
87 lines
2.6 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine dpsi_corr (evcq, psidvpsi_x, ik, ikq, nu)
! Used in the metallic case.
! If dpsi common variable contains the projection on the conduction
! states of the first variation of a wavefunction at a given k-point,
! this routine corrects dpsi in such a way that the density matrix
! is given by: Sum_{k,nu} 2 * | dpsi > < psi |
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds, only : DP
use pwcom
use phcom
use d3com
implicit none
integer :: ik, ikq, nu, ibnd, jbnd
! index of the k-point under consideration
! index of the corresponding k+q point
! mode under consideration
! counter on bands
! counter on bands
real (DP) :: wfshift, wgauss, w0gauss, deltae, wg1, wg2, wwg
! the shift coefficent for the wave function
! function computing the theta function
! function computing the derivative of theta
! difference of energy
! weight for metals
! weight for metals
! weight for metals
complex (DP) :: evcq (npwx, nbnd), psidvpsi_x (nbnd, nbnd), &
! k+q point wavefunction
! < psi_{k+q} | V(q) | psi_k >
! Multiplies dpsi by the theta function
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
wg1 = wgauss ( (ef - et (ibnd, ik) ) / degauss, ngauss)
call DSCAL (2 * npwq, wg1, dpsi (1, ibnd), 1)
! Adds to dpsi the term containing the valence wavefunctions
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
do jbnd = 1, nbnd
deltae = et (ibnd, ik) - et (jbnd, ikq)
if (abs (deltae) .gt.1.0d-5) then
wg1 = wgauss ( (ef - et (ibnd, ik) ) / degauss, ngauss)
wg2 = wgauss ( (ef - et (jbnd, ikq) ) / degauss, ngauss)
wwg = (wg1 - wg2) / deltae
wwg = - w0gauss ( (ef - et (ibnd, ik) ) / degauss, ngauss) &
/ degauss
psidvpsi = 0.5d0 * wwg * psidvpsi_x (jbnd, ibnd)
call ZAXPY (npwq, psidvpsi, evcq (1, jbnd), 1, dpsi (1, ibnd), &
! If necessary corrects dpsi with a term depending on FermiEnergy shift
if (ik.eq.ikq) then
do ibnd = 1, nbnd_occ (ik)
wfshift = 0.5d0 * ef_sh (nu) * w0gauss ( (ef - et (ibnd, ik) ) &
/ degauss, ngauss) / degauss
call DAXPY (2 * npw, wfshift, evcq (1, ibnd), 1, dpsi (1, ibnd) &
, 1)
end subroutine dpsi_corr