
848 lines
29 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 Quantum-ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
SUBROUTINE cprmain( tau, fion_out, etot_out )
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE constants, ONLY : bohr_radius_angs, uma_au
USE control_flags, ONLY : iprint, isave, thdyn, tpre, tbuff, &
iprsta, trhor, tfor, tvlocw, trhow, &
taurdr, tprnfor, tsdc, lconstrain, lwf, &
lneb, lcoarsegrained, ndr, ndw, nomore, &
tsde, tortho, tnosee, tnosep, trane, &
tranp, tsdp, tcp, tcap, ampre, amprp, &
tnoseh, tolp, ortho_eps, ortho_max, &
USE core, ONLY : nlcc_any, rhoc
USE uspp_param, ONLY : nhm, nh
USE cvan, ONLY : nvb, ish
USE uspp, ONLY : nkb, vkb, becsum, deeq
USE energies, ONLY : eht, epseu, exc, etot, eself, enl, &
ekin, atot, entropy, egrand, enthal, &
ekincm, print_energies
USE electrons_base, ONLY : nbspx, nbsp, ispin => fspin, f, nspin
USE electrons_base, ONLY : nel, iupdwn, nupdwn, nudx, nelt
USE efield_module, ONLY : efield, epol, tefield, allocate_efield, &
efield_update, ipolp, qmat, gqq, &
evalue, berry_energy
USE ensemble_dft, ONLY : tens, tgrand, ninner, ismear, etemp, &
ef, tdynz, tdynf, zmass, fmass, fricz, &
fricf, allocate_ensemble_dft, &
id_matrix_init, z0, c0diag, becdiag, &
bec0, v0s, vhxcs, becdrdiag, gibbsfe
USE cg_module, ONLY : tcg, maxiter, etresh, passop, &
allocate_cg, cg_update, &
itercg, c0old
USE gvecp, ONLY : ngm
USE gvecs, ONLY : ngs
USE gvecb, ONLY : ngb
USE gvecw, ONLY : ngw
USE reciprocal_vectors, ONLY : gstart, mill_l
USE ions_base, ONLY : na, nat, pmass, nax, nsp, rcmax
USE ions_base, ONLY : ind_srt, ions_cofmass, ions_kinene, &
ions_temp, ions_thermal_stress, if_pos
USE ions_base, ONLY : ions_vrescal, fricp, greasp, &
iforce, ions_shiftvar, ityp, &
atm, ind_bck, cdm, cdmi, fion, fionm
USE cell_base, ONLY : a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, b3, ainv, frich, &
greash, tpiba2, omega, alat, ibrav, &
celldm, h, hold, hnew, velh, deth, &
wmass, press, iforceh, cell_force, &
USE grid_dimensions, ONLY : nnrx, nr1, nr2, nr3
USE smooth_grid_dimensions, ONLY : nnrsx, nr1s, nr2s, nr3s
USE smallbox_grid_dimensions, ONLY : nr1b, nr2b, nr3b
USE local_pseudo, ONLY : allocate_local_pseudo
USE io_global, ONLY : io_global_start, stdout, ionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : mp_global_start
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_barrier
USE dener, ONLY : detot
USE derho, ONLY : drhor, drhog
USE cdvan, ONLY : dbec, drhovan
USE stre, ONLY : stress
USE gvecw, ONLY : ggp
USE parameters, ONLY : nacx, natx, nsx, nbndxx
USE constants, ONLY : pi, factem, au_gpa, au_ps, gpa_au
USE io_files, ONLY : psfile, pseudo_dir
USE wave_base, ONLY : wave_steepest, wave_verlet
USE wave_base, ONLY : wave_speed2, frice, grease
USE control_flags, ONLY : conv_elec, tconvthrs
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_now
USE efcalc, ONLY : clear_nbeg, ef_force
USE ions_base, ONLY : zv, ions_vel
USE cp_electronic_mass, ONLY : emass, emass_cutoff, emass_precond
USE ions_positions, ONLY : tau0, taum, taup, taus, tausm, tausp, &
vels, velsm, velsp, ions_hmove, &
USE ions_nose, ONLY : gkbt, kbt, qnp, ndega, nhpcl, nhpdim, &
nhpend, vnhp, xnhp0, xnhpm, xnhpp, &
atm2nhp, ions_nosevel, ions_noseupd, &
tempw, ions_nose_nrg, gkbt2nhp, &
ekin2nhp, anum2nhp
USE electrons_nose, ONLY : qne, ekincw, xnhe0, xnhep, xnhem, &
vnhe, fccc, electrons_nose_nrg, &
electrons_nose_shiftvar, &
electrons_nosevel, electrons_noseupd
USE from_scratch_module, ONLY : from_scratch
USE from_restart_module, ONLY : from_restart
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : c0, cm, phi => cp
USE wannier_module, ONLY : allocate_wannier
USE print_out_module, ONLY : printout_new
USE printout_base, ONLY : printout_base_open, &
printout_base_close, &
printout_pos, printout_cell, &
USE cell_nose, ONLY : xnhh0, xnhhm, xnhhp, vnhh, temph, &
qnh, cell_nosevel, cell_noseupd, &
cell_nose_nrg, cell_nose_shiftvar
USE cell_base, ONLY : cell_kinene, cell_gamma, &
cell_move, cell_hmove
USE gvecw, ONLY : ecutw
USE gvecp, ONLY : ecutp
USE time_step, ONLY : delt, tps, dt2, dt2by2, twodelt
USE electrons_module, ONLY : cp_eigs
USE print_out_module, ONLY : cp_print_rho
USE cp_main_variables, ONLY : allocate_mainvar, &
acc, bec, lambda, lambdam, lambdap, &
ema0bg, sfac, eigr, ei1, ei2, ei3, &
irb, becdr, taub, eigrb, rhog, rhos, &
rhor, rhopr, bephi, becp, nfi
USE autopilot, ONLY : event_step, event_index, &
max_event_step, restart_p
USE coarsegrained_vars, ONLY : dfe_acc
USE cell_base, ONLY : s_to_r, r_to_s
USE phase_factors_module, ONLY : strucf
USE cpr_subroutines, ONLY : print_lambda, print_atomic_var, &
ions_cofmsub, elec_fakekine
USE wannier_subroutines, ONLY : wannier_startup, wf_closing_options, &
USE restart_file, ONLY : readfile, writefile
USE constraints_module, ONLY : check_constraint, lagrange
USE coarsegrained_base, ONLY : set_target
USE autopilot, ONLY : pilot
USE ions_nose, ONLY : ions_nose_allocate, ions_nose_shiftvar
! ... input/output variables
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: tau(3,nat)
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: fion_out(3,nat)
REAL(DP), INTENT(OUT) :: etot_out
! ... control variables
LOGICAL :: tfirst, tlast, tstop, tconv
LOGICAL :: ttprint
! logical variable used to control printout
! ... forces on ions
REAL(DP) :: maxfion
! ... work variables
REAL(DP) :: tempp, savee, saveh, savep, epot, epre, &
enow, econs, econt, ettt, ccc, bigr, dt2bye
REAL(DP) :: ekinc0, ekinp, ekinpr, ekinc
REAL(DP) :: temps(nsx)
REAL(DP) :: ekinh, temphc, temp1, temp2, randy
REAL(DP) :: delta_etot
REAL(DP) :: ftmp, enb, enbi
INTEGER :: is, nacc, ia, j, iter, i, isa, ipos
INTEGER :: k, ii, l, m
REAL(DP) :: hgamma(3,3), temphh(3,3)
REAL(DP) :: fcell(3,3)
REAL(DP) :: stress_gpa(3,3), thstress(3,3)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: tauw(:,:)
! temporary array used to printout positions
CHARACTER(LEN=3) :: labelw( natx )
dt2bye = dt2 / emass
etot_out = 0.D0
enow = 1.d9
tfirst = .TRUE.
tlast = .FALSE.
nacc = 5
! ... Check for restart_p from Autopilot Feature Suite
IF ( restart_p ) THEN
! ... do not add past nfi
nomore = nomore
! nomore = nomore + nfi ! nfi already added in subroutine init_run
! basic loop for molecular dynamics starts here
main_loop: DO
CALL start_clock( 'total_time' )
nfi = nfi + 1
tlast = ( nfi == nomore )
ttprint = ( MOD( nfi, iprint ) == 0 )
IF ( ionode .AND. ttprint ) &
WRITE( stdout, '(/," * Physical Quantities at step:",I6)' ) nfi
! ... calculation of velocity of nose-hoover variables
IF ( .NOT. tsde ) fccc = 1.D0 / ( 1.D0 + frice )
IF ( tnosep ) CALL ions_nosevel( vnhp, xnhp0, xnhpm, delt, nhpcl, nhpdim )
IF ( tnosee ) THEN
CALL electrons_nosevel( vnhe, xnhe0, xnhem, delt )
fccc = 1.D0 / ( 1.D0 + 0.5D0 * delt * vnhe )
IF ( tnoseh ) THEN
CALL cell_nosevel( vnhh, xnhh0, xnhhm, delt )
velh(:,:) = 2.D0 * ( h(:,:) - hold(:,:) ) / delt - velh(:,:)
IF ( tfor .OR. thdyn .OR. tfirst ) THEN
CALL initbox( tau0, taub, irb )
CALL phbox( taub, eigrb )
IF ( tfor .OR. thdyn ) CALL phfac( tau0, ei1, ei2, ei3, eigr )
! ... strucf calculates the structure factor sfac
CALL strucf( sfac, ei1, ei2, ei3, mill_l, ngs )
IF ( thdyn ) CALL formf( tfirst, eself )
! ... why this call ??? from Paolo Umary
IF ( tefield ) CALL calbec( 1, nsp, eigr, c0, bec ) ! ATTENZIONE
! Autopilot (Dynamic Rules) Implimentation
call pilot(nfi)
IF ( ( tfor .OR. tfirst ) .AND. tefield ) CALL efield_update( eigr )
! electronic degrees of freedom are updated here
CALL move_electrons( nfi, tfirst, tlast, b1, b2, b3, fion, &
enthal, enb, enbi, fccc, ccc, dt2bye )
IF ( tpre ) THEN
CALL nlfh( bec, dbec, lambda )
CALL ions_thermal_stress( stress, pmass, omega, h, vels, nsp, na )
! verlet algorithm
! loop which updates cell parameters and ionic degrees of freedom
! hnew=h(t+dt) is obtained from hold=h(t-dt) and h=h(t)
! tausp=pos(t+dt) from tausm=pos(t-dt) taus=pos(t) h=h(t)
! guessed displacement of ions
hgamma(:,:) = 0.D0
IF ( thdyn ) THEN
CALL cell_force( fcell, ainv, stress, omega, press, wmass )
CALL cell_move( hnew, h, hold, delt, iforceh, &
fcell, frich, tnoseh, vnhh, velh, tsdc )
velh(:,:) = ( hnew(:,:) - hold(:,:) ) / twodelt
CALL cell_gamma( hgamma, ainv, h, velh )
IF ( tfor ) THEN
IF ( lwf ) CALL ef_force( fion, na, nsp, zv )
CALL ions_move( tausp, taus, tausm, iforce, pmass, fion, &
ainv, delt, na, nsp, fricp, hgamma, vels, &
tsdp, tnosep, fionm, vnhp, velsp, velsm, &
nhpcl, nhpdim, atm2nhp )
IF ( lconstrain ) THEN
! ... constraints are imposed here
IF ( lcoarsegrained ) CALL set_target()
CALL s_to_r( tausp, taup, na, nsp, hnew )
CALL check_constraint( nat, taup, tau0, &
fion, iforce, ityp, 1.D0, delt, uma_au )
CALL r_to_s( taup, tausp, na, nsp, ainv )
! ... average value of the lagrange multipliers
IF ( lcoarsegrained ) dfe_acc(:) = dfe_acc(:) - lagrange(:)
CALL ions_cofmass( tausp, pmass, na, nsp, cdm )
CALL ions_cofmsub( tausp, iforce, na, nsp, cdm, cdmi )
CALL s_to_r( tausp, taup, na, nsp, hnew )
! initialization with guessed positions of ions
! ... if thdyn=true g vectors and pseudopotentials are recalculated for
! ... the new cell parameters
IF ( tfor .OR. thdyn ) THEN
IF ( thdyn ) THEN
hold = h
h = hnew
CALL newinit( h )
CALL newnlinit()
hold = h
! ... phfac calculates eigr
CALL phfac( taup, ei1, ei2, ei3, eigr )
! ... prefor calculates vkb
CALL prefor( eigr, vkb )
! imposing the orthogonality
IF ( .NOT. tcg ) THEN
IF ( tortho ) THEN
CALL ortho( eigr, cm, phi, lambda, bigr, iter, ccc, &
ortho_eps, ortho_max, delt, bephi, becp )
CALL gram( vkb, bec,cm )
IF ( iprsta > 4 ) CALL dotcsc( eigr, cm )
! correction to displacement of ions
IF ( .NOT. tcg ) THEN
IF ( iprsta >= 3 ) CALL print_lambda( lambda, nbsp, 9, 1.D0 )
IF ( tortho ) CALL updatc( ccc, lambda, phi, bephi, becp, bec, cm )
CALL calbec( nvb+1, nsp, eigr, cm, bec )
IF ( tpre ) &
CALL caldbec( ngw, nkb, nbsp, 1, nsp, eigr, cm, dbec, .TRUE. )
IF ( iprsta >= 3 ) CALL dotcsc( eigr, cm )
! temperature monitored and controlled
ekinp = 0.D0
ekinpr = 0.D0
tempp = 0.D0
ekinc0 = 0.0d0
ekinc = 0.0d0
! ... ionic kinetic energy
IF ( tfor ) THEN
CALL ions_vel( vels, tausp, tausm, na, nsp, delt )
CALL ions_kinene( ekinp, vels, na, nsp, hold, pmass )
! ... ionic temperature
IF ( tfor ) &
CALL ions_temp( tempp, temps, ekinpr, vels, na, nsp, &
hold, pmass, ndega, nhpdim, atm2nhp, ekin2nhp )
! ... fake electronic kinetic energy
IF ( .NOT. tcg ) THEN
CALL elec_fakekine( ekinc0, ema0bg, emass, c0, cm, ngw, nbsp, delt )
ekinc = ekinc0
! ... fake cell-parameters kinetic energy
ekinh = 0.D0
IF ( thdyn ) CALL cell_kinene( ekinh, temphh, velh )
IF ( COUNT( iforceh == 1 ) > 0 ) THEN
temphc = 2.D0 * factem * ekinh / DBLE( COUNT( iforceh == 1 ) )
temphc = 0.D0
! ... udating nose-hoover friction variables
IF ( tnosep ) CALL ions_noseupd( xnhpp, xnhp0, xnhpm, delt, qnp, &
ekin2nhp, gkbt2nhp, vnhp, kbt, &
nhpcl, nhpdim, nhpend )
IF ( tnosee ) CALL electrons_noseupd( xnhep, xnhe0, xnhem, &
delt, qne, ekinc, ekincw, vnhe )
IF ( tnoseh ) CALL cell_noseupd( xnhhp, xnhh0, xnhhm, &
delt, qnh, temphh, temph, vnhh )
! ... warning: thdyn and tcp/tcap are not compatible yet!!!
IF ( tcp .OR. tcap .AND. tfor .AND. .NOT.thdyn ) THEN
IF ( tempp > temp1 .OR. tempp < temp2 .AND. tempp /= 0.D0 ) THEN
CALL ions_vrescal( tcap, tempw, tempp, taup, &
tau0, taum, na, nsp, fion, iforce, pmass, delt )
IF( ( MOD( nfi, iprint ) == 0 ) .OR. ( nfi == nomore ) ) THEN
CALL cp_eigs( nfi, bec, c0, irb, eigrb, rhor, &
rhog, rhos, lambdap, lambda, tau0, h )
IF ( printwfc >= 0 ) &
CALL cp_print_rho( nfi, bec, c0, eigr, irb, eigrb, rhor, &
rhog, rhos, lambdap, lambda, tau0, h )
IF ( lwf ) CALL ef_enthalpy( enthal, tau0 )
IF ( tens ) THEN
IF ( MOD( nfi, iprint ) == 0 .OR. ( nfi == nomore ) ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, '("Occupations :")' )
WRITE( stdout, '(10F9.6)' ) ( f(i), i = 1, nbsp )
epot = eht + epseu + exc
acc(1) = acc(1) + ekinc
acc(2) = acc(2) + ekin
acc(3) = acc(3) + epot
acc(4) = acc(4) + etot
acc(5) = acc(5) + tempp
IF ( .NOT. tcg ) THEN
econs = ekinp + ekinh + enthal
econt = econs + ekinc
IF ( .NOT. tens ) THEN
econs = ekinp + etot
atot = etot
econt = econs
gibbsfe = atot
econs = ekinp + atot
econt = econs
! ... add energies of thermostats
IF ( tnosep ) &
econt = econt + ions_nose_nrg( xnhp0, vnhp, qnp, &
gkbt2nhp, kbt, nhpcl, nhpdim )
IF ( tnosee ) &
econt = econt + electrons_nose_nrg( xnhe0, vnhe, qne, ekincw )
IF ( tnoseh ) &
econt = econt + cell_nose_nrg( qnh, xnhh0, vnhh, temph, iforceh )
CALL printout_new &
( nfi, tfirst, ttprint, ttprint, tps, hold, stress, tau0, vels, fion, &
ekinc, temphc, tempp, etot, enthal, econs, econt, vnhh, xnhh0, vnhp, &
xnhp0 )
IF( tcg ) THEN
IF ( MOD( nfi, iprint ) == 0 .OR. tfirst ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, * )
WRITE( stdout, 255 ) 'nfi','tempp','E','-T.S-mu.nbsp','+K_p'
WRITE( stdout, 256 ) nfi, INT( tempp ), etot, atot, econs, itercg
255 FORMAT( ' ',5(1X,A12) )
256 FORMAT( 'Step ',I5,1X,I7,1X,F12.5,1X,F12.5,1X,F12.5,1X,I5 )
tps = tps + delt * au_ps
IF( tfor ) THEN
! ... new variables for next step
CALL ions_shiftvar( taup, tau0, taum ) ! real positions
CALL ions_shiftvar( tausp, taus, tausm ) ! scaled positions
CALL ions_shiftvar( velsp, vels, velsm ) ! scaled velocities
IF ( tnosep ) CALL ions_nose_shiftvar( xnhpp, xnhp0, xnhpm )
IF ( tnosee ) CALL electrons_nose_shiftvar( xnhep, xnhe0, xnhem )
IF ( tnoseh ) CALL cell_nose_shiftvar( xnhhp, xnhh0, xnhhm )
IF ( thdyn ) CALL emass_precond( ema0bg, ggp, ngw, tpiba2, emass_cutoff )
ekincm = ekinc0
! ... cm=c(t+dt) c0=c(t)
IF( .NOT. tcg ) THEN
CALL dswap( 2*ngw*nbsp, c0, 1, cm, 1 )
CALL cg_update( tfirst, nfi, c0 )
! ... now: cm=c(t) c0=c(t+dt)
tfirst = .FALSE.
! ... write on file ndw each isave
IF ( ( MOD( nfi, isave ) == 0 ) .AND. ( nfi < nomore ) ) THEN
IF ( tcg ) THEN
CALL writefile( ndw, h, hold ,nfi, c0(:,:,1,1), c0old, taus, tausm, &
vels, velsm, acc, lambda, lambdam, xnhe0, xnhem, &
vnhe, xnhp0, xnhpm, vnhp, nhpcl, ekincm, xnhh0, &
xnhhm, vnhh, velh, ecutp, ecutw, delt, pmass, ibrav,&
celldm, fion, tps, z0, f, rhopr )
CALL writefile( ndw, h, hold, nfi, c0(:,:,1,1), cm(:,:,1,1), taus, &
tausm, vels, velsm, acc, lambda, lambdam, xnhe0, &
xnhem, vnhe, xnhp0, xnhpm, vnhp, nhpcl, ekincm, &
xnhh0, xnhhm, vnhh, velh, ecutp, ecutw, delt, pmass,&
ibrav, celldm, fion, tps, z0, f, rhopr )
epre = enow
enow = etot
frice = frice * grease
fricp = fricp * greasp
frich = frich * greash
CALL stop_clock( 'total_time' )
delta_etot = ABS( epre - enow )
tstop = check_stop_now()
tconv = .FALSE.
IF ( tconvthrs%active ) THEN
! ... electrons
tconv = ( ekinc < tconvthrs%ekin .AND. delta_etot < tconvthrs%derho )
IF ( tfor ) THEN
! ... ions
maxfion = MAXVAL( ABS( fion(:,1:nat) ) )
tconv = tconv .AND. ( maxfion < tconvthrs%force )
! ... in the case cp-wf the check on convergence is done starting
! ... from the second step
IF ( lwf .AND. tfirst ) tconv = .FALSE.
IF ( tconv ) THEN
IF ( ionode ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, &
& "(/,3X,'MAIN:',10X,'EKINC (thr)', &
& 10X,'DETOT (thr)',7X,'MAXFORCE (thr)')" )
WRITE( stdout, "(3X,'MAIN: ',3(D14.6,1X,D8.1))" ) &
ekinc, tconvthrs%ekin, delta_etot, &
tconvthrs%derho, 0.D0, tconvthrs%force
WRITE( stdout, &
"(3X,'MAIN: convergence achieved for system relaxation')" )
tstop = tstop .OR. tconv
IF ( lwf ) &
CALL wf_closing_options( nfi, c0, cm, bec, becdr, eigr, eigrb, taub, &
irb, ibrav, b1, b2, b3, taus, tausm, vels, &
velsm, acc, lambda, lambdam, xnhe0, xnhem, &
vnhe, xnhp0, xnhpm, vnhp, nhpcl, ekincm, &
xnhh0, xnhhm, vnhh, velh, ecutp, ecutw, &
delt, celldm, fion, tps, z0, f, rhopr )
IF ( ( nfi >= nomore ) .OR. tstop ) EXIT main_loop
END DO main_loop
!===================== end of main loop of molecular dynamics ===============
! ... Here copy relevant physical quantities into the output arrays/variables
etot_out = etot
isa = 0
DO is = 1, nsp
DO ia = 1, na(is)
isa = isa + 1
ipos = ind_srt( isa )
tau(:,ipos) = tau0(:,isa)
fion_out(:,ipos) = fion(:,isa)
IF ( lneb ) fion_out(:,1:nat) = fion(:,1:nat) * DBLE( if_pos(:,1:nat) )
conv_elec = .TRUE.
SUBROUTINE terminate_run()
USE kinds, ONLY : DP
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE cp_main_variables, ONLY : acc, nfi, lambda, lambdam, rhopr
USE cpr_subroutines, ONLY : print_lambda
USE cg_module, ONLY : tcg, c0old
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : c0, cm
USE control_flags, ONLY : ndw, iprsta
USE cell_base, ONLY : h, hold, velh, ibrav, celldm
USE ions_positions, ONLY : taus, tausm, vels, velsm
USE electrons_nose, ONLY : xnhe0, xnhem, vnhe
USE ions_nose, ONLY : vnhp, xnhp0, xnhpm, nhpcl
USE cell_nose, ONLY : xnhh0, xnhhm, vnhh
USE energies, ONLY : ekincm
USE gvecw, ONLY : ecutw
USE gvecp, ONLY : ecutp
USE time_step, ONLY : delt, tps
USE ions_base, ONLY : pmass, fion
USE ensemble_dft, ONLY : z0
USE electrons_base, ONLY : f, nbsp
USE restart_file, ONLY : writefile
INTEGER :: i, nacc = 5
! ... Calculate statistics
acc = acc / DBLE( nfi )
IF ( ionode ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, 1949 )
WRITE( stdout, 1950 ) ( acc(i), i = 1, nacc )
1949 FORMAT( //' averaged quantities :',/,9X, &
& 'ekinc',10X,'ekin',10X,'epot',10X,'etot',5X,'tempp' )
1950 FORMAT( 4F14.5,F10.1 )
CALL print_clock( 'initialize' )
CALL print_clock( 'total_time' )
CALL print_clock( 'formf' )
CALL print_clock( 'rhoofr' )
CALL print_clock( 'vofrho' )
CALL print_clock( 'dforce' )
CALL print_clock( 'calphi' )
CALL print_clock( 'ortho' )
CALL print_clock( 'updatc' )
CALL print_clock( 'gram' )
CALL print_clock( 'newd' )
CALL print_clock( 'calbec' )
CALL print_clock( 'prefor' )
CALL print_clock( 'strucf' )
CALL print_clock( 'nlfl' )
CALL print_clock( 'nlfq' )
CALL print_clock( 'set_cc' )
CALL print_clock( 'rhov' )
CALL print_clock( 'nlsm1' )
CALL print_clock( 'nlsm2' )
CALL print_clock( 'forcecc' )
CALL print_clock( 'fft' )
CALL print_clock( 'ffts' )
CALL print_clock( 'fftw' )
CALL print_clock( 'fftb' )
CALL print_clock( 'rsg' )
CALL print_clock( 'reduce' )
IF ( tcg ) THEN
CALL writefile( ndw, h, hold, nfi, c0(:,:,1,1), c0old, taus, tausm, vels, &
velsm, acc, lambda, lambdam, xnhe0, xnhem, vnhe, xnhp0, &
xnhpm, vnhp, nhpcl, ekincm, xnhh0, xnhhm, vnhh, velh, &
ecutp, ecutw, delt, pmass, ibrav, celldm, fion, tps, &
z0, f, rhopr )
CALL writefile( ndw, h, hold, nfi, c0(:,:,1,1), cm(:,:,1,1), taus, tausm, &
vels, velsm, acc, lambda, lambdam, xnhe0, xnhem, vnhe, &
xnhp0, xnhpm, vnhp, nhpcl, ekincm, xnhh0, xnhhm, vnhh, &
velh, ecutp, ecutw, delt, pmass, ibrav, celldm, fion, tps,&
z0, f, rhopr )
IF( iprsta > 1 ) CALL print_lambda( lambda, nbsp, nbsp, 1.D0 )
1974 FORMAT( 1X,2I5,3F10.4,2X,3F10.4 )
1975 FORMAT( /1X,'Scaled coordinates '/1X,'species',' atom #' )
1976 FORMAT( 1X,2I5,3F10.4 )
IF ( ionode ) &
WRITE( stdout, '(5X,//,24("=")," end cp ",24("="),//)' )
CALL memory()
END SUBROUTINE terminate_run