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TODO LIST - February 2009
- start move to qe-forge
- There is some confusion in the various initialization steps:
- default values at startup
- reading of the input data and copy into internal variables
- reading from data file
- initialization of general variables (that presumably will
be written to or read from file)
- initialization of variables used in a specific calculation
(that may not be written to or read from the data file)
All these steps are intermixed and/or replicated and it is
never clear what is initialized where. Same for variable
- things that should be merged between PW and CP:
- "cell_base_init" from CP to PW
- "cellmd" module of PW and "cell_base" of CPV
- PW "real-space" approach into CP "small boxes"
- there should be a single function or routine for periodic boundary
conditions (i.e. bringing all atoms inside the unit cell)
- spherical harmonics and integration routines
- use qexml for xml file processing so that a single, easily
exportable routine, is used everywhere. Requires some though
on how to deal with parallelism without filling qexml with
parallel stuff
- pseudopotentials: add default cutoff values as well as radii
of augmented charge in pseudopotential files
- no need for most pseudopotentials used by examples and tests
to be in the CVS repository
- adding/removing/modifying input variables is too complex
Why are some checks on input variables performed in read_namelist,
while others apparently similar are in */input.f90?
- time steps in ps/fs (both in input and in output)
- spherical bessel functions: only one function calculating dj_l/dx
j_l with l=-1 should not be needed
- too many confusing error messages are still around
- inversion symmetry should allow real hamiltonian and wavefunctions (Dario)
- nscf calculations are slow. There must be a way to make a better usage
of the available information from the scf calculation: wavefunctions
are just discarded. Same for phonon calculation: it shouldn't be needed
to recalculate everything almost from scratch at each different q-points
- Fermi-Dirac: pass T instead of "broadening", make it possible
to use it on top of smearing for free-energy calculations
- make hpsi/spsi/CG faster
- remove complex factor i**l from beta fct and q(r)
- shift structure factor from beta to psi when computing becp (reduce memory)
- use real BLAS routine instead of COMPLEX one in hpsi/spsi
(at least 2 times faster).
- use only half of the G's when computing real integrals (2 times faster)
- seek for CG and DIIS algoritms that only use (H-eS)|psi> and not
the two vector separately ... compute it in one single call. (this way
S|psi> is inexpensive)
- output should be more informative and less confused
- write explicitly and unambiguosly the units of output quantities
and also what are exactly the output quantites!
- add traceback in error (error_handler module)
- complete postprocessing in Gamma case (only average missing),
and with CP/FPMD data (in the latter case: when the data file does
not contain the charge/potential, issue an error message saying
what is missing and why instead of just crashing in iotk)
- stm_wfc_matching not working
- Move to a xml-based format for the dynamical matrix files
- pwtools: add example of a plot of phonon dispersions
Fix fqha.f90
PH, D3, Gamma
- grid-ization/parallelization of the phonon code: irreps and q-vectors
should be distributed across procesors/grid computers
- replace static npertx with dynamical npert
- C(R) might be calculated at the end of a dispersion run
- any possibility to merge the various solve_* ?
- use charge mixing instead of potential mixing
- clean up the logic of symmetry: there shouldn't be any longer the
present confusion on whose symmetries we are dealing with. We should
either keep unchanged the crystal symmetries and use indices to
locate symmetries of the small group of q, or keep different copies
for the symmetries of the crystal and of the small group of q
- same input for Gamma and PH
- replace "use pwcom" into more "use" statements
- stop with 'prefix.EXIT' and restart (PH now has it; D3 & Gamma do not
have any infrastructure for stopping like this)
- the calculation of P_c x|\psi> should be cleanup up and extracted
from phonon, since it may be used for other calculations as well
(TDDFT, photoemission cross sections, etc)
- spin-polarized BLYP not implemented
- nothing specific right now, but still a lot of work to be done
- Proposals from Princeton:
* default set up for molecular calculations
* default choice for spin restricted and spin unrestricted configurations
for neutral systems (maybe already there?)
* default values for emass(emass=300), for dt (dt=7), for preconditioning
cutoff (3)
* the code should consider a common error:
dt^2/emass too large does not allow ortho to converge
or cause energy to increase as time step evolve
* automatic box grid for USPP from radii of augmented charge
* Electronic minimization: SD should be discouraged: use damp as default,
introduce an automatic default schedule, something as:
1st step sd followed by 5 steps with with damp= 0.8,
followed by 5 steps with damp=0.5,
followed by 10 steps with damp=0.3,
followed by 10 steps with damp=0.2,
followed by as many steps as necessary
to achieve the required convergence with damp=0.1
A max number of steps should be included to ensure program termination
The other option allowed should be conjugate gradients:
see Nicola - eventually it could become the default
* Ionic minimization: again SD should be discouraged
A default scheme for simultaneous damped dynamics should be given
(to be tested) for example: zero damp on ions and start with damp=0.5
on electrons to become then 0.1 or perhaps the values should be set
given the forces on the ions
When moving ions and electrons simultaneously an important parameter
is the ratio between electron and ion masses - For minimization it
is better to set up all the ion masses equal - A default value for
the ion masses (considering the defaults for emass and dt) is perhaps
10 AMU (we should do some test to see if 20 AMU is s a safer value)
* Default values for randomization should be given
amprp=0.1 is a decent value - amprp=0.01 is too small
* Car-Parrinello dynamics: the proper masses for the ions, an optimal value
for emass and dt should be set up by the code, based on the smaller atomic
mass and the default value used in the minimizationi
e.g. Amass_default=10 AMU. If the minimum physical AMASS is 20 then
dt=sqrt(2) dt_default and emass should be increased so to keep
emass^2/dt constant
* defaults for the Nose thermostat