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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine set_vrs (vrs, vltot, vr, nrxx, nspin, doublegrid)
! set the total local potential vrs on the smooth mesh to be used in h_p
! adding the (spin dependent) scf (H+xc) part and the sum of all the loc
! pseudopotential contributions.
use parameters
implicit none
integer :: nspin, nrxx, ir, is
! input: number of spin components: 1 if lda, 2 if lsd
! input: the fft grid dimension
! counter for fft grid
! counter for spin polarizations
real(kind=DP) :: vrs (nrxx, nspin), vltot (nrxx), vr (nrxx, nspin)
! output: total local potential on the smooth grid
! vrs=vltot+vr
! input: the total local pseudopotential
! input: the scf(H+xc) part of the local po
! input: true if a doublegrid is used
logical :: doublegrid
do is = 1, nspin
! define the total local potential (external + scf) for each spin ...
do ir = 1, nrxx
vrs (ir, is) = vltot (ir) + vr (ir, is)
! ... and interpolate it on the smooth mesh if necessary
if (doublegrid) call interpolate (vrs (1, is), vrs (1, is), - 1)
end subroutine set_vrs