
32 lines
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This example shows how to obtain a simulated STM image of the AlAs(110)
surface. The image is obtained by integrating the density of states
from the bias potential to the fermi energy, as proposed by Tersoff and
Hamann [PRB 31, 805 (1985)].
1) make a self-consistent calculation for the relaxed AlAs (110) surface
by using a slab supercell.
(input=AlAs110re.scf.in, ouput=AlAs110re.scf.out)
2) make a non-self-consistent calculation for the same cell with a larger
number of k points
(input=AlAs110re.nonscf.in, output=AlAs110re.nonscf.out)
3) call the postprocessing executable 'pp.x' with the instruction
'plot_num= 5' to generate the STM simulated image with bias
potential specified by 'sample_bias=-0.0735'. Intermediate data
is collected in file 'AlAsresm-1.0'. A 2-dimensional slice of
the image is then extracted and written to 'AlAs110-1.0'.
(input=AlAs110.pp_stm-.in, and output=AlAs110.pp_stm-.out)
4) same as point 3) but with positive bias 'sample_bias=0.0735'.
Output files: 'AlAsresm+1.0' and 'AlAs110+1.0'.
(input=AlAs110.pp_stm+.in, and output=AlAs110.pp_stm+.out)
5-6) produce a postscript file of the simulated STM images by running the
executable 'plotrho.x'. This generate the PostScript files
'AlAs110-1.0eV.ps' and 'AlAs110+1.0eV.ps'.
(input=AlAs110.plotrho-.in, output=AlAs110.plotrho-.out)
(input=AlAs110.plotrho+.in, output=AlAs110.plotrho+.out)