
298 lines
10 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 FPMD-CPV groups
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
SUBROUTINE from_scratch( )
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE control_flags, ONLY : tranp, trane, iprsta, tpre, tcarpar, &
tzeroc, tzerop, tzeroe, tfor, thdyn, &
lwf, tprnfor, tortho, amprp, ampre, &
tsde, ortho_eps, ortho_max, &
USE ions_positions, ONLY : taus, tau0, tausm, vels, fion, fionm, atoms0
USE ions_base, ONLY : na, nsp, randpos, zv, ions_vel, pmass
USE ions_base, ONLY : taui, cdmi, nat, iforce
USE ions_nose, ONLY : xnhp0, xnhpm, vnhp
USE cell_base, ONLY : ainv, h, s_to_r, ibrav, omega, press, &
hold, r_to_s, deth, wmass, iforceh, &
cell_force, velh, at, alat
USE cell_nose, ONLY : xnhh0, xnhhm, vnhh
USE electrons_nose, ONLY : xnhe0, xnhem, vnhe
use electrons_base, ONLY : nbsp, f, nspin, nupdwn, iupdwn, nbsp_bgrp, nbspx_bgrp, nbspx
USE electrons_module, ONLY : occn_info, distribute_c, collect_c, distribute_b, collect_b
USE energies, ONLY : entropy, eself, enl, ekin, enthal, etot, ekincm
USE energies, ONLY : dft_energy_type, debug_energies
USE dener, ONLY : denl, denl6, dekin6, detot
USE uspp, ONLY : vkb, becsum, deeq, nkb, okvan
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE core, ONLY : nlcc_any, rhoc
USE gvecw, ONLY : ngw
USE gvecs, ONLY : ngms
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, gg
USE gvect, ONLY : gstart, mill, eigts1, eigts2, eigts3
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nvb
USE cp_electronic_mass, ONLY : emass
USE efield_module, ONLY : tefield, efield_berry_setup, berry_energy, &
tefield2, efield_berry_setup2, berry_energy2
USE cg_module, ONLY : tcg
USE ensemble_dft, ONLY : tens, compute_entropy
USE cp_interfaces, ONLY : runcp_uspp, runcp_uspp_force_pairing, &
strucf, phfacs, nlfh, vofrho
USE cp_interfaces, ONLY : rhoofr, ortho, wave_rand_init, elec_fakekine
USE cp_interfaces, ONLY : compute_stress
USE cp_interfaces, ONLY : print_lambda
USE printout_base, ONLY : printout_pos
USE orthogonalize_base, ONLY : updatc, calphi_bgrp
USE atoms_type_module, ONLY : atoms_type
USE wave_base, ONLY : wave_steepest
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : c0_bgrp, cm_bgrp, phi_bgrp
USE grid_dimensions, ONLY : nr1, nr2, nr3
USE time_step, ONLY : delt
USE cp_main_variables, ONLY : setval_lambda, descla, bephi, becp_bgrp, nfi, &
sfac, eigr, taub, irb, eigrb, bec_bgrp, &
lambda, lambdam, lambdap, ema0bg, rhog, rhor, rhos, &
vpot, ht0, edft, nlax, becdr_bgrp, dbec, drhor, drhog
USE mp_global, ONLY : np_ortho, me_ortho, ortho_comm, mpime, inter_bgrp_comm, nbgrp
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: emadt2(:), emaver(:)
REAL(DP) :: verl1, verl2
REAL(DP) :: bigr, dum
INTEGER :: i, j, iter, iss, ierr, nspin_wfc
LOGICAL :: tlast = .FALSE.
REAL(DP) :: gam(1,1,1)
REAL(DP) :: fcell(3,3), ccc, enb, enbi, fccc
LOGICAL :: ttforce
LOGICAL :: tstress
REAL(DP) :: ei_unp
REAL(DP) :: dt2bye
INTEGER :: n_spin_start
LOGICAL :: tfirst = .TRUE.
REAL(DP) :: stress(3,3)
INTEGER :: i1, i2
! ... Subroutine body
nfi = 0
ttforce = tfor .or. tprnfor
tstress = thdyn .or. tpre
stress = 0.0d0
IF( tsde ) THEN
fccc = 1.0d0
fccc = 0.5d0
dt2bye = delt * delt / emass
IF( ANY( tranp( 1:nsp ) ) ) THEN
CALL invmat( 3, h, ainv, deth )
CALL randpos( taus, na, nsp, tranp, amprp, ainv, iforce )
CALL s_to_r( taus, tau0, na, nsp, h )
CALL phfacs( eigts1, eigts2, eigts3, eigr, mill, atoms0%taus, nr1, nr2, nr3, atoms0%nat )
CALL strucf( sfac, eigts1, eigts2, eigts3, mill, ngms )
IF ( okvan .OR. nlcc_any ) THEN
CALL initbox ( tau0, alat, at, ainv, taub, irb )
CALL phbox( taub, iprsta, eigrb )
! wfc initialization with random numbers
CALL wave_rand_init( cm_bgrp )
IF ( ionode ) &
WRITE( stdout, fmt = '(//,3X, "Wave Initialization: random initial wave-functions" )' )
! ... prefor calculates vkb (used by gram)
CALL prefor( eigr, vkb )
nspin_wfc = nspin
IF( force_pairing ) nspin_wfc = 1
CALL gram_bgrp( vkb, bec_bgrp, nkb, cm_bgrp, ngw )
IF( force_pairing ) cm_bgrp(:,iupdwn(2):iupdwn(2)+nupdwn(2)-1) = cm_bgrp(:,1:nupdwn(2))
if( iprsta >= 3 ) CALL dotcsc( eigr, cm_bgrp, ngw, nbsp )
! ... initialize bands
CALL occn_info( f )
atoms0%for = 0.D0
atoms0%vels = 0.D0
hold = h
velh = 0.0d0
fion = 0.0d0
tausm = taus
! ... compute local form factors
CALL formf( tfirst, eself )
edft%eself = eself
IF( tefield ) THEN
CALL efield_berry_setup( eigr, tau0 )
IF( tefield2 ) THEN
CALL efield_berry_setup2( eigr, tau0 )
IF( .NOT. tcg ) THEN
CALL calbec_bgrp ( 1, nsp, eigr, cm_bgrp, bec_bgrp )
if ( tstress ) CALL caldbec_bgrp( eigr, cm_bgrp, dbec )
CALL rhoofr( nfi, cm_bgrp, irb, eigrb, bec_bgrp, dbec, becsum, rhor, drhor, rhog, drhog, rhos, enl, denl, ekin, dekin6 )
edft%enl = enl
edft%ekin = ekin
! put core charge (if present) in rhoc(r)
if ( nlcc_any ) CALL set_cc( irb, eigrb, rhoc )
IF( .NOT. tcg ) THEN
IF( tens ) THEN
CALL compute_entropy( entropy, f(1), nspin )
entropy = entropy * nbsp
vpot = rhor
CALL vofrho( nfi, vpot, drhor, rhog, drhog, rhos, rhoc, tfirst, tlast, &
& eigts1, eigts2, eigts3, irb, eigrb, sfac, tau0, fion )
IF( tefield ) THEN
CALL berry_energy( enb, enbi, bec_bgrp, cm_bgrp, fion )
etot = etot + enb + enbi
IF( tefield2 ) THEN
CALL berry_energy2( enb, enbi, bec_bgrp, cm_bgrp, fion )
etot = etot + enb + enbi
CALL compute_stress( stress, detot, h, omega )
if(iprsta.gt.2) &
CALL printout_pos( stdout, fion, nat, head = ' fion ' )
CALL newd( vpot, irb, eigrb, becsum, fion )
IF( force_pairing ) THEN
CALL runcp_uspp_force_pairing( nfi, fccc, ccc, ema0bg, dt2bye, rhos, bec_bgrp, cm_bgrp, &
& c0_bgrp, ei_unp, fromscra = .TRUE. )
CALL setval_lambda( lambda(:,:,2), nupdwn(1), nupdwn(1), 0.d0, descla(:,1) )
CALL runcp_uspp( nfi, fccc, ccc, ema0bg, dt2bye, rhos, bec_bgrp, cm_bgrp, c0_bgrp, fromscra = .TRUE. )
! nlfq needs deeq bec
IF( ttforce ) THEN
CALL nlfq_bgrp( cm_bgrp, eigr, bec_bgrp, becdr_bgrp, fion )
! calphi calculates phi
! the electron mass rises with g**2
CALL calphi_bgrp( cm_bgrp, ngw, bec_bgrp, nkb, vkb, phi_bgrp, nbspx_bgrp, ema0bg )
IF( force_pairing ) &
& phi_bgrp( :, iupdwn(2):(iupdwn(2)+nupdwn(2)-1) ) = phi_bgrp( :, 1:nupdwn(2))
if( tortho ) then
CALL ortho( eigr, c0_bgrp, phi_bgrp, lambda, descla, bigr, iter, ccc, bephi, becp_bgrp )
CALL gram_bgrp( vkb, bec_bgrp, nkb, c0_bgrp, ngw )
IF ( ttforce ) THEN
CALL nlfl_bgrp( bec_bgrp, becdr_bgrp, lambda, fion )
if ( iprsta >= 3 ) CALL print_lambda( lambda, nbsp, 9, ccc )
if ( tstress ) CALL nlfh( stress, bec_bgrp, dbec, lambda )
IF ( tortho ) THEN
CALL updatc( ccc, lambda, phi_bgrp, bephi, becp_bgrp, bec_bgrp, c0_bgrp, descla )
IF( force_pairing ) THEN
c0_bgrp ( :, iupdwn(2):(iupdwn(2)+nupdwn(2)-1) ) = c0_bgrp( :, 1:nupdwn(2))
phi_bgrp( :, iupdwn(2):(iupdwn(2)+nupdwn(2)-1) ) = phi_bgrp( :, 1:nupdwn(2))
lambda(:,:,2) = lambda(:,:,1)
CALL calbec_bgrp ( nvb+1, nsp, eigr, c0_bgrp, bec_bgrp )
if ( tstress ) CALL caldbec_bgrp( eigr, cm_bgrp, dbec )
if ( iprsta >= 3 ) CALL dotcsc( eigr, c0_bgrp, ngw, nbsp_bgrp )
xnhp0 = 0.0d0
xnhpm = 0.0d0
vnhp = 0.0d0
fionm = 0.0d0
CALL ions_vel( vels, taus, tausm, na, nsp, delt )
xnhh0(:,:) = 0.0d0
xnhhm(:,:) = 0.0d0
vnhh (:,:) = 0.0d0
velh (:,:) = ( h(:,:) - hold(:,:) ) / delt
CALL elec_fakekine( ekincm, ema0bg, emass, c0_bgrp, cm_bgrp, ngw, nbsp_bgrp, 1, delt )
xnhe0 = 0.0d0
xnhem = 0.0d0
vnhe = 0.0d0
lambdam = lambda
c0_bgrp = cm_bgrp
END SUBROUTINE from_scratch