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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
logical function lchk_tauxk (nvec, vec, trmat)
! This routine tests that the atomic coordinates and/or k-points
! are different (except for a lattice translation).
! Last revision 15 June 1995 by A. Di Pomponio
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds
implicit none
! first the dummy variables
integer :: nvec
! input: number of vectors (atom. pos. or k-p
real(kind=DP) :: vec (3, nvec), trmat (3, 3)
! input: cryst./cart. coord. of the vectors
! (atom. pos. or k-points)
! input: transf. matrix
! ( = bg , basis of the real-space lat
! for atoms or
! = at , basis of the rec.-space lat
! for k-points
! here the local variables
integer :: nv1, nv2, kpol
! first counter on vectors
! second counter on vectors
! counter on polarizations
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: vaux (:,:)
! auxiliary vectors (atom. coord. or k-points in cryst. units)
real(kind=DP) :: vdf (3)
! auxiliary vector
! Here, set the value of the acceptance parameter
real(kind=DP), parameter :: accep = 1.0d-5
! allocate work space
allocate (vaux( 3 , nvec))
! The vectors are in cart. coordinates; they are transformed
! in crystall. units
do nv1 = 1, nvec
do kpol = 1, 3
vaux (kpol, nv1) = trmat (1, kpol) * vec (1, nv1) + trmat (2, &
kpol) * vec (2, nv1) + trmat (3, kpol) * vec (3, nv1)
! Test that all the atomic coordinates and/or k-points are different
! (if true, set the logical function lchk_tauxk as .true.)
do nv1 = 1, nvec - 1
do nv2 = nv1 + 1, nvec
do kpol = 1, 3
vdf (kpol) = vaux (kpol, nv2) - vaux (kpol, nv1)
vdf (kpol) = abs (vdf (kpol) - dble (nint (vdf (kpol) ) ) )
if ( (vdf (1) < accep) .and. (vdf (2) < accep) .and. &
(vdf (3) < accep) ) then
lchk_tauxk = .false.
goto 10
lchk_tauxk = .true.
! deallocate work space
10 deallocate(vaux)
end function lchk_tauxk