
53 lines
1.2 KiB

subroutine drhodv(nu_i)
! calculate the electronic term <psi|dv|dpsi> of the dynamical matrix
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
use cgcom
implicit none
integer :: nu_i
integer :: nu_j, ibnd, kpoint
real(kind=DP) :: dynel(nmodes), work(nbnd)
call start_clock('drhodv')
call setv(nmodes,0.d0,dynel,1)
kpoint = 1
! do kpoint=1,nks
!** calculate the dynamical matrix (<DeltaV*psi(ion)|\DeltaPsi(ion)>)
do nu_j = 1,nmodes
! DeltaV*psi(ion) for mode nu_j is recalculated
call dvpsi_kb(kpoint,nu_j)
! this is the real part of <DeltaV*Psi(ion)|DeltaPsi(ion)>
call pw_dot('N',npw,nbnd,dvpsi,npwx,dpsi ,npwx,work)
do ibnd = 1,nbnd
dynel(nu_j) = dynel(nu_j) + 2.0*wk(kpoint)*work(ibnd)
end do
end do
#ifdef PARA
call reduce(nmodes,dynel)
! NB this must be done only at the end of the calculation!
do nu_j = 1,nmodes
dyn(nu_i,nu_j) = - (dyn(nu_i,nu_j)+dynel(nu_j))
end do
call stop_clock('drhodv')
end subroutine drhodv