
153 lines
3.9 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
program wannier
character (len=3) :: nodenumber
call start_postproc (nodenumber)
call do_wannier (nodenumber)
call stop_pp
end program wannier
subroutine do_wannier(nodenumber)
use pwcom
use io
implicit none
character(len=3) :: nodenumber
integer , dimension(3):: nk
real(kind=8), dimension(3):: s0
integer :: ik, i
namelist / inputpp / tmp_dir, filpun, nk, s0, prefix
nd_nmbr = nodenumber
! set default values for variables in namelist
filpun = ' '
tmp_dir = './'
prefix = ' '
nk = 0
s0 = 0.d0
! reading the namelist inputpp
read (5, inputpp)
! Check of namelist variables
if (filpun.eq.' ') &
call errore ('wannier', 'Missing input file name', 1)
! Now allocate space for pwscf variables, read and check them.
call read_file
call openfil
do ik = 1, nks
write(6,fmt="(3F9.6)" ) xk(1,ik), xk(2,ik), xk(3,ik)
end do
if (nk(1)==0 .and. nk(2)==0 .and. nk(3) == 0) then
nk(1) = nk1
nk(2) = nk2
nk(3) = nk3
s0(1) = k1/2d0
s0(2) = k2/2d0
s0(3) = k3/2d0
end if
call write_wannier (nk, s0)
call cryst_to_cart (nks,xk,at,-1)
do ik = 1, nks
write(6,fmt="(' ik = ',I3,3F10.6)" ) ik,xk(1,ik), xk(2,ik), xk(3,ik)
end do
do i = 1, 3
write(6,fmt="(' a(',I1,')',3F10.6)" ) i,at(1,i), at(2,i), at(3,i)
end do
end subroutine do_wannier
subroutine write_wannier (nk, s0)
#include "machine.h"
use pwcom
use io
implicit none
integer , dimension(3):: nk
real(kind=8), dimension(3):: s0
integer :: i,j,k, ig, ik, ibnd
integer, allocatable :: kisort(:,:)
real(kind=8), allocatable :: ei_k(:,:)
open (unit=4, file='KG_GRIDS.DAT', &
form='formatted', status='unknown')
write(4,'(3i4,3f12.6,i8)') nk, s0, ngm
write(4,*) (ig1(ig), ig2(ig), ig3(ig), ig=1,ngm)
open (unit=40, file='vec.in', &
form='unformatted', status='unknown')
do ik = 1, nkstot
call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, ik, - 1)
write (40) ((DREAL(evc(ig,ibnd)), ig=1,npwx),ibnd=1,nbnd)
write (40) ((1.0*DIMAG(evc(ig,ibnd)), ig=1,npwx),ibnd=1,nbnd)
end do
allocate (kisort(npwx,nkstot))
kisort = 0
open (unit=41, file='val.in', &
form='unformatted', status='unknown')
do ik = 1, nkstot
npw = npwx
call gk_sort (xk (1, ik), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, &
kisort(1,ik), g2kin)
ngk (ik) = npw
write (6,fmt="(' k ',I4,3F12.6)") ik, xk(1,ik), xk(2,ik), xk(3,ik)
end do
write (41) npwx, nbnd, nkstot
write (6,*) ' *** DEBUG 1 = ', npwx, nbnd, nkstot
write (41)((kisort(ig,ik),ig=1,npwx),ik=1,nkstot)
do i=1,npwx
write(*,'(1(3x,f12.6),4i7)') dreal(evc(i,1)*conjg(evc(i,1))),kisort(i,1), &
ig1(kisort(i,1)), ig2(kisort(i,1)), ig3(kisort(i,1))
end do
deallocate (kisort)
allocate (ei_k(npwx,nkstot))
ei_k = 0.0
ei_k(1:nbnd,:) = et(1:nbnd,:) / 2.0d0 ! Rydberg to Hartree conversion
write (41) ((ei_k(ig,ik),ig=1,npwx),ik=1,nkstot)
deallocate (ei_k)
write (41) (ngk(ik), ik=1,nkstot)
write (41) (nbnd, ik=1,nkstot)
write (41) nr1, nr2, nr3, ngm
close (unit=41)
end subroutine write_wannier