
685 lines
21 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine xc (rho, ex, ec, vx, vc)
! lda exchange and correlation functionals - Hartree a.u.
! exchange : Slater (alpha=2/3)
! correlation: Ceperley-Alder (Perdew-Zunger parameters)
! Vosko-Wilk-Nusair
! Lee-Yang-Parr
! Perdew-Wang
! Wigner
! Hedin-Lundqvist
! Ortiz-Ballone (Perdew-Zunger formula)
! Ortiz-Ballone (Perdew-Wang formula)
! Gunnarsson-Lundqvist
! input : rho=rho(r)
! definitions: E_x = \int E_x(rho) dr, E_x(rho) = rho\epsilon_c(rho)
! same for correlation
! output: ex = \epsilon_x(rho) ( NOT E_x(rho) )
! vx = dE_x(rho)/drho ( NOT d\epsilon_x(rho)/drho )
! ec, vc as above for correlation
use parameters
use funct
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rho, ec, vc, ex, vx
real(kind=DP) :: small, pi34, third
parameter (small = 1.d-10)
parameter (pi34 = 0.6203504908994d0, third = 1.d0 / 3.d0)
! pi34=(3/4pi)^(1/3)
real(kind=DP) :: rs
if (rho.le.small) then
ec = 0.0d0
vc = 0.0d0
ex = 0.0d0
vx = 0.0d0
rs = pi34 / rho**third
! rs as in the theory of metals: rs=(3/(4pi rho))^(1/3)
if (iexch.eq.1) then
call slater (rs, ex, vx)
ex = 0.0d0
vx = 0.0d0
if (icorr.eq.1) then
call pz (rs, 1, ec, vc)
elseif (icorr.eq.2) then
call vwn (rs, ec, vc)
elseif (icorr.eq.3) then
call lyp (rs, ec, vc)
elseif (icorr.eq.4) then
call pw (rs, 1, ec, vc)
elseif (icorr.eq.5) then
call wigner (rs, ec, vc)
elseif (icorr.eq.6) then
call hl (rs, ec, vc)
elseif (icorr.eq.7) then
call pz (rs, 2, ec, vc)
elseif (icorr.eq.8) then
call pw (rs, 2, ec, vc)
elseif (icorr.eq.9) then
call gl (rs, ec, vc)
ec = 0.0d0
vc = 0.0d0
end subroutine xc
subroutine gcxc (rho, grho, sx, sc, v1x, v2x, v1c, v2c)
! gradient corrections for exchange and correlation - Hartree a.u.
! exchange : Becke88
! GGA (Generalized Gradient Approximation), PW91
! revPBE
! correlation: Perdew86
! GGA (PW91)
! Lee-Yang-Parr
! input: rho, grho=|\nabla rho|^2
! definition: E_x = \int E_x(rho,grho) dr
! output: sx = E_x(rho,grho)
! v1x= D(E_x)/D(rho)
! v2x= D(E_x)/D( D rho/D r_alpha ) / |\nabla rho|
! sc, v1c, v2c as above for correlation
use funct
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rho, grho, sx, sc, v1x, v2x, v1c, v2c
real(kind=DP) :: small
parameter (small = 1.d-10)
! exchange
if (rho.le.small) then
sx = 0.0d0
v1x = 0.0d0
v2x = 0.0d0
elseif (igcx.eq.1) then
call becke88 (rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x)
elseif (igcx.eq.2) then
call ggax (rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x)
elseif (igcx.eq.3) then
call pbex (rho, grho, 1, sx, v1x, v2x)
elseif (igcx.eq.4) then
call pbex (rho, grho, 2, sx, v1x, v2x)
sx = 0.0d0
v1x = 0.0d0
v2x = 0.0d0
! correlation
if (rho.le.small) then
sc = 0.0d0
v1c = 0.0d0
v2c = 0.0d0
elseif (igcc.eq.1) then
call perdew86 (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
elseif (igcc.eq.2) then
call ggac (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
elseif (igcc.eq.3) then
call glyp (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
elseif (igcc.eq.4) then
call pbec (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
sc = 0.0d0
v1c = 0.0d0
v2c = 0.0d0
end subroutine gcxc
subroutine slater (rs, ex, vx)
! Slater exchange with alpha=2/3
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rs, ex, vx
real(kind=DP) :: f, alpha
parameter (f = - 0.687247939924714d0)
! f = -9/8*(3/2pi)^(2/3)
parameter (alpha = 2.0d0 / 3.0d0)
ex = f * alpha / rs
vx = 4.d0 / 3.d0 * f * alpha / rs
end subroutine slater
subroutine pz (rs, iflag, ec, vc)
! LDA parameterization form Monte Carlo data
! iflag=1: J.P. Perdew and A. Zunger, PRB 23, 5048 (1981)
! iflag=2: G. Ortiz and P. Ballone, PRB 50, 1391 (1994)
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rs, ec, vc
integer :: iflag
real(kind=DP) :: a (2), b (2), c (2), d (2), gc (2), b1 (2), b2 (2)
real(kind=DP) :: lnrs, rs12, ox, dox
data a / 0.0311d0, 0.031091d0 /, b / - 0.048d0, - 0.046644d0 /, &
c / 0.0020d0, 0.00419d0 /, d / - 0.0116d0, - 0.00983d0 /
data gc / - 0.1423d0, - 0.103756d0 /, b1 / 1.0529d0, 0.56371d0 /, &
b2 / 0.3334d0, 0.27358d0 /
if (rs.lt.1.0d0) then
! high density formula
lnrs = log (rs)
ec = a (iflag) * lnrs + b (iflag) + c (iflag) * rs * lnrs + d ( &
iflag) * rs
vc = a (iflag) * lnrs + (b (iflag) - a (iflag) / 3.d0) + 2.d0 / &
3.d0 * c (iflag) * rs * lnrs + (2.d0 * d (iflag) - c (iflag) ) &
/ 3.d0 * rs
! interpolation formula
rs12 = sqrt (rs)
ox = 1.d0 + b1 (iflag) * rs12 + b2 (iflag) * rs
dox = 1.d0 + 7.d0 / 6.d0 * b1 (iflag) * rs12 + 4.d0 / 3.d0 * &
b2 (iflag) * rs
ec = gc (iflag) / ox
vc = ec * dox / ox
end subroutine pz
subroutine vwn (rs, ec, vc)
! S.H. Vosko, L. Wilk, and M. Nusair, Can. J. Phys. 58, 1200 (1980)
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rs, ec, vc
real(kind=DP) :: a, b, c, x0
parameter (a = 0.0310907, b = 3.72744, c = 12.9352, x0 = - &
real(kind=DP) :: q, f1, f2, f3, rs12, fx, qx, tx, tt
q = sqrt (4.d0 * c - b * b)
f1 = 2.d0 * b / q
f2 = b * x0 / (x0 * x0 + b * x0 + c)
f3 = 2.d0 * (2.d0 * x0 + b) / q
rs12 = sqrt (rs)
fx = rs + b * rs12 + c
qx = atan (q / (2.d0 * rs12 + b) )
ec = a * (log (rs / fx) + f1 * qx - f2 * (log ( (rs12 - x0) **2 / &
fx) + f3 * qx) )
tx = 2.d0 * rs12 + b
tt = tx * tx + q * q
vc = ec - rs12 * a / 6.d0 * (2.d0 / rs12 - tx / fx - 4.d0 * b / &
tt - f2 * (2.d0 / (rs12 - x0) - tx / fx - 4.d0 * (2.d0 * x0 + b) &
/ tt) )
end subroutine vwn
subroutine lyp (rs, ec, vc)
! C. Lee, W. Yang, and R.G. Parr, PRB 37, 785 (1988)
! LDA part only
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rs, ec, vc
real(kind=DP) :: a, b, c, d, pi43
parameter (a = 0.04918d0, b = 0.132d0 * 2.87123400018819108d0)
! pi43 = (4pi/3)^(1/3)
parameter (pi43 = 1.61199195401647d0, c = 0.2533d0 * pi43, d = &
0.349d0 * pi43)
real(kind=DP) :: ecrs, ox
ecrs = b * exp ( - c * rs)
ox = 1.d0 / (1.d0 + d * rs)
ec = - a * ox * (1.d0 + ecrs)
vc = ec - rs / 3.d0 * a * ox * (d * ox + ecrs * (d * ox + c) )
end subroutine lyp
subroutine pw (rs, iflag, ec, vc)
! iflag=1: J.P. Perdew and Y. Wang, PRB 45, 13244 (1992)
! iflag=2: G. Ortiz and P. Ballone, PRB 50, 1391 (1994)
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rs, ec, vc
integer :: iflag
real(kind=DP) :: a, b1, b2, c0, c1, c2, c3, d0, d1
parameter (a = 0.031091d0, b1 = 7.5957d0, b2 = 3.5876d0, c0 = a, &
c1 = 0.046644d0, c2 = 0.00664d0, c3 = 0.01043d0, d0 = 0.4335d0, &
d1 = 1.4408d0)
real(kind=DP) :: lnrs, rs12, rs32, rs2, om, dom, olog
real(kind=DP) :: a1 (2), b3 (2), b4 (2)
data a1 / 0.21370d0, 0.026481d0 /, b3 / 1.6382d0, - 0.46647d0 /, &
b4 / 0.49294d0, 0.13354d0 /
! high- and low-density formulae implemented but not used in PW case
! (reason: inconsistencies in PBE/PW91 functionals)
if (rs.lt.1d0.and.iflag.eq.2) then
! high density formula
lnrs = log (rs)
ec = c0 * lnrs - c1 + c2 * rs * lnrs - c3 * rs
vc = c0 * lnrs - (c1 + c0 / 3.d0) + 2.d0 / 3.d0 * c2 * rs * &
lnrs - (2.d0 * c3 + c2) / 3.d0 * rs
elseif (rs.gt.100.d0.and.iflag.eq.2) then
! low density formula
ec = - d0 / rs + d1 / rs**1.5d0
vc = - 4.d0 / 3.d0 * d0 / rs + 1.5d0 * d1 / rs**1.5d0
! interpolation formula
rs12 = sqrt (rs)
rs32 = rs * rs12
rs2 = rs**2
om = 2.d0 * a * (b1 * rs12 + b2 * rs + b3 (iflag) * rs32 + b4 ( &
iflag) * rs2)
dom = 2.d0 * a * (0.5d0 * b1 * rs12 + b2 * rs + 1.5d0 * b3 ( &
iflag) * rs32 + 2.d0 * b4 (iflag) * rs2)
olog = log (1.d0 + 1.0d0 / om)
ec = - 2.d0 * a * (1.d0 + a1 (iflag) * rs) * olog
vc = - 2.d0 * a * (1.d0 + 2.d0 / 3.d0 * a1 (iflag) * rs) &
* olog - 2.d0 / 3.d0 * a * (1.d0 + a1 (iflag) * rs) * dom / &
(om * (om + 1.d0) )
end subroutine pw
subroutine wigner (rs, ec, vc)
! Wigner correlation
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rs, ec, vc
real(kind=DP) :: pi34, rho13
parameter (pi34 = 0.6203504908994d0)
! pi34=(3/4pi)^(1/3), rho13=rho^(1/3)
rho13 = pi34 / rs
vc = - rho13 * ( (0.943656d0 + 8.8963d0 * rho13) / (1.d0 + &
12.57d0 * rho13) **2)
ec = - 0.738d0 * rho13 * (0.959d0 / (1.d0 + 12.57d0 * rho13) )
end subroutine wigner
subroutine hl (rs, ec, vc)
! L. Hedin and B.I. Lundqvist, J. Phys. C 4, 2064 (1971)
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rs, ec, vc
real(kind=DP) :: a, x
a = log (1.0d0 + 21.d0 / rs)
x = rs / 21.0d0
ec = a + (x**3 * a - x * x) + x / 2.d0 - 1.0d0 / 3.0d0
ec = - 0.0225d0 * ec
vc = - 0.0225d0 * a
end subroutine hl
subroutine gl (rs, ec, vc)
! O. Gunnarsson and B. I. Lundqvist, PRB 13, 4274 (1976)
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rs, vc, ec
real(kind=DP) :: c, r, x
parameter (c = 0.0333, r = 11.4)
! c=0.0203, r=15.9 for the paramagnetic case
x = rs / r
vc = - c * log (1.d0 + 1.d0 / x)
ec = - c * ( (1.d0 + x**3) * log (1.d0 + 1.d0 / x) - 1.0d0 / &
3.0d0 + x * (0.5d0 - x) )
end subroutine gl
subroutine becke88 (rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x)
! Becke exchange: A.D. Becke, PRA 38, 3098 (1988)
! only gradient-corrected part, no Slater term included
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x
real(kind=DP) :: beta, third, two13
parameter (beta = 0.0042d0)
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, two13 = 1.259921049894873d0)
! two13 = 2^(1/3)
real(kind=DP) :: rho13, rho43, xs, xs2, sa2b8, shm1, dd, dd2, ee
rho13 = rho**third
rho43 = rho13**4
xs = two13 * sqrt (grho) / rho43
xs2 = xs * xs
sa2b8 = sqrt (1.0d0 + xs2)
shm1 = log (xs + sa2b8)
dd = 1.0d0 + 6.0d0 * beta * xs * shm1
dd2 = dd * dd
ee = 6.0d0 * beta * xs2 / sa2b8 - 1.d0
sx = two13 * grho / rho43 * ( - beta / dd)
v1x = - (4.d0 / 3.d0) / two13 * xs2 * beta * rho13 * ee / dd2
v2x = two13 * beta * (ee-dd) / (rho43 * dd2)
end subroutine becke88
subroutine ggax (rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x)
! Perdew-Wang GGA (PW91), exchange part:
! J.P. Perdew et al.,PRB 46, 6671 (1992)
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x
real(kind=DP) :: f1, f2, f3, f4, f5
parameter (f1 = 0.19645d0, f2 = 7.7956d0, f3 = 0.2743d0, f4 = &
0.1508d0, f5 = 0.004d0)
real(kind=DP) :: fp1, fp2
parameter (fp1 = - 0.019292021296426d0, fp2 = 0.161620459673995d0)
! fp1 = -3/(16 pi)*(3 pi^2)^(-1/3)
! fp2 = (1/2)(3 pi^2)**(-1/3)
real(kind=DP) :: rhom43, s, s2, s3, s4, exps, as, sa2b8, shm1, bs, das, &
dbs, dls
rhom43 = rho** ( - 4.d0 / 3.d0)
s = fp2 * sqrt (grho) * rhom43
s2 = s * s
s3 = s2 * s
s4 = s2 * s2
exps = f4 * exp ( - 100.d0 * s2)
as = f3 - exps - f5 * s2
sa2b8 = sqrt (1.0d0 + f2 * f2 * s2)
shm1 = log (f2 * s + sa2b8)
bs = 1.d0 + f1 * s * shm1 + f5 * s4
das = (200.d0 * exps - 2.d0 * f5) * s
dbs = f1 * (shm1 + f2 * s / sa2b8) + 4.d0 * f5 * s3
dls = (das / as - dbs / bs)
sx = fp1 * grho * rhom43 * as / bs
v1x = - 4.d0 / 3.d0 * sx / rho * (1.d0 + s * dls)
v2x = fp1 * rhom43 * as / bs * (2.d0 + s * dls)
end subroutine ggax
subroutine perdew86 (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
! Perdew gradient correction on correlation: PRB 33, 8822 (1986)
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c
real(kind=DP) :: p1, p2, p3, p4, pc1, pc2, pci
parameter (p1 = 0.023266d0, p2 = 7.389d-6, p3 = 8.723d0, p4 = &
parameter (pc1 = 0.001667d0, pc2 = 0.002568d0, pci = pc1 + pc2)
real(kind=DP) :: third, pi34
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, pi34 = 0.6203504908994d0)
! pi34=(3/4pi)^(1/3)
real(kind=DP) :: rho13, rho43, rs, rs2, rs3, cna, cnb, cn, drs
real(kind=DP) :: dcna, dcnb, dcn, phi, ephi
rho13 = rho**third
rho43 = rho13**4
rs = pi34 / rho13
rs2 = rs * rs
rs3 = rs * rs2
cna = pc2 + p1 * rs + p2 * rs2
cnb = 1.d0 + p3 * rs + p4 * rs2 + 1.d4 * p2 * rs3
cn = pc1 + cna / cnb
drs = - third * pi34 / rho43
dcna = (p1 + 2.d0 * p2 * rs) * drs
dcnb = (p3 + 2.d0 * p4 * rs + 3.d4 * p2 * rs2) * drs
dcn = dcna / cnb - cna / (cnb * cnb) * dcnb
phi = 0.192d0 * pci / cn * sqrt (grho) * rho** ( - 7.d0 / 6.d0)
! SdG: in the original paper 1.745*0.11=0.19195 is used
ephi = exp ( - phi)
sc = grho / rho43 * cn * ephi
v1c = sc * ( (1.d0 + phi) * dcn / cn - ( (4.d0 / 3.d0) - (7.d0 / &
6.d0) * phi) / rho)
v2c = cn * ephi / rho43 * (2.d0 - phi)
end subroutine perdew86
subroutine glyp (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
! Lee Yang Parr: gradient correction part
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c
real(kind=DP) :: a, b, c, d
parameter (a = 0.04918d0, b = 0.132d0, c = 0.2533d0, d = 0.349d0)
real(kind=DP) :: rhom13, rhom43, rhom53, om, xl, ff, dom, dxl
rhom13 = rho** ( - 1.d0 / 3.d0)
om = exp ( - c * rhom13) / (1.d0 + d * rhom13)
xl = 1.d0 + (7.d0 / 3.d0) * (c * rhom13 + d * rhom13 / (1.d0 + d * &
rhom13) )
ff = a * b * grho / 24.d0
rhom53 = rhom13**5
sc = ff * rhom53 * om * xl
dom = - om * (c + d+c * d * rhom13) / (1.d0 + d * rhom13)
dxl = (7.d0 / 3.d0) * (c + d+2.d0 * c * d * rhom13 + c * d * d * &
rhom13**2) / (1.d0 + d * rhom13) **2
rhom43 = rhom13**4
v1c = - ff * rhom43 / 3.d0 * (5.d0 * rhom43 * om * xl + rhom53 * &
dom * xl + rhom53 * om * dxl)
v2c = 2.d0 * sc / grho
end subroutine glyp
subroutine ggac (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
! Perdew-Wang GGA (PW91) correlation part
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c
real(kind=DP) :: al, pa, pb, pc, pd, cx, cxc0, cc0
parameter (al = 0.09d0, pa = 0.023266d0, pb = 7.389d-6, pc = &
8.723d0, pd = 0.472d0)
parameter (cx = - 0.001667d0, cxc0 = 0.002568d0, cc0 = - cx + &
real(kind=DP) :: third, pi34, nu, be, xkf, xks
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, pi34 = 0.6203504908994d0)
parameter (nu = 15.755920349483144d0, be = nu * cc0)
parameter (xkf = 1.919158292677513d0, xks = 1.128379167095513d0)
! pi34=(3/4pi)^(1/3), nu=(16/pi)*(3 pi^2)^(1/3)
! xkf=(9 pi/4)^(1/3), xks= sqrt(4/pi)
real(kind=DP) :: kf, ks, rs, rs2, rs3, ec, vc, t, expe, af, bf, y, xy, &
qy, s1
real(kind=DP) :: h0, dh0, ddh0, ee, cn, dcn, cna, dcna, cnb, dcnb, h1, &
dh1, ddh1
rs = pi34 / rho**third
rs2 = rs * rs
rs3 = rs * rs2
call pw (rs, 1, ec, vc)
kf = xkf / rs
ks = xks * sqrt (kf)
t = sqrt (grho) / (2.d0 * ks * rho)
expe = exp ( - 2.d0 * al * ec / (be * be) )
af = 2.d0 * al / be * (1.d0 / (expe-1.d0) )
bf = expe * (vc - ec)
y = af * t * t
xy = (1.d0 + y) / (1.d0 + y + y * y)
qy = y * y * (2.d0 + y) / (1.d0 + y + y * y) **2
s1 = 1.d0 + 2.d0 * al / be * t * t * xy
h0 = be * be / (2.d0 * al) * log (s1)
dh0 = be * t * t / s1 * ( - 7.d0 / 3.d0 * xy - qy * (af * bf / &
be-7.d0 / 3.d0) )
ddh0 = be / (2.d0 * ks * ks * rho) * (xy - qy) / s1
ee = - 100.d0 * (ks / kf * t) **2
cna = cxc0 + pa * rs + pb * rs2
dcna = pa * rs + 2.d0 * pb * rs2
cnb = 1.d0 + pc * rs + pd * rs2 + 1.d4 * pb * rs3
dcnb = pc * rs + 2.d0 * pd * rs2 + 3.d4 * pb * rs3
cn = cna / cnb - cx
dcn = dcna / cnb - cna * dcnb / (cnb * cnb)
h1 = nu * (cn - cc0 - 3.d0 / 7.d0 * cx) * t * t * exp (ee)
dh1 = - third * (h1 * (7.d0 + 8.d0 * ee) + nu * t * t * exp (ee) &
* dcn)
ddh1 = 2.d0 * h1 * (1.d0 + ee) * rho / grho
sc = rho * (h0 + h1)
v1c = h0 + h1 + dh0 + dh1
v2c = ddh0 + ddh1
end subroutine ggac
subroutine pbex (rho, grho, iflag, sx, v1x, v2x)
! PBE exchange (without Slater exchange):
! iflag=1 J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, PRL 77, 3865 (1996)
! iflag=2 "revised' PBE: Y. Zhang et al., PRL 80, 890 (1998)
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rho, grho, sx, v1x, v2x
! input: charge and squared gradient
! output: energy
! output: potential
integer :: iflag
! local variables
real(kind=DP) :: kf, agrho, s1, s2, ds, dsg, exunif, fx
! (3*pi2*|rho|)^(1/3)
! |grho|
! |grho|/(2*kf*|rho|)
! s^2
! n*ds/dn
! n*ds/d(gn)
! exchange energy LDA part
! exchange energy gradient part
real(kind=DP) :: dxunif, dfx, f1, f2, f3, dfx1
! numerical coefficients (NB: c2=(3 pi^2)^(1/3) )
real(kind=DP) :: pi, third, c1, c2, c5
parameter (pi = 3.14159265358979d0, third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, c1 = &
0.75d0 / pi, c2 = 3.093667726280136d0, c5 = 4.d0 * third)
! parameters of the functional
real(kind=DP) :: k (2), mu
data k / 0.804d0, 1.2450D0 /, mu / 0.21951d0 /
agrho = sqrt (grho)
kf = c2 * rho**third
dsg = 0.5d0 / kf
s1 = agrho * dsg / rho
s2 = s1 * s1
ds = - c5 * s1
! Energy
f1 = s2 * mu / k (iflag)
f2 = 1.d0 + f1
f3 = k (iflag) / f2
fx = k (iflag) - f3
exunif = - c1 * kf
sx = exunif * fx
! Potential
dxunif = exunif * third
dfx1 = f2 * f2
dfx = 2.d0 * mu * s1 / dfx1
v1x = sx + dxunif * fx + exunif * dfx * ds
v2x = exunif * dfx * dsg / agrho
sx = sx * rho
end subroutine pbex
subroutine pbec (rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c)
! PBE correlation (without LDA part)
! J.P.Perdew, K.Burke, M.Ernzerhof, PRL 77, 3865 (1996).
use parameters
implicit none
real(kind=DP) :: rho, grho, sc, v1c, v2c
real(kind=DP) :: ga, be
parameter (ga = 0.031091d0, be = 0.066725d0)
real(kind=DP) :: third, pi34, xkf, xks
parameter (third = 1.d0 / 3.d0, pi34 = 0.6203504908994d0)
parameter (xkf = 1.919158292677513d0, xks = 1.128379167095513d0)
! pi34=(3/4pi)^(1/3), xkf=(9 pi/4)^(1/3), xks= sqrt(4/pi)
real(kind=DP) :: kf, ks, rs, ec, vc, t, expe, af, bf, y, xy, qy
real(kind=DP) :: s1, h0, dh0, ddh0
rs = pi34 / rho**third
call pw (rs, 1, ec, vc)
kf = xkf / rs
ks = xks * sqrt (kf)
t = sqrt (grho) / (2.d0 * ks * rho)
expe = exp ( - ec / ga)
af = be / ga * (1.d0 / (expe-1.d0) )
bf = expe * (vc - ec)
y = af * t * t
xy = (1.d0 + y) / (1.d0 + y + y * y)
qy = y * y * (2.d0 + y) / (1.d0 + y + y * y) **2
s1 = 1.d0 + be / ga * t * t * xy
h0 = ga * log (s1)
dh0 = be * t * t / s1 * ( - 7.d0 / 3.d0 * xy - qy * (af * bf / &
be-7.d0 / 3.d0) )
ddh0 = be / (2.d0 * ks * ks * rho) * (xy - qy) / s1
sc = rho * h0
v1c = h0 + dh0
v2c = ddh0
end subroutine pbec