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! Copyright (C) 2001-2009 Quantum ESPRESSO group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
PROGRAM phonon
! ... This is the main driver of the phonon code.
! ... It reads all the quantities calculated by pwscf, it
! ... checks if some recover file is present and determines
! ... which calculation needs to be done. Finally, it makes
! ... a loop over the q points. At a generic q, if necessary it
! ... recalculates the band structure calling pwscf again.
! ... Then it can calculate the response to an atomic displacement,
! ... the dynamical matrix at that q, and the electron-phonon
! ... interaction at that q. At q=0 it can calculate the linear response
! ... to an electric field perturbation and hence the dielectric
! ... constant, the Born effective charges and the polarizability
! ... at imaginary frequencies.
! ... At q=0, from the second order response to an electric field,
! ... it can calculate also the electro-optic and the raman tensors.
! ... Presently implemented:
! ... dynamical matrix (q/=0) NC [4], US [4], PAW [4]
! ... dynamical matrix (q=0) NC [5], US [5], PAW [4]
! ... dielectric constant NC [5], US [5], PAW [3]
! ... born effective charges NC [5], US [5], PAW [3]
! ... polarizability (iu) NC [2], US [2]
! ... elctron-phonon NC [3], US [3]
! ... electro-optic NC [1]
! ... raman tensor NC [1]
! NC = norm conserving pseudopotentials
! US = ultrasoft pseudopotentials
! PAW = projector augmented-wave
! [1] LDA, [2] [1]+GGA, [3] [2]+LSDA/sGGA, [4] [3]+Spin-orbit/nonmagnetic,
! [5] [4]+Spin-orbit/magnetic
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE disp, ONLY : nqs
USE control_ph, ONLY : epsil, trans, elph, bands_computed
USE output, ONLY : fildrho
USE check_stop, ONLY : check_stop_init
USE ph_restart, ONLY : ph_writefile, destroy_status_run
USE save_ph, ONLY : clean_input_variables
USE mp_global, ONLY: mp_startup, nimage
USE image_io_routines, ONLY : io_image_start
USE environment, ONLY: environment_start
LOGICAL :: do_band, do_iq, setup_pw
CHARACTER (LEN=9) :: code = 'PHONON'
CHARACTER (LEN=256) :: auxdyn
! Initialize MPI, clocks, print initial messages
#ifdef __PARA
CALL mp_startup ( )
IF (nimage>1) CALL io_image_start()
CALL environment_start ( code )
WRITE( stdout, '(/5x,"Ultrasoft (Vanderbilt) Pseudopotentials")' )
! ... and begin with the initialization part
CALL phq_readin()
CALL check_stop_init()
! ... Checking the status of the calculation and if necessary initialize
! ... the q mesh
CALL check_initial_status(auxdyn)
DO iq = 1, nqs
CALL prepare_q(auxdyn, do_band, do_iq, setup_pw, iq)
! If this q is not done in this run, cycle
IF (.NOT.do_iq) CYCLE
! If necessary the bands are recalculated
IF (setup_pw) CALL run_pwscf(do_band)
! Initialize the quantities which do not depend on
! the linear response of the system
CALL initialize_ph()
! electric field perturbation
IF (epsil) CALL phescf()
! phonon perturbation
IF ( trans ) THEN
CALL phqscf()
CALL dynmatrix()
IF ( fildrho /= ' ' ) CALL punch_plot_ph()
! electron-phonon interaction
IF ( elph ) THEN
IF ( .NOT. trans ) THEN
CALL dvanqq()
CALL elphon()
CALL elphsum()
! ... cleanup of the variables for the next q point
CALL clean_pw_ph(iq)
CALL ph_writefile('init',0)
CALL clean_input_variables()
CALL collect_grid_files()
CALL destroy_status_run()
IF (bands_computed) CALL print_clock_pw()
CALL stop_ph( .TRUE. )