number), it is not
always evident that the $ns$ and $np$ states (``semicore states'')
can be safely put into the core. The problem is that $nd$ states
are localized in the same spatial region as $ns$ and $np$ states,
deeper than $(n+1)s$ and $(n+1)p$ states. This may lead to poor
transferability. Typically, PP's with semicore states in the core
work well in solids with weak or metallic bonding, but perform poorly
in compounds with a stronger (chemical) type of bonding.
\item[--] Heavy alkali metals (Rb, Cs, maybe also K) have a large
polarizable core. PP's with just one electron may not always give
satisfactory results.
\item[--] In some II-VI and III-V semiconductors, such as ZnSe and
GaN, the contribution of the $d$ states of the cation to the bonding
is not negligible and may require explicit inclusion of those $d$
states into the valence.
In all these cases, promoting the highest core states $ns$ and $np$,
or $nd$ into valence may be a computationally
expensive but obliged way to improve poor transferability. .
Note that including semicore states into valence could make your
PP harder, will increase the number of electrons, and may require
more than one projector per angular momentum, or lead to slightly
worse results for those cases in which such inclusion is not needed.
Include semicore states into valence only if it is really needed.
\subsection{Choosing the electronic reference configuration}
This may be any reasonable configuration not too far away from
the expected configuration in solids or molecules. As a first
choice, use the atomic ground state, unless you have a reason
to do otherwise, such as for instance:
You do not want to deal with unbound states.
Very often states with highest angular momentum $l$ are not bound
in the atom (an example: the $3d$ state in Si is not bound on the
ground state $3s^23p^2$, at least with LDA or GGA). In such a case
one has the choice between
\item[--] using one configuration for $s$ and $p$, another, more
ionic one, for $d$, as in Refs.\cite{BHS,Gonze};
\item[--] choosing a single, more ionic configuration for which
all desired states are bound;
\item[--] generate PP's on unbound states: requires to choose
a suitable reference energy.
The results of your PP are very sensitive to the chosen configuration.
This is something that in principle should not happen, but
I am aware of at least one case in which it does. In III-V
zincblende semiconductors, the equilibrium lattice parameter
is rather sensitive to the form of the $d$ potential of the
cation (due to the presence of $p-d$ coupling between anion
$p$ states and cation $d$ states \cite{Zunger}). By varying
the reference configuration, one can change the equilibrium
lattice parameter by as much as $1-2\%$.
The problem arises if you want to calculate accurate dynamical
properties of GaAs/AlAs alloys and superlattices: you need to
get a good theoretical lattice matching between GaAs and AlAs,
or otherwise unpleasant spurious effects may arise. When I was
confronted with this problem, I didn't find any better solution
than to tweak the $4d$ reference configuration for Ga until I got
the observed lattice-matching.
You know that for the system you are interested in, the atom will
be in a given configuration and you try to stay close to it.
This is not very elegant but sometimes it is needed. For instance,
in transition metals described by a PP with semicore states in the
core, it is probably wise to chose an electronic configuration for
$d$ states that is close to what you expect in your system (as a
hand-waiving argument, consider that the $(n+1)s$ and $(n+1)p$ PP
have a hard time in reproducing the true potential if the $nd$ state,
which is much more localized, changes a lot with respect to the
starting configuration). In Rare-Earth compounds, leaving the $4f$
electrons in the core with the correct occupancy (if known) may be
a quick and dirty way to avoid the well-known problems of DFT yielding
the wrong occupancy in highly correlated materials.
You don't manage to build a decent PP with the ground state configuration,
for whatever reason.
NOTE 1: you can calculate PP for a $l$ as high as you want, but you
are not obliged to use all of them in PW calculations. The general
rule is that if your atom has states up to $l=l_c$ in the core, you
need a PP with angular momenta up to $l=l_c+1$. Angular momenta
$l>l_c+1$ will feel the same potential as $l=l_c+1$, because
for all of them there is no orthogonalization to core states.
As a consequence a PP should have projectors on angular momenta up to
$l_c$; $l=l_c+1$ should be the local reference state for PW
calculations. This rule is not very strict and may be relaxed: high
angular momenta are seldom important (but be careful if they are).
Moreover separable PP pose serious constraints on local reference $l$
(see below) and the choice is sometimes obliged. Note also that the
highest the $l$ in the PP, the more expensive the PW calculation will
NOTE 2: a completely empty configuration ($s^0p^0d^0$) or
a configuration with fractional occupation numbers are both
acceptable. Even if fractional occupation numbers do
not correspond to a physical state, they correspond to a
well-defined mathematical object.
NOTE 3: if you generate a single-projector PP using a configuration
with semicore states in the valence, remember that for each $l$
only the state with lowest $n$ can be used to generate the PP.
It is not necessary that the state with same $l$ and higher $n$
is empty, but you have to specify the correct configuration
for unscreening.
NOTE 4: PP could in principle be generated on a spin-polarized
configuration, but a spin-unpolarized one is typically used.
Since PP are constructed to be transferrable, they can describe
spin-polarized configurations as well. The nonlinear core correction
is typically needed if you plan to use PP in spin-polarized (magnetic)
\subsection{Choosing reference states to pseudize, reference energies}
With single-projector PP's (one potential per angular momentum $l$,
i.e. one projector per $l$ in the separable form), the choice of the
electronic configuration automatically determines the reference states
to pseudize: for each $l$, the bound valence eigenstate is pseudized
at the corresponding eigenvalue.
It is however possible to generate PP's by pseudizing atomic waves,
i.e. regular solutions of the radial Kohn-Sham equation, at any
energy. More than one such atomic waves of different energy can be
pseudized for the same $l$, resulting in a PP with more than one
projector per $l$.
This possibility considerably extends the number of ``degrees of
freedom'' in the generation of a PP. As a rule of thumb: start first
with one projector per $l$, at the energy of the bound state. For
atoms having semicore states in the valence, an obvious choice is
to include two projectors, using both bound states. If you are not
happy, experiment a bit with more projectors, different pseudization
energies, etc.
\subsection{Choosing the type of pseudization}
Two possible types of pseudization are implemented, both claiming
to yield optimally smooth PP's:
\item Troullier-Martins \cite{TM} (TM)
\item Rappe-Rabe-Kaxiras-Joannopoulos \cite{RRKJ} (RRKJ).
Both pseudizations replace atomic orbitals in the core region
with smooth nodeless pseudo-orbitals. The TM method uses an
exponential of a polynomial (see Appendix B); the RRKJ method
uses three or four
Bessel functions. The former is very robust. The latter may
occasionally fail to produce the required nodeless pseudo-orbital.
If this happens, use the option to set a small nonzero value of
the charge density at the origin: this forces the use of four Bessel
\subsection{Choosing the matching radii}
Beyond the matching radius $r_c$, the AE orbital and the corresponding
PP orbital match, with continuous first derivative at $r=r_c$.
For bound states, $r_c$ is typically at the outermost peak or
somewhat larger. The larger the $r_c$, the softer the potential
(less PW needed in the calculations), but also the less transferable.
In most cases one has to strike a compromise between softness
and transferability.
The choice of $r_c$ is very important, especially in ``hard'' atoms
i.e. second-row elements N, O, F, $3d$ transition metals, rare earths.
The frequently-asked question is ``how much should I push $r_c$ outwards
in order to have reasonable results with a reasonable PW cutoff for
unreasonably hard atoms''.
There is no well-defined answer. Hard atoms have $2p$ (N, O, F), or
$3d$ (transition metals), or $4f$ (rare earths) valence states with
no orthogonalization to core states of the same $l$ and no nodes.
The choice of $r_c$ at the outermost maximum (typically 0.7-0.8 a.u,
even less for $4f$ electrons) yields unacceptably hard PP's. With a
little bit of experience one can say that for second-row ($2p$) elements,
$r_c=1.1-1.2$ will yield
reasonably good results for 50-70 Ry PW kinetic energy cutoff; for
$3d$ transition metals, the same $r_c$ will require $> 80$ Ry cutoff
(highest $l$ have slower convergence for the same $r_c$). The above
holds for TM pseudization. RRKJ pseudization will yield an
estimate of the required cutoff.
My advice: use US-PP's for transition metals and rare earths
(for the latter, remember that the problem of DFT reliability
preempts the problem of generating a PP). With US-PP's one
can push the $r_c$ outwards quite a bit, at the price of losing
norm conservation and introducing an augmentation charge that
compensates for the missing charge. The code {\tt ld1.x} can
generate US-PP's starting from a ``hard'' NC-PP.
Note that it is the hardest atom that determines the PW cutoff in a
solid or molecule. Do not waste time trying to find optimally soft
PP's if you have harder atoms around. Also note that one should try
to have not too different $r_c$'s for different angular momenta, but
it is not always possible. The $r_c$
cannot be smaller than the outermost node.
\subsection{Choosing the parameters for the nonlinear core correction}
The core correction accounts at least partially for the nonlinearity
in the exchange-correlation potential. In the generation of a PP one
first produces a potential with the desired pseudowavefunctions and
pseudoenergies. In order to extract a ``bare'' PP that can be used
in a self-consitent DFT calculation, one subracts out the screening
(Hartree and exchange-correlation) potential generated by the valence
charge only. This introduces an error because the XC potential is not
linear in the charge density. With the core correction one keeps a
smoothed core charge to be added to the valence charge both at the
unscreening step and when using the PP.
The core correction is a must for alkali atoms (especially in
ionic compounds) and for PP's to be used in spin-polarized
(magnetic) systems. It is recommended whenever there is a large
overlap between valence and core charge: for instance, in transition
metals if the semicore states are kept into the core. It is never
harmful but sometimes it may be of little help.
The smoothing works by replacing the true core charge with a fake,
smoother, core charge for $r<r_{cc}$. The parameter $r_{cc}$ is
provided on input. If not, it is chosen as the point at which
the core charge $\rho_c(r_{cc})$ is twice as big as the valence
charge $\rho_v(r_{cc})$. In fact the effect of nonlinearity is
important only in regions where $\rho_c(r)\sim\rho_v(r)$. Note
that the smaller $r_{cc}$, the more accurate the core correction,
but also the harder the smoothened core charge, and vice versa.
\subsection{Choosing the local potential}
For single-projector PP's, see Note 1 in Sec. 3.2. If one uses
the semilocal form, the choice of the local ($l$-independent)
potential is in most cases natural, and it would affect only PW
components with $l> l_c$, that are seldom important.
In most PW calculations, however, a separable, fully nonlocal form --
one in which the PP's is written as a local potential plus projectors --
is used.
An arbitrary function can be added to the local potential and
subtracted to all $l$ components. Generally one exploits this
arbitrariness to remove one $l$ component using it as local potential.
The separable form can be either obtained by the Kleinman-Bylander
projection \cite{KB} applied to single-projector PP's, or directly
produced using Vanderbilt's procedure \cite{van} (for single-projector
PP's the two approaches are equivalent).
Unfortunately the separable form is not guaranteed to have the
correct ground state (the semilocal form is guaranteed, by
construction): ``ghost'' states, having the wrong number of nodes,
can appear among the occupied states or close to them, making the
PP completely useless. This problem may show up with multiple-projectors
and US PP's as well.
The freedom in choosing the ``local part'' can (and usually must) be used
in order to avoid the appearence of ghosts. For PW calculations it is
convenient to choose as local part the highest $l$, because this removes
more projectors ($2l+1$ per atom) than for low $l$. According to Murphy's
law, this is also the choice that more often gives raise to problems,
and one is forced to use a different $l$. Another possibility is to generate
a local potential by pseudizing the AE potential.
Note that ghosts are invisible to atomic codes like {\tt ld1.x},
because the algorithm used in the integration of radial orbitals discards
states with the wrong number of nodes (they may actually show up under
the form of difficult convergence or mysterious errors).
A simple and safe way to check for the presence of a ghost is to diagonalize
the Kohn-Sham hamiltonian in a basis set of spherical Bessel functions.
This kind of test can be performed during transferability tests (See 3.10)
\subsection{Generating the pseudopotential}
As a first step, one can generate AE wavefunctions and one-electron
levels for the reference configuration. This is done by using program
{\tt ld1.x}. You must specify in the input data: atomic symbol,
what you choose as exchange-correlation functional (not needed
if you stick to LDA), electronic reference configuration.
A complete description of the input is contained in file
{\tt INPUT\_LD1}. If you want accurate AE results for heavy atoms,
you may want to specify a denser grid in $r$-space than the default
one. The defaults one should be good enough for PP generation, though.
Before you proceed, it is a good idea to verify that the atomic data
you just produced actually make sense. Some kind souls have posted on
the web a complete set of reference atomic data :
{\tt http://physics.nist.gov/PhysRefData/DFTdata/ }
These data have been obtained with the Vosko-Wilk-Nusair functional,
that for the unpolarized case is very similar to the Perdew-Zunger
The generation step is also done by program {\tt ld1.x}.
One has to supply, in addition to AE data: a list of
orbitals to be used in the pseudization (in increasing
order of angular momentum), the pseudization energies,
the matching radii, the filename where the newly generated
PP, is written, plus a number of other optional parameters,
fully described in file {\tt INPUT\_LD1}.
\subsection{Checking for transferability}
A simple way to check for correctness and to get a feeling for
the transferability of a PP, with little effort, is to test the
results of PP and AE atomic calculations on atomic configurations
differing from the starting one. The error on total energy
differences between PP and AE results gives a feeling on how
good the PP is. Just to give an idea: an error $\sim 0.001$ Ry
is very good, $\sim 0.01$ Ry may still be acceptable.
The code {\tt ld1.x} has a ``testing'' mode in which it does
exactly the above operation. You provide the input PP file and
a number of test configurations.
You are advised to perform also the test with a basis set of spherical
Bessel functions $j_l (qr)$. In addition to revealing the presence of
``ghosts'', this test also gives an idea of the smoothness of the
potential: the dependence of energy levels upon the cutoff in the kinetic
energy is basically the same for the pseudo-atom in the basis of $j_l (qr)$'s
and for the same pseudo-atom in a solid-state calculation using PW's.
Another way to check for transferability is to compare AE and PS
logarithmic derivatives, also calculated by {\tt ld1.x}. Typically
this comparison is done on the reference configuration,
but not necessarily. You should supply on input:
\item[--] the radius $r_d$ at which logarithmic derivatives are
calculated ($r_d$ should be of the order of the
ionic or covalent radius, and larger than any of the $r_c$'s)
\item[--] the energy range $E_{min}, E_{max}$ and the number
of points for the plot. The energy range
should cover the typical valence one-electron energy
range expected in the targeted application of the PP.
\item[--] output file names (one for AE, one for PP) where results
are written.
The file containing logarithmic derivatives can be easily read and
plotted using for instance the plotting program {\tt xmgrace}.
Sizable discrepancies between AE and PS logarithmic derivatives
are a sign of trouble (unless your energy range is too large or
not centered around the range of pseudization energies, of course).
Note that the above checks, based on atomic calculations only,
do not replace the usual checks (convergence tests, bond lengths,
etc) one has to perform in at least some simple solid-state or
molecular systems before starting a serious calculation.
\section{Atomic Calculations}
\subsection{Nonrelativistic case}
Let us assume that the charge density $n(r)$ and the potential $V(r)$
are spherically symmetric. The Kohn-Sham (KS) equation:
\left(-{\hbar^2\over 2m}\nabla^2 + V(r)-\epsilon\right) \psi(\r)=0
can be written in spherical coordinates. We write the wavefunctions as
\psi(\r)=\left({R_{nl}(r)\over r}\right)Y_{lm}(\hat\r),
where $n$ is the main quantum
number $l=n-1,n-2,\dots,0$ is angular momentum, $m=l,l-1,\dots,-l+1,-l$
is the projection of the angular momentum on some axis.
The radial KS equation becomes:
\left(-{\hbar^2\over 2m} {1\over r} {d^2 R_{nl}(r)\over dr^2}
+(V(r)-\epsilon) {1\over r} R_{nl}(r)
\right) Y_{lm}(\hat\r) \hskip 4cm \nonumber \\ \mbox{} -
{\hbar^2\over 2m} \left({1\over\mbox{sin}\theta}{\partial\over\partial\theta}
\left(\mbox{sin}\theta{\partial Y_{lm}(\hat\r)
+ {1\over\mbox{sin}^2\theta}
\right) {1\over r^3} R_{nl}(r) = 0.
This yields an angular equation for the spherical harmonics $Y_{lm}(\hat\r)$:
\left(\mbox{sin}\theta{\partial Y_{lm}(\hat\r)\over\partial\theta}
+ {1\over\mbox{sin}^2\theta}
\right) = l(l+1)Y_{lm}(\hat\r)
and a radial equation for the radial part $R_{nl}(r)$:
-{\hbar^2\over 2m} {d^2 R_{nl}(r)\over dr^2}
+\left( {\hbar^2\over 2m} {l(l+1)\over r^2} + V(r)-\epsilon
\right) R_{nl}(r) = 0.
The charge density is given by
n(r) = \sum_{nlm} \Theta_{nl}\left |{R_{nl}(r)\over r}Y_{lm}(\hat r)\right|^2
= \sum_{nl} \Theta_{nl}{R^2_{nl}(r)\over 4\pi r^2}
where $\Theta_{nl}$ are the occupancies ($\Theta_{nl}\le 2l+1$)
and it is assumed that the occupancies of $m$ are such as to yield
a spherically symmetric charge density (which is true only for closed
shell atoms).
\subsubsection{Useful formulae}
Gradient in spherical coordinates $(r,\theta,\phi)$:
\nabla\psi = \left({\partial\psi\over\partial r},
{1\over r}{\partial\psi\over\partial\theta},
{1\over r \mbox{sin}\theta}
Laplacian in spherical coordinates:
\nabla^2\psi = {1\over r} {\partial^2\over\partial r^2}(r\psi)
+ {1\over r^2\mbox{sin}\theta} {\partial\over\partial\theta}
+ {1\over r^2\mbox{sin}^2\theta}
\subsection{Fully relativistic case}
The relativistic KS equations are
Dirac-like equations for a spinor with a ``large'' $R_{nlj}(r)$ and
a ``small'' $S_{nlj}(r)$ component:
c\left({d \over dr} + {\kappa\over r}\right)R_{nlj}(r) & = &
\left(2mc^2 - V(r) + \epsilon \right)S_{nlj}(r)\\
c\left({d \over dr} - {\kappa\over r}\right)S_{nlj}(r) & = &
\left( V(r) + \epsilon \right) R_{nlj}(r)
where $j$ is the total angular momentum ($j=1/2$ if $l=0$,
$j=l+1/2,l-1/2$ otherwise); $\kappa=-2(j-l)(j+1/2)$ is the Dirac
quantum number ($\kappa=-1$ is $l=0$, $\kappa=-l-1,l$ otherwise);
and the charge density is given by
n(r) = \sum_{nlj} \Theta_{nlj}{R^2_{nlj}(r)+S^2_{nlj}(r)\over 4\pi r^2}.
\subsection{Scalar-relativistic case}
The full relativistic KS equations
is be transformed into an equation for the large component only
and averaged over spin-orbit components. In atomic units
(Rydberg: $\hbar=1, m=1/2, e^2=2$):
-{d^2 R_{nl}(r)\over dr^2}
+\left( {l(l+1)\over r^2} + M(r)\left(V(r)-\epsilon\right)
\right) R_{nl}(r) \qquad \nonumber \\ \mbox{} -
{\alpha^2\over 4M(r)} {dV(r)\over dr}
\left({dR_{nl}(r)\over dr} +
\langle\kappa\rangle {R_{nl}(r)\over r}\right)= 0,
where $\alpha=1/137.036$ is the fine-structure constant,
$\langle\kappa\rangle=-1$ is the degeneracy-weighted average value
of the Dirac's $\kappa$ for the two spin-orbit-split levels, $M(r)$ is
defined as
M(r)= 1 - {\alpha^2\over 4} \left(V(r)-\epsilon\right).
The charge density is defined as in the nonrelativistic case:
n(r) = \sum_{nl} \Theta_{nl}{R^2_{nl}(r)\over 4\pi r^2}.
\subsection{Numerical solution}
The radial (scalar-relativistic) KS equation is integrated
on a radial grid. It is convenient to
have a denser grid close to the nucleus and a coarser one far
away. Traditionally a logarithmic grid is used:
$r_i=r_0\mbox{exp}(i\Delta x)$. With this grid, one has
\int_0^\infty f(r) d r = \int_0^\infty f(x) r(x) dx
{d f(r)\over d r}={1\over r} {d f(x)\over d x},\qquad
{d^2 f(r)\over d r^2}=-{1\over r^2} {d f(x)\over d x}
+ {1\over r^2} {d^2 f(x)\over d x^2}.
We start with a given self-consistent potential $V$ and
a trial eigenvalue $\epsilon$. The equation is integrated
from $r=0$ outwards to $r_t$, the outermost classical
(nonrelativistic for simplicity) turning point, defined
by $ {l(l+1) /r_t^2} + \left(V(r_t)-\epsilon\right)=0$.
In a logarithmic grid (see above) the equation to solve becomes:
{1\over r^2} {d^2 R_{nl}(x)\over d x^2} & = &
{1\over r^2} {d R_{nl}(x)\over d x} +
\left( {l(l+1)\over r^2} +
M(r)\left(V(r)-\epsilon\right) \right) R_{nl}(r) \nonumber \\
& & \mbox{} - {\alpha^2\over 4M(r)} {dV(r)\over dr}
\left({1\over r} {dR_{nl}(x)\over dx} +
\langle\kappa\rangle {R_{nl}(r)\over r}\right).
This determines ${d^2 R_{nl}(x)/d x^2}$ which is used to
determine ${d R_{nl}(x)/ dx}$ which in turn is used to
determine $R_{nl}(r)$, using predictor-corrector or whatever
classical integration method. ${dV(r)/dr}$ is evaluated
numerically from any finite difference method. The series
is started using the known (?) asymptotic behavior of $R_{nl}(r)$
close to the nucleus (with ionic charge $Z$)
R_{nl}(r)\simeq r^\gamma,\qquad \gamma={l\sqrt{l^2-\alpha^2 Z^2}+
(l+1)\sqrt{(l+1)^2-\alpha^2 Z^2}\over 2l+1}.
The number of nodes is counted. If there are too few (many)
nodes, the trial eigenvalue is increased (decreased) and
the procedure is restarted until the correct number $n-l-1$
of nodes is reached. Then a second integration is started
inward, starting from a suitably large $r\sim 10r_t$ down
to $r_t$, using as a starting point the asymptotic behavior
of $R_{nl}(r)$ at large $r$:
R_{nl}(r)\simeq e^{-k(r)r},\qquad
k(r)=\sqrt{{l(l+1)\over r^2} + \left(V(r)-\epsilon\right)}.
The two pieces are continuously joined at $r_t$ and a correction to the trial
eigenvalue is estimated using perturbation theory (see below). The procedure
is iterated to self-consistency.
The perturbative estimate of correction to trial eigenvalues is described in
the following for the nonrelativistic case (it is not worth to make relativistic
corrections on top of a correction). The trial eigenvector $R_{nl}(r)$ will have
a cusp at $r_t$ if the trial eigenvalue is not a true eigenvalue:
A = {d R_{nl}(r_t^+)\over dr} - {d R_{nl}(r_t^-)\over dr} \ne 0.
Such discontinuity in the first derivative translates into a
$\delta(r_t)$ in the second derivative:
{d^2 R_{nl}(r)\over dr^2} = {d^2 \widetilde R_{nl}(r)\over dr^2}
+ A \delta(r-r_t)
where the tilde denotes the function obtained by matching the
second derivatives in the $r< r_t$ and $r> r_t$ regions.
This means that we are actually solving a different problem in which
$V(r)$ is replaced by $V(r)+\Delta V(r)$,
given by
\Delta V(r) = -{\hbar^2 \over 2m} {A\over R_{nl}(r_t)}\delta(r-r_t).
The energy difference between the solution to such fictitious potential
and the solution to the real potential can be estimated from
perturbation theory:
\Delta\epsilon_{nl} = - \langle\psi|\Delta V |\psi\rangle
= {\hbar^2 \over 2m} R_{nl}(r_t) A.
\section{Equations for the Troullier-Martins method}
We assume a pseudowavefunction $R^{ps}$ having the following form:
R^{ps}(r)&=&r^{l+1}e^{p(r)} \quad r\le r_c \\
R^{ps}(r)&=&R(r) \quad r\ge r_c
On this pseudowavefunction we impose the norm conservation
\int_{r<r_c} (R^{ps}(r))^2 dr=\int_{r<r_c} (R(r))^2 dr
and continuity conditions on the wavefunction and its derivatives up
to order four at the matching point:
{d^nR^{ps}(r_c)\over dr^n}={d^nR(r_c)\over dr^n}, \quad n=0,...,4
\noindent$\bullet$ Continuity of the wavefunction:
p(r_c) = \mbox{log}{R(r_c)\over r_c^{l+1}}
\noindent$\bullet$ Continuity of the first derivative of the wavefunction:
{dR^{ps}(r)\over dr} = (l+1)r^le^{p(r)} + r^{l+1}e^{p(r)}p'(r)
={l+1\over r}R^{ps}(r) + p'(r)R^{ps}(r)
that is
p'(r_c) = {dR(r_c)\over dr} {1\over R^{ps}(r_c)} -
{l+1\over r_c}.
\noindent$\bullet$ Continuity of the second derivative of the wavefunction:
{d^2R^{ps}(r)\over d^2r}
& = &
{d\over dr}\left((l+1)r^le^{p(r)} + r^{l+1}e^{p(r)}p'(r)\right)
\nonumber \\ & = &
l(l+1)r^{l-1}e^{p(r)} + 2(l+1)r^le^{p(r)}p'(r) +
r^{l+1}e^{p(r)}\left[p'(r)\right]^2 + r^{l+1}e^{p(r)}p''(r)
\nonumber\\ & = &
\left( {l(l+1)\over r^2}+ {2(l+1)\over r}p'(r) +
\left[p'(r)\right]^2 + p''(r) \right) r^{l+1}e^{p(r)}.
From the radial Schr\"odinger equation:
{d^2R^{ps}(r)\over dr^2} =
\left ( {l(l+1)\over r^2} +{2m\over\hbar^2}(V(r)-\epsilon)\right)R^{ps}(r)
that is
p''(r_c) = {2m\over\hbar^2}(V(r_c)-\epsilon) - 2 {l+1\over r_c}p'(r_c)
\noindent$\bullet$ Continuity of the third and fourth derivatives of the
wavefunction. This is assured if the third and fourth derivatives of
$p(r)$ are continuous. By direct derivation of the expression of
p'''(r_c) = {2m\over\hbar^2}V'(r_c) + 2 {l+1\over r^2_c}p'(r_c)
- 2{l+1\over r_c}p''(r_c) -2 p'(r_c)p''(r_c)
p''''(r_c) & = & {2m\over\hbar^2}V''(r_c) - 4 {l+1\over r^3_c}p'(r_c)
+ 4{l+1\over r^2_c}p''(r) \nonumber \\ & & \mbox{}
- 2{l+1\over r_c}p'''(r_c)
- 2 \left[p''(r_c)p''(r_c)\right]^2 -2 p'(r_c)p'''(r_c)
The additional condition: $V''(0)=0$ is imposed.
The screened potential is
V(r)&=&{\hbar^2\over2m}\left({1\over R^{ps}(r)}{d^2R^{ps}(r)\over dr^2}
- {l(l+1)\over r^2}\right)+\epsilon \\
&=&{\hbar^2\over2m}\left( 2{l+1\over r} p'(r)+\left[p(r)\right]^2+p''(r)
Keeping only lower-order terms in $r$:
V(r) &\simeq&{\hbar^2\over2m}\left( 2{l+1\over r} (2c_2r + 4c_4r^3)
+ 4c_2^2r^2 + 2c_2 + 12c_4r^2\right) + \epsilon \\
& = & {\hbar^2\over2m}\left( 2c_2(2l+3) +
\left((2l+5)c_4+c_2^2\right) r^2\right)+ \epsilon .
The additional constraint is:
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