
339 lines
11 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
! Program VIB (programmed by Silviu Zilberman)
! Calculates the vibrational modes, Born effective charges and infrared
! cross-section for isolated molecules/clusters in vacuum.
! The programs uses rither the CP or PW codes as the underlying DFT engine
! for wave function relaxation (SCF) and the frozen phonon method for
! construction of the energy hessian (dynamical matrix),
! i.e. displace each atom in all three cartesian directions to construct
! the numerical first derivative of the forces.
! The program uses two mandatory input files
! 1. The regular CP input file, which presumably was used to generate a
! ground state nuclear configuration (local minimum).
! 2. A file "prefix.vib.inp", where prefix is defined in the CP input
! file.
! prefix.vib.inp contains one name list:
! ...
! /
! Parameters:
! displacement real ( default = 0.05 )
! displacement step, a uniform value for all atoms
! save_freq integer ( default = 1 )
! Save restart information every save_freq displacements.
! Since it is usually a small file, containing mainly
! the intermediate hessian, it is suggested not to
! change the default.
! restart_label character ( default = 'auto' )
! 'from_scratch': starts a new calculation
! 'restart' : continue a previous calculation
! a file 'prefix.vib.restart' must be present
! 'auto' : if a file 'prefix.vib.restart' is present
! the program will pick it up and continue
! the previous calculation, or if absent,
! it will start a new calculation
! trans_inv_flag logical ( default = .true. )
! impose translational invariance on the energy hessian
! to ensure that the modes associated with a rigid
! translation would have zero frequency
! trans_inv_max_iter integer ( default = 50 )
! the maximal number of steps in the iterative procedure
! that removes the rigid translation modes
! trans_inv_conv_thr real ( default = 1.0D-15 )
! the threshhold for convergence of the iterative procedure
! for removal of the rigid translation modes
! trans_rot_inv_flag logical ( default = .true. )
! remove also the rigid rotation modes
! animate logical ( default = .false. )
! generate xyz animation files for all normal modes
! Additional information about the output files:
! 1. After the energy hessian is calculated, the program will write
! the analysis results to 'prefix.vib.analysis'.
! The minimal output is:
! * raw (but symmetrized) hessian
! * diagonal mass matrix
! * harmonic frequencies and the associated effective
! spring constant and effective mode mass
! * raw Born charge tensors for each atom
! * the sum over the Born charges (minus total system charge)
! this quantity should ideally be zero (acoustic sum rule).
! * infrared intensity of each normal mode.
! If trans_inv_flag==.true. then the same information as above is repeated
! but this time with imposed translational invariance on the energy
! hessian. In addition, the Born charges are symmetrized and
! the acoustic sum rule is imposed.
! if trans_rot_inv_flag==.true. then also rotational modes are projected
! out.
! A brief description of the methods:
! 1. The energy hessian is constructed by a simple difference formula for
! the numerical first derivative of the forces.
! 2. The condition for translational invariance of the hessian is described
! (for instance) in Gonze and Lee, Phys. Rev. B 55(16), 1997, 10355-10368.
! However, simple enforcement of translational invariance breaks the
! symmetry of the hessian. Here symmetrization and translational
! invariance are repeatedly applied until convergence, i.e., until
! the largest change in any matrix element of the hessian is smaller
! than trans_inv_conv_thr parameter.
! A more sophisticated and general algorithm was suggested by
! Nicolas Mounet and Nicola Marzari (Ref. ???) and is already implemented
! in QE.
! 3. The algorithm for removal of rotational rigid modes follows closely the
! one implemented in Gaussian03 electronic structure package, as described
! in their white papers (www.gaussian.com).
! ==========================================================================
! ==== units and constants ====
! ==== ====
! ==== 1 hartree = 1 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 bohr radius = 1 a.u. = 0.529167 Angstrom ====
! ==== 1 rydberg = 1/2 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 electron volt = 1/27.212 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 kelvin *k-boltzm. = 1/(27.212*11606) a.u.'='3.2e-6 a.u ====
! ==== 1 second = 1/(2.4189)*1.e+17 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 proton mass = 1822.89 a.u. ====
! ==== 1 tera = 1.e+12 ====
! ==== 1 pico = 1.e-12 ====
! ==== 1 Volt / meter = 1/(5.1412*1.e+11) a.u. ====
! ==========================================================================
USE control_flags, ONLY : program_name
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE vibrations, ONLY : start_vibrations, calc_hessian, &
analysis, end_vibrations
INTEGER :: restart_cyc_counter
REAL (KIND=DP) :: E_minus, dip_minus(3)
! ... program starts here
#ifdef DFT_CP
program_name = 'CP90'
call start_cp
#ifdef DFT_PW
program_name = 'PW'
call start_pw
write (stdout,*) 'Using program ',program_name,' as a DFT engine.'
print *,'reading vib input...'
CALL read_input_vib()
print *,'Done...'
print *,'starting start_vibrations...'
CALL start_vibrations(restart_cyc_counter, E_minus, dip_minus)
print *,'Done...'
CALL calc_hessian (restart_cyc_counter, E_minus, dip_minus)
CALL analysis ()
CALL end_vibrations()
#ifdef DFT_CP
call end_cp
#ifdef DFT_PW
call end_pw
subroutine start_cp
#ifdef DFT_CP
USE environment, ONLY : environment_start
USE input, ONLY : read_input_file, iosys_pseudo, iosys
USE io_global, ONLY : io_global_start, io_global_getionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_global_start
USE mp, ONLY : mp_end, mp_start, mp_env
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_init
INTEGER :: mpime, nproc, gid, ionode_id
LOGICAL :: ionode
! ... initialize MPI (parallel processing handling)
CALL mp_start()
CALL mp_env( nproc, mpime, gid )
CALL mp_global_start( root, mpime, gid, nproc )
! ... mpime = processor number, starting from 0
! ... nproc = number of processors
! ... gid = group index
! ... root = index of the root processor
! ... initialize input output
CALL io_global_start( mpime, root )
CALL io_global_getionode( ionode, ionode_id )
CALL environment_start( )
! ... readin the input file
CALL read_input_file()
! ... copy pseudopotential input parameter into internal variables
! ... and read in pseudopotentials and wavefunctions files
CALL iosys_pseudo()
! ... copy-in input parameters from input_parameter module
CALL iosys()
CALL check_stop_init()
CALL init_run()
end subroutine start_cp
subroutine end_cp
#ifdef DFT_CP
CALL terminate_run()
CALL stop_run( .TRUE. )
end subroutine end_cp
subroutine start_pw
#ifdef DFT_PW
! ... Plane Wave Self-Consistent Field code
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE parameters, ONLY : ntypx, npk, lmaxx, nchix, ndmx, nqfx, nbrx
USE global_version, ONLY : version_number
USE wvfct, ONLY : gamma_only
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : noncolin
USE control_flags, ONLY : nstep, istep, conv_elec, conv_ions, &
lpath, lmetadyn
USE io_files, ONLY : nd_nmbr, iunpath, tmp_dir
USE path_variables, ONLY : conv_path
USE path_base, ONLY : initialize_path, search_mep
USE metadyn_base, ONLY : metadyn_init
USE path_io_routines, ONLY : io_path_start, io_path_stop
USE io_global, ONLY : ionode
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_init
! ... local variables
CHARACTER (LEN=9) :: code = 'PWSCF'
! ... use ".FALSE." to disable all clocks except the total cpu time clock
! ... use ".TRUE." to enable clocks
CALL init_clocks( .TRUE. )
CALL start_clock( code )
CALL startup( nd_nmbr, code, version_number )
IF ( ionode ) THEN
WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
FMT = '(/5X,"Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials")')
WRITE( unit = stdout, FMT = 9010 ) &
ntypx, npk, lmaxx, nchix, ndmx, nbrx, nqfx
CALL iosys()
CALL check_stop_init()
IF ( ionode .AND. noncolin ) &
WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
& FMT = '(/,5X,"non-colinear magnetization allowed",/)' )
IF ( ionode .AND. gamma_only ) &
WRITE( UNIT = stdout, &
& FMT = '(/,5X,"gamma-point specific algorithms are used",/)' )
CALL init_run()
istep = 0
9010 FORMAT( /,5X,'Current dimensions of program pwscf are:', /, &
& /,5X,'ntypx = ',I2,' npk = ',I5,' lmax = ',I2 &
& /,5X,'nchix = ',I2,' ndmx = ',I5,' nbrx = ',I2,' nqfx = ',I2 )
end subroutine start_pw
subroutine end_pw
#ifdef DFT_PW
USE control_flags, ONLY : conv_ions
CALL stop_run( conv_ions )
end subroutine end_pw