
47 lines
1.2 KiB

subroutine H_h(e,h,Ah)
#include "machine.h"
use parameters, only: DP
use pwcom
use rbecmod
use cgcom
implicit none
real(kind=DP):: e(nbnd)
complex(kind=DP):: h(npwx,nbnd), Ah(npwx,nbnd)
integer:: j,ibnd
call start_clock('h_h')
! [(k+G)^2 - e ]psi
do ibnd = 1,nbnd
! set to zero the imaginary part of h at G=0
! needed for numerical stability
if (gstart==2) h(1,ibnd) = cmplx(DREAl(h(1,ibnd)),0.d0)
do j = 1,npw
ah(j,ibnd) = (g2kin(j)-e(ibnd)) * h(j,ibnd)
end do
end do
! V_Loc psi
call vloc_psi(npwx, npw, nbnd, h, vrs(1,current_spin), ah)
! V_NL psi
call pw_gemm ('Y', nkb, nbnd, npw, vkb, npwx, h, npwx, becp, nkb)
if (nkb.gt.0) call add_vuspsi (npwx, npw, nbnd, h, ah)
! set to zero the imaginary part of ah at G=0
! needed for numerical stability
if (gstart==2) then
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
ah(1,ibnd) = cmplx(DREAL(ah(1,ibnd)),0.d0)
end do
end if
call stop_clock('h_h')
end subroutine H_h