
126 lines
3.3 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine which_dft (dft, iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc)
use parameters
use parser
implicit none
! input
character (len=*) :: dft
! output
integer :: iexch, icorr, igcx, igcc
! data
integer :: nxc, ncc, ngcx, ngcc
parameter (nxc = 1, ncc = 9, ngcx = 3, ngcc = 4)
character (len=3) :: exc, corr
character (len=4) :: gradx, gradc
dimension exc (0:nxc), corr (0:ncc), gradx (0:ngcx), gradc (0: ngcc)
! local
integer :: len, l, i, notset
character (len=50):: dftout * 50
data notset / - 1 /
data exc / 'NOX', 'SLA' /
data corr / 'NOC', 'PZ', 'VWN', 'LYP', 'PW', 'WIG', 'HL', 'OBZ', &
'OBW', 'GL' /
data gradx / 'NOGX', 'B88', 'GGX', 'PBE' /
data gradc / 'NOGC', 'P86', 'GGC', 'BLYP', 'PBE' /
! convert to uppercase
len = len_trim(dft)
dftout = ' '
do l = 1, len
dftout (l:l) = capital (dft (l:l) )
! exchange
iexch = notset
do i = 0, nxc
if (matches (exc (i), dftout) ) call set_dft_value (iexch, i)
! correlation
icorr = notset
do i = 0, ncc
if (matches (corr (i), dftout) ) call set_dft_value (icorr, i)
! gradient correction, exchange
igcx = notset
do i = 0, ngcx
if (matches (gradx (i), dftout) ) call set_dft_value (igcx, i)
! gradient correction, correlation
igcc = notset
do i = 0, ngcc
if (matches (gradc (i), dftout) ) call set_dft_value (igcc, i)
! special case : BLYP => B88 for gradient correction on exchange
if (matches ('BLYP', dftout) ) call set_dft_value (igcx, 1)
! special case : PBE
if (matches ('PBE', dftout) ) then
call set_dft_value (iexch, 1)
call set_dft_value (icorr, 4)
! special case : BP = B88 + P86
if (matches ('BP', dftout) ) then
call set_dft_value (igcx, 1)
call set_dft_value (igcc, 1)
! special case : PW91 = GGX + GGC
if (matches ('PW91', dftout) ) then
call set_dft_value (igcx, 2)
call set_dft_value (igcc, 2)
! Default value: Slater exchange
if (iexch.eq.notset) call set_dft_value (iexch, 1)
! Default value: Perdew-Zunger correlation
if (icorr.eq.notset) call set_dft_value (icorr, 1)
! Default value: no gradient correction on exchange
if (igcx.eq.notset) call set_dft_value (igcx, 0)
! Default value: no gradient correction on correlation
if (igcc.eq.notset) call set_dft_value (igcc, 0)
dftout = exc (iexch) //'-'//corr (icorr) //'-'//gradx (igcx) //'-' &
&//gradc (igcc)
!cc WRITE( stdout,'(a)') dftout
end subroutine which_dft
subroutine set_dft_value (m, i)
implicit none
! input / output
integer :: m, i
! local
integer :: notset
parameter (notset = - 1)
if (m.ne.notset.and.m.ne.i) call errore ('decifra', 'two conflicting &
& matching values', 1)
m = i
end subroutine set_dft_value