
167 lines
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MODULE paw_postproc
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE paw_variables, ONLY : paw_info
PUBLIC :: PAW_make_ae_charge
SUBROUTINE PAW_make_ae_charge(rho)
USE paw_onecenter, ONLY : paw_rho_lm
USE atom, ONLY : g => rgrid
USE ions_base, ONLY : nat, ityp, tau
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nh, nhm, upf
USE scf, ONLY : scf_type
USE fft_base, ONLY : dfftp
USE mp_global, ONLY : me_pool
USE splinelib, ONLY : spline, splint
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, alat
TYPE(scf_type), INTENT(inout) :: rho
TYPE(paw_info) :: i ! minimal info on atoms
INTEGER :: ipol ! counter on x,y,z
INTEGER :: ir ! counter on grid point
INTEGER :: is ! spin index
INTEGER :: lm ! counters on angmom and radial grid
INTEGER :: j,k,l, idx, idx0
REAL(DP),ALLOCATABLE :: wsp_lm(:,:,:), ylm_posi(:,:), d1y(:), d2y(:)
REAL(DP),ALLOCATABLE :: rho_lm(:,:,:), rho_lm_ae(:,:,:), rho_lm_ps(:,:,:)
REAL(DP) :: posi(3), first, second
REAL(DP) :: inv_nr1, inv_nr2, inv_nr3, distsq
! Some initialization
inv_nr1 = 1.D0 / dble( dfftp%nr1 )
inv_nr2 = 1.D0 / dble( dfftp%nr2 )
inv_nr3 = 1.D0 / dble( dfftp%nr3 )
! I cannot parallelize on atoms, because it is already parallelized
! on charge slabs
atoms: DO ia = 1, nat
i%a = ia ! atom's index
i%t = ityp(ia) ! type of atom ia
i%m = g(i%t)%mesh ! radial mesh size for atom i%t
i%b = upf(i%t)%nbeta ! number of beta functions for i%t
i%l = upf(i%t)%lmax_rho+1 ! max ang.mom. in augmentation for ia
ifpaw: IF (upf(i%t)%tpawp) THEN
! Arrays are allocated inside the cycle to allow reduced
! memory usage as different atoms have different meshes
ALLOCATE(rho_lm_ae(i%m,i%l**2,nspin), &
rho_lm_ps(i%m,i%l**2,nspin) )
ALLOCATE(rho_lm(i%m,i%l**2,nspin), &
ylm_posi(1,i%l**2), &
wsp_lm(i%m, i%l**2,nspin) )
! Compute rho spherical harmonics expansion from becsum and pfunc
CALL PAW_rho_lm(i, rho%bec, upf(i%t)%paw%pfunc, rho_lm_ae)
CALL PAW_rho_lm(i, rho%bec, upf(i%t)%paw%ptfunc, rho_lm_ps, &
DO is=1,nspin
DO lm = 1,i%l**2
DO ir = 1, i%m
rho_lm(ir,lm,is) = ( rho_lm_ae(ir,lm,is) - &
rho_lm_ps(ir,lm,is) ) * g(i%t)%rm2(ir)
! add core charge
!DO ir = 1, i%m
! rho_lm(ir,1,is) = rho_lm(ir,1,is) + &
! upf(i%t)%paw%ae_rho_atc(ir) / nspin
! deallocate asap
DEALLOCATE(rho_lm_ae, rho_lm_ps)
ALLOCATE( d1y(upf(i%t)%kkbeta), d2y(upf(i%t )%kkbeta) )
DO is = 1,nspin
DO lm = 1, i%l**2
CALL radial_gradient(rho_lm(1:upf(i%t)%kkbeta,lm,is), d1y, &
g(i%t)%r, upf(i%t)%kkbeta, 1)
CALL radial_gradient(d1y, d2y, g(i%t)%r, upf(i%t)%kkbeta, 1)
first = d1y(1) ! first derivative in first point
second = d2y(1) ! second derivative in first point
! prepare interpolation
CALL spline( g(i%t)%r(:), rho_lm(:,lm,is), first, second, &
wsp_lm(:,lm,is) )
DEALLOCATE(d1y, d2y)
#if defined (__PARA)
idx0 = dfftp%nr1x* dfftp%nr2x * sum ( dfftp%npp(1:me_pool) )
idx0 = 0
rsp_point : DO ir = 1, dfftp%nnr
! three dimensional indices (i,j,k)
idx = idx0 + ir - 1
k = idx / ( dfftp%nr1x* dfftp%nr2x)
idx = idx - ( dfftp%nr1x* dfftp%nr2x)*k
j = idx / dfftp%nr1x
idx = idx - dfftp%nr1x*j
l = idx
! ... do not include points outside the physical range!
IF ( l >= dfftp%nr1 .or. j >= dfftp%nr2 .or. k >= dfftp%nr3 ) CYCLE rsp_point
DO ipol = 1, 3
posi(ipol) = dble( l )*inv_nr1*at(ipol,1) + &
dble( j )*inv_nr2*at(ipol,2) + &
dble( k )*inv_nr3*at(ipol,3)
! find the distance of real-space grid's point ir w.r.t
! closer periodic image of atom ia
posi(:) = posi(:) - tau(:,ia)
CALL cryst_to_cart( 1, posi, bg, -1 )
posi(:) = posi(:) - anint( posi(:) )
CALL cryst_to_cart( 1, posi, at, 1 )
posi(:) = posi(:) * alat
distsq = posi(1)**2 + posi(2)**2 + posi(3)**2
! don't consider points too far from the atom:
IF ( distsq > g(i%t)%r2(upf(i%t)%kkbeta) ) &
CYCLE rsp_point
! generate the atomic charge on point posi(:), which means
! sum over l and m components rho_lm_ae-rho_lm_ps
! interpolate the radial function at distance |posi(:)|
! prepare spherical harmonics
CALL ylmr2( i%l**2, 1, posi, distsq, ylm_posi )
DO is = 1,nspin
DO lm = 1, i%l**2
! do interpolation
rho%of_r(ir,is)= rho%of_r(ir,is) + ylm_posi(1,lm) &
* splint(g(i%t)%r(:) , rho_lm(:,lm,is), &
wsp_lm(:,lm,is), sqrt(distsq) )
ENDDO rsp_point
DEALLOCATE(rho_lm, ylm_posi, wsp_lm)
ENDIF ifpaw
ENDDO atoms
END SUBROUTINE PAW_make_ae_charge
END MODULE paw_postproc