
236 lines
7.0 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
SUBROUTINE do_initial_state (excite)
! This routine is a driver routine which computes the initail state
! contribution to the core level shift.
! contains five parts which are computed by different routines:
! a) add_shift_lc, local contribution to the forces
! b) add_shift_cc, contribution due to NLCC
! c) add_shift_us , contribution due to the non-local potential
! d) add_shift_ew, contribution due to the electrostatic ewald term
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, alat, omega
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ntyp => nsp, ityp, tau, zv
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, gstart, nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nrxx, &
ngl, nl, igtongl, g, gg, gcutm, eigts1, eigts2, eigts3
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE symme, ONLY : s, nsym, irt
USE vlocal, ONLY : strf, vloc
USE scf, ONLY : rho
USE ldaU, ONLY : lda_plus_u
USE extfield, ONLY : tefield, forcefield
USE uspp, ONLY : nkb, vkb
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nh
USE klist, ONLY : nks, xk
USE wvfct, ONLY : npw, npwx, igk, gamma_only
USE ener, ONLY : ef
USE parameters, ONLY : ntypx
integer :: excite(ntypx)
integer, allocatable :: ityp_gs(:), ityp_excited(:)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: shift(:), &
shift_ef (:), &
shift_nl (:), &
shift_lc (:), &
shift_cc (:), &
shift_ion (:), &
shift_hub(:), &
! nonlocal, local, core-correction, ewald, and scf correction terms
REAL(DP) :: ryd_to_ev
parameter ( ryd_to_ev = 13.6058d0)
INTEGER :: ipol, na, nt, ik
! counter on polarization
! counter on atoms
logical :: first
CALL start_clock( 'do_shift' )
ALLOCATE( shift(nat), shift_ef(nat), shift_nl(nat), shift_lc(nat), &
shift_cc(nat), shift_hub(nat), shift_ion(nat), delta_zv(ntyp) )
ALLOCATE ( ityp_gs(nat), ityp_excited(nat) )
ityp_gs(:) = ityp(:)
do nt =1,ntyp
if (excite(nt).lt.0 .or. excite(nt).gt.ntyp) &
call errore ('do_initial_state', ' wrong excite value ', nt )
end do
do nt=ntyp+1, ntypx
if (excite(nt).ne.0 ) &
call errore ('do_initial_state', ' cannot exicte nt>ntyp ', nt )
end do
ityp_gs(:) = ityp(:)
ityp_excited(:) = ityp(:)
do na=1,nat
if (excite(ityp(na)).ne.0) ityp_excited (na) = excite(ityp(na))
end do
delta_zv(:) = 0.d0
do nt=1,ntyp
if (excite(nt).ne.0) delta_zv(nt) = zv(excite(nt)) - zv(nt)
end do
shift_ef(:) = 0.D0
shift_nl(:) = 0.D0
shift_lc(:) = 0.D0
shift_cc(:) = 0.D0
shift_hub(:) = 0.D0
shift_ion(:) = 0.D0
& /,5x,"CORE LEVEL SHIFT ON ATOMS:", / )')
do na=1,nat
shift_ef(na) = ef * delta_zv(ityp(na))
end do
first = .true.
10 continue
! ... The nonlocal contribution is computed here
CALL add_shift_us( shift_nl )
! ... The local contribution
CALL add_shift_lc( nat, tau, ityp, alat, omega, ngm, ngl, igtongl, &
nr1, nr2, nr3, nrx1, nrx2, nrx3, nrxx, g, rho, nl, nspin, &
gstart, gamma_only, vloc, shift_lc )
! ... The NLCC contribution
CALL add_shift_cc( shift_cc )
! ... The Hubbard contribution
IF ( lda_plus_u ) call errore('initial_state','LDA+U not implemented',1)
! change atomic type and recompute needed quantities
if ( first ) then
ityp(:) = ityp_excited(:)
call newd()
nkb = 0
do na = 1, nat
nkb = nkb + nh (ityp(na))
if(nkb>0) allocate(vkb(npwx,nkb))
IF ( nks == 1 ) THEN
ik = 1
IF ( nkb > 0 ) CALL init_us_2( npw, igk, xk(1,ik), vkb )
shift_nl = - shift_nl
shift_lc = - shift_lc
shift_cc = - shift_cc
shift_hub= - shift_hub
first = .false.
goto 10
ityp(:) = ityp_gs(:)
call newd()
nkb = 0
do na = 1, nat
nkb = nkb + nh (ityp(na))
if(nkb>0) allocate(vkb(npwx,nkb))
IF ( nks == 1 ) THEN
ik = 1
IF ( nkb > 0 ) CALL init_us_2( npw, igk, xk(1,ik), vkb )
end if
! ... The ionic contribution is computed here
! call infomsg ('do_initial_state',' EWALD term is still missing', -1)
call do_shift_ew (alat, nat, ntyp, ityp, zv, delta_zv, at, bg, tau, &
omega, g, gg, ngm, gcutm, gstart, gamma_only, shift_ion)
! ... here we sum all the contributions and compute the total force acting
! ... on the crstal
DO na = 1, nat
shift(na) = shift_ef(na) + &
shift_nl(na) + &
shift_ion(na) + &
shift_lc(na) + &
shift_cc(na) + &
! ... resymmetrize (should not be needed, but ...)
IF ( nsym >= 1 ) THEN
CALL symscalar( nat, shift, nsym, s, irt )
! ... write on output the initial state core level shifts
DO na = 1, nat
WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), shift(na), shift(na)*ryd_to_ev
WRITE (stdout,*)
#define DEBUG
#ifdef DEBUG
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The FERMI ENERGY contribution to shift")')
DO na = 1, nat
WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), shift_ef(na), shift_ef(na)*ryd_to_ev
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The NON LOCAL contribution to shift")')
DO na = 1, nat
WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), shift_nl(na), shift_nl(na)*ryd_to_ev
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The LOCAL contribution to shift")')
DO na = 1, nat
WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), shift_lc(na), shift_lc(na)*ryd_to_ev
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The IONIC contribution to shift")')
DO na = 1, nat
WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), shift_ion(na), shift_ion(na)*ryd_to_ev
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The CC contribution to shift")')
DO na = 1, nat
WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), shift_cc(na), shift_cc(na)*ryd_to_ev
WRITE( stdout, '(5x,"The Hubbard contribution to shift")')
DO na = 1, nat
WRITE( stdout, 9035) na, ityp(na), shift_hub(na), shift_hub(na)*ryd_to_ev
DEALLOCATE( shift_ef, shift_nl, shift_lc, shift_cc, shift_hub, &
shift_ion, delta_zv )
DEALLOCATE (ityp_gs, ityp_excited)
CALL stop_clock( 'do_shift' )
9035 FORMAT(5X,'atom ',I3,' type ',I2,' shift =',F13.6,' Ry, =',F13.5,' eV')
END SUBROUTINE do_initial_state