
311 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#ifdef __FFTW
subroutine bidon_sp
stop 'cft_sp'
end subroutine bidon_sp
#ifdef __AIX
subroutine cft_1 (f, m, n, nx, sgn, fout)
! ===============
! driver routine for m 1d complex fft's (sp2/t3d only)
! nx=n+1 is allowed (in order to avoid memory conflicts)
! NOTA BENE: not in-place! output in fout
#include "f_defs.h"
implicit none
integer :: m, n, nx, sgn
complex (kind=8) :: f (nx * m), fout (nx * m)
integer :: sign, isign, op (2), om (2), naux1, naux2, itype
parameter (naux1 = 20000, naux2 = 20000)
real (kind=8) :: aux1p (naux1, 2), aux1m (naux1, 2), aux2 (naux2), &
external DSCAL
data op, om / 0, 0, 0, 0 /
save op, om, aux1p, aux1m
isign = - sign (1, sgn)
itype = abs (sgn)
if (itype.le.0.or.itype.gt.2) call errore ('cft_1', 'wrong call', &
scale = 1.d0
if (isign.eq.1) then
if (n.ne.op (itype) ) then
call dcft (1, f, 1, nx, fout, 1, nx, n, m, isign, scale, &
aux1p (1, itype), naux1, aux2, naux2)
op (itype) = n
call dcft (0, f, 1, nx, fout, 1, nx, n, m, isign, scale, aux1p &
(1, itype), naux1, aux2, naux2)
call DSCAL (2 * nx * m, 1d0 / n, fout, 1)
elseif (isign.eq. - 1) then
if (n.ne.om (itype) ) then
call dcft (1, f, 1, nx, fout, 1, nx, n, m, isign, scale, &
aux1m (1, itype), naux1, aux2, naux2)
om (itype) = n
call dcft (0, f, 1, nx, fout, 1, nx, n, m, isign, scale, aux1m &
(1, itype), naux1, aux2, naux2)
call errore ('cft_1', 'wrong sign', 1)
end subroutine cft_1
subroutine cft_2 (f, mplane, n1, n2, nx1, nx2, sgn)
! ===============
! driver routine for mplane 2d complex fft's of lenghts n1 and n2
! nx1 is the actual dimension of f (may differ from n)
! for compatibility: nx2=n2, nx2 is not used - sp2 version
#include "f_defs.h"
implicit none
integer :: n1, n2, mplane, nx1, nx2, sgn
complex (kind=8) :: f (nx1 * nx2 * mplane)
integer :: isign, itype, o1p, o2p, o1m, o2m, m, incx2, incx1, k, &
istrt, naux1, naux2
parameter (naux1 = 20000, naux2 = 20000)
real (kind=8) :: aux1p (naux1, 2), aux1m (naux1, 2), aux2 (naux2), &
external DSCAL
data o1p, o2p, o1m, o2m / 0, 0, 0, 0 /
save o1p, o2p, o1m, o2m, aux1p, aux1m
isign = - sign (1, sgn)
itype = abs (sgn)
if (itype.le.0.or.itype.gt.2) call errore ('cft_1', 'wrong call', &
if (n2.ne.nx2) call errore ('cft_2', 'no longer implemented', 1)
scale = 1.d0
if (isign.eq.1) then
! i - direction ...
incx1 = 1
incx2 = nx1
m = n2 * mplane
if (n1.ne.o1p) then
call dcft (1, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n1, m, &
isign, scale, aux1p (1, 1), naux1, aux2, naux2)
o1p = n1
call dcft (0, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n1, m, isign, &
scale, aux1p (1, 1), naux1, aux2, naux2)
! ... j-direction ...
incx1 = nx1
incx2 = 1
m = n1
if (n2.ne.o2p) then
call dcft (1, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n2, m, &
isign, scale, aux1p (1, 2), naux1, aux2, naux2)
o2p = n2
do k = 1, mplane
istrt = 1 + (k - 1) * nx1 * n2
call dcft (0, f (istrt), incx1, incx2, f (istrt), incx1, incx2, &
n2, m, isign, scale, aux1p (1, 2), naux1, aux2, naux2)
call DSCAL (2 * nx1 * n2 * mplane, 1d0 / (n1 * n2), f, 1)
elseif (isign.eq. - 1) then
! i - direction ...
incx1 = 1
incx2 = nx1
m = n2 * mplane
if (n1.ne.o1m) then
call dcft (1, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n1, m, &
isign, scale, aux1m (1, 1), naux1, aux2, naux2)
o1m = n1
call dcft (0, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n1, m, isign, &
scale, aux1m (1, 1), naux1, aux2, naux2)
! ... j-direction ...
incx1 = nx1
incx2 = 1
m = n1
if (n2.ne.o2m) then
call dcft (1, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n2, m, &
isign, scale, aux1m (1, 2), naux1, aux2, naux2)
o2m = n2
do k = 1, mplane
istrt = 1 + (k - 1) * nx1 * n2
call dcft (0, f (istrt), incx1, incx2, f (istrt), incx1, incx2, &
n2, m, isign, scale, aux1m (1, 2), naux1, aux2, naux2)
call errore ('cft_2', 'wrong sign', 1)
end subroutine cft_2
subroutine cft_2s (f, mplane, n1, n2, nx1, nx2, sgn, planes)
! ===============
! driver routine for mplane 2d complex fft's of lengths n1 and n2
! for wavefunctions (planes used) - uses ESSL
! nx1 is the actual dimension of f (may differ from n)
! for compatibility: nx2=n2, nx2 is not used
#include "f_defs.h"
implicit none
integer :: n1, n2, mplane, nx1, nx2, sgn, planes (nx1)
complex (kind=8) :: f (nx1 * nx2 * mplane)
integer :: isign, itype, o1p, o2p, o1m, o2m, m, incx2, incx1, k, &
i, istrt, naux1, naux2
parameter (naux1 = 20000, naux2 = 20000)
real (kind=8) :: aux1p (naux1, 2), aux1m (naux1, 2), aux2 (naux2), &
external DSCAL
data o1p, o2p, o1m, o2m / 0, 0, 0, 0 /
save o1p, o2p, o1m, o2m, aux1p, aux1m
isign = - sign (1, sgn)
itype = abs (sgn)
if (itype.le.0.or.itype.gt.2) call errore ('cft_2', 'wrong call', &
if (n2.ne.nx2) call errore ('cft_2', 'no longer implemented', 1)
scale = 1.d0
! check how many columns along x are nonzero
m = 0
do i = 1, n1
m = m + planes (i)
if (m.gt.n1.or.m.le.0) call errore ('cft_2', 'something wrong with planes', 1)
if (isign.eq.1) then
! ... i - direction
incx1 = 1
incx2 = nx1
m = n2 * mplane
if (n1.ne.o1p) then
call dcft (1, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n1, m, &
isign, scale, aux1p (1, 1), naux1, aux2, naux2)
o1p = n1
call dcft (0, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n1, m, isign, &
scale, aux1p (1, 1), naux1, aux2, naux2)
! j-direction ...
incx1 = nx1
incx2 = 1
m = 1
if (n2.ne.o2p) then
call dcft (1, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n2, m, &
isign, scale, aux1p (1, 2), naux1, aux2, naux2)
o2p = n2
do i = 1, n1
! do only ffts on columns (i,*,k) resulting in nonzero components
if (planes (i) .eq.1) then
do k = 1, mplane
istrt = i + (k - 1) * nx1 * n2
call dcft (0, f (istrt), incx1, incx2, f (istrt), incx1, &
incx2, n2, m, isign, scale, aux1p (1, 2), naux1, aux2, &
call DSCAL (2 * nx1 * n2 * mplane, 1d0 / (n1 * n2), f, 1)
elseif (isign.eq. - 1) then
! ... j-direction
incx1 = nx1
incx2 = 1
m = 1
if (n2.ne.o2m) then
call dcft (1, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n2, m, &
isign, scale, aux1m (1, 2), naux1, aux2, naux2)
o2m = n2
do i = 1, n1
! do only ffts for columns (i,*,k) having nonzero components
if (planes (i) .eq.1.or.itype.eq.1) then
do k = 1, mplane
istrt = i + (k - 1) * nx1 * n2
call dcft (0, f (istrt), incx1, incx2, f (istrt), incx1, &
incx2, n2, m, isign, scale, aux1m (1, 2), naux1, aux2, &
! i - direction ...
incx1 = 1
incx2 = nx1
m = n2 * mplane
if (n1.ne.o1m) then
call dcft (1, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n1, m, &
isign, scale, aux1m (1, 1), naux1, aux2, naux2)
o1m = n1
call dcft (0, f, incx1, incx2, f, incx1, incx2, n1, m, isign, &
scale, aux1m (1, 1), naux1, aux2, naux2)
call errore ('cft_2', 'wrong sign', 1)
end subroutine cft_2s
subroutine bidon_sp
stop 'cft_sp'
end subroutine bidon_sp