
52 lines
1.6 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine davcio (vect, nword, unit, nrec, io)
! direct-access vector input/output
! read/write nword words starting from the address specified by vect
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE kinds
implicit none
integer :: nword, unit, nrec, io
! input: the dimension of vect
! input: the unit where to read/write
! input: the record where to read/write
! input: flag if < 0 reading if > 0 writing
real(kind=DP) :: vect (nword)
! inp/out: the vector to read/write
! the local variables
integer :: ios
! integer variable for I/O control
call start_clock ('davcio')
if (unit.le.0) call errore ('davcio', 'wrong unit', 1)
if (nrec.le.0) call errore ('davcio', 'wrong record number', 2)
if (nword.le.0) call errore ('davcio', 'wrong record length', 3)
ios = 0
if (io.lt.0) then
read (unit, rec = nrec, iostat = ios) vect
elseif (io.gt.0) then
write (unit, rec = nrec, iostat = ios) vect
call errore ('davcio', 'nothing to do?', - 1)
if (ios.ne.0) then
WRITE( stdout, * ) ' IOS = ', ios
call errore ('davcio', 'i/o error in davcio', unit)
call stop_clock ('davcio')
end subroutine davcio