
350 lines
10 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
program read_bands
#include "f_defs.h"
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
implicit none
real, allocatable :: e(:,:), k(:,:), e_in(:), kx(:)
real :: k1(3), k2(3), xk1, xk2, ps
integer, allocatable :: npoints(:)
integer :: nks = 0, nbnd = 0, ios, nlines, n,i,ni,nf,nl, ierr, ilen
logical, allocatable :: high_symmetry(:), is_in_range(:)
character(len=256) :: filename
namelist /plot/ nks, nbnd
integer :: n_interp, init
real, allocatable :: k_interp(:), e_interp(:), coef_interp(:,:)
real :: emin = 1.e10, emax =-1.e10, etic, eref, deltaE, Ef
real, parameter :: cm=28.453, xdim=15.0*cm, ydim=10.0*cm, &
x0=2.0*cm, y0=2.0*cm
call get_file ( filename )
read (1, plot, iostat=ios)
if (nks <= 0 .or. nbnd <= 0 .or. ios /= 0) then
stop 'Error reading file header'
print '("Reading ",i4," bands at ",i4," k-points")', nbnd, nks
end if
allocate (e(nbnd,nks))
allocate (k(3,nks), e_in(nks), kx(nks), npoints(nks), high_symmetry(nks))
do n=1,nks
read(1,*,end=20,err=20) ( k(i,n), i=1,3 )
read(1,*,end=20,err=20) (e(i,n),i=1,nbnd)
if (n==1) then
kx(n) = 0.0
kx(n) = kx(n-1) + sqrt ( (k(1,n)-k(1,n-1))**2 + &
(k(2,n)-k(2,n-1))**2 + &
(k(3,n)-k(3,n-1))**2 )
end if
end do
do n=1,nks
do i=1,nbnd
emin = min(emin, e(i,n))
emax = max(emax, e(i,n))
end do
end do
print '("Range:",2f8.4,"eV Emin, Emax > ",$)', emin, emax
read(5,*) emin, emax
allocate (is_in_range(nbnd))
is_in_range(:) = .false.
do i=1,nbnd
is_in_range(i) = any (e(i,1:nks) >= emin .and. e(i,1:nks) <= emax)
end do
do n=1,nks
if (n==1 .or. n==nks) then
high_symmetry(n) = .true.
do i=1,3
k1(i) = k(i,n)-k(i,n-1)
k2(i) = k(i,n+1)-k(i,n)
end do
ps = ( k1(1)*k2(1) + k1(2)*k2(2) + k1(3)*k2(3) ) / &
sqrt( k1(1)*k1(1) + k1(2)*k1(2) + k1(3)*k1(3) ) / &
sqrt( k2(1)*k2(1) + k2(2)*k2(2) + k2(3)*k2(3) )
high_symmetry(n) = abs(ps-1.0) .gt.1.0e-4
end if
if (high_symmetry(n)) then
if (n==1) then
else if (n==nks) then
npoints(nlines+1) = npoints(nlines+1)+1
npoints(nlines+1) = npoints(nlines+1)+1
npoints(nlines+1) = 1
end if
WRITE( stdout,'("high-symmetry point: ",3f7.4)') (k(i,n),i=1,3)
npoints(nlines+1) = npoints(nlines+1)+1
end if
end do
print '("output file (xmgr) > ",$)'
read(5,'(a)', end=25, err=25) filename
if (filename == ' ' ) then
print '("skipping ...")'
go to 25
end if
open (unit=2,file=filename,form='formatted',status='unknown',&
! draw bands
do i=1,nbnd
if (is_in_range(i)) then
if ( mod(i,2) /= 0) then
write (2,'(2f10.4)') (kx(n), e(i,n),n=1,nks)
write (2,'(2f10.4)') (kx(n), e(i,n),n=nks,1,-1)
end if
end if
end do
close (unit = 2)
print '("bands in xmgr format written to file ",a)', filename
25 continue
print '("output file (ps) > ",$)'
read(5,'(a)',end=30,err=30) filename
if (filename == ' ' ) then
print '("stopping ...")'
go to 30
end if
open (unit=1,file=filename,form='formatted',status='unknown',&
print '("Efermi > ",$)'
read(5,*) Ef
print '("deltaE, reference E (for tics) ",$)'
read(5,*) deltaE, eref
write (1,'(a)') '%! PS-Adobe-1.0'
write (1,*) '/localdict 100 dict def'
write (1,*) 'localdict begin'
write (1,*) '% delete next line for insertion in a LaTeX file'
write (1,*) ' 0 0 moveto'
write (1,*) 'gsave'
write (1,*) '/nm {newpath moveto} def'
write (1,*) '/riga {newpath moveto lineto stroke} def'
write (1,*) '/banda {3 1 roll moveto {lineto} repeat stroke} def'
write (1,*) '/dot {newpath 1 0 360 arc fill} def'
write (1,*) '/Times-Roman findfont 12 scalefont setfont'
write (1,*) 'currentpoint translate'
write (1,*) '% Landscape: uncomment next line'
write (1,*) ' 90 rotate 0 21 neg 28.451 mul translate 1.5 1.5 scale'
write (1,*) '% Landscape: comment next line'
write (1,*) '% 1.2 1.2 scale'
write (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," translate")') x0, y0
write (1,*) '0 setgray 0.5 setlinewidth'
! draw tics on axis
do i=-ni,nf
if (etic >= emin .and. etic <= emax) then
write (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," moveto -5 0 rlineto stroke")') &
write (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," moveto (",f4.1,") show")') &
-30.,(etic-emin)*ydim/(emax-emin), etic-eref
end if
end do
! draw the Fermi Energy
if (Ef > emin .and. Ef < emax) then
write (1,'("[2 4] 0 setdash newpath ",2(f8.3,1x), " moveto ")') &
0.0, (Ef-emin)/(emax-emin)*ydim
write (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," lineto stroke [] 0 setdash")') &
xdim, (Ef-emin)/(emax-emin)*ydim
end if
! draw axis and set clipping region
write (1,*) '1 setlinewidth'
write (1,'(8(f8.3,1x))') 0.0,0.0,0.0,ydim,xdim,ydim,xdim,0.0
write (1,*) 'newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath clip stroke'
write (1,*) '0.5 setlinewidth'
! draw high-symmetry lines
do n=1,nks
if (high_symmetry(n)) then
write (1,'(4(f8.3,1x)," riga")') &
kx(n)*xdim/kx(nks), 0.0, kx(n)*xdim/kx(nks), ydim
end if
do i=1,nbnd
if (is_in_range(i)) write (1,'(2(f8.3,1x)," dot")' ) &
kx(n)*xdim/kx(nks), (e(i,n)-emin)*ydim/(emax-emin)
end do
end do
! draw bands
allocate (k_interp(4*nks), e_interp(4*nks), coef_interp(nks,4))
do i=1,nbnd
if (is_in_range(i)) then
! No interpolation:
! write (1,'(9(f8.3,1x))') ( kx(n)*xdim/kx(nks), &
! (e(i,n)-emin)*ydim/(emax-emin),n=nks,1,-1)
! write (1,'(i4," banda")' ) nks-1
! Spline interpolation with twice as many points:
do nl=1,nlines
nf=nf + npoints(nl)-1
n_interp= 2*(nf-ni)+1
do n=1,n_interp
end do
do n=ni,nf
end do
call spline_interpol ( kx(ni), e_in, nf-ni+1, &
k_interp, e_interp, n_interp )
write (1,'(9(f8.3,1x))') ( k_interp(n)*xdim/kx(nks), &
write (1,'(i4," banda")' ) n_interp-1
end do
end if
end do
write (1,*) 'grestore'
write (1,*) '% delete next lines for insertion in a tex file'
write (1,'(a)') '%%Page'
write (1,*) 'showpage'
close (unit=1)
print '("bands in PostScript format written to file ",a)', filename
30 continue
20 print '("Error reading k-point # ",i4)', n
end program read_bands
subroutine spline_interpol (xin, yin, nin, xout, yout, nout)
! xin and xout should be in increasing order, with
! xout(1) <= xin(1), xout(nout) <= xin(nin)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: nin, nout
real, intent(in) :: xin(nin), yin(nin), xout(nout)
real, intent(out) :: yout(nout)
! work space (automatically allocated)
real :: d2y(nin)
real :: dy1, dyn
dy1 = (yin(2)-yin(1))/(xin(2)-xin(1))
dyn = 0.0
call spline( xin, yin, nin, dy1, dyn, d2y)
call splint( nin, xin, yin, d2y, nout, xout, yout)
end subroutine spline_interpol
subroutine spline(x, y, n, yp1, ypn, d2y)
implicit none
integer, intent(in) :: n
real, intent(in) :: x(n), y(n), yp1, ypn
real, intent(out):: d2y(n)
! work space (automatically allocated)
real :: work(n)
integer :: i, k
real :: sig, p, qn, un
do i=2,n-1
work(i)=(6.0*((y(i+1)-y(i))/(x(i+1)-x(i))-(y(i)-y(i-1)) &
end do
do k=n-1,1,-1
end do
end subroutine spline
subroutine splint (nspline, xspline, yspline, d2y, nfit, xfit, yfit)
implicit none
! input
integer, intent(in) :: nspline, nfit
real, intent(in) :: xspline(nspline), yspline(nspline), xfit(nfit), &
real, intent(out) :: yfit(nfit)
integer :: klo, khi, i
real :: a, b, h
do i=1,nfit
do khi=klo+1, nspline
if(xspline(khi) >= xfit(i)) then
if(xspline(khi-1) <= xfit(i)) then
klo = khi-1
if (klo == 1 .and. khi-1 == 1) then
! the case xfit(i) < xspline(1) should not happen
! but since it may be due to a numerical artifact
! we just continue
print *, ' SPLINT WARNING: xfit(i) < xspline(1)', &
xfit(i), xspline(1)
stop ' SPLINT ERROR: xfit not properly ordered'
end if
end if
h= xspline(khi) - xspline(klo)
a= (xspline(khi)-xfit(i))/h
b= (xfit(i)-xspline(klo))/h
yfit(i) = a*yspline(klo) + b*yspline(khi) &
+ ( (a**3-a)*d2y(klo) + (b**3-b)*d2y(khi) )*h*h/6.0
go to 10
end if
end do
! the case xfit(i) > xspline(nspline) should also not happen
! but again it may be due to a numerical artifact
! A properly chosen extrapolation formula should be used here
! (and in the case xfit(i) < xspline(1) above as well) but
! I am too lazy to write one - PG
print *, ' SPLINT WARNING: xfit(i) > xspline(nspline)', &
xfit(i), xspline(nspline)
khi = klo+1
h= xspline(khi) - xspline(klo)
a= (xspline(khi)-xfit(i))/h
b= (xfit(i)-xspline(klo))/h
yfit(i) = a*yspline(klo) + b*yspline(khi) &
+ ( (a**3-a)*d2y(klo) + (b**3-b)*d2y(khi) )*h*h/6.0
10 continue
end do
end subroutine splint