
137 lines
4.8 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine deallocate_phq
! deallocates the variables allocated by allocate_phq
USE noncollin_module, ONLY : m_loc
USE becmod, ONLY: bec_type, becp, deallocate_bec_type
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY: evc
USE ramanm, ONLY: ramtns
USE modes, ONLY : tmq, t, npert, u, ubar, rtau, name_rap_mode, num_rap_mode
USE qpoint, ONLY : eigqts, igkq, ikks, ikqs, nksq
USE efield_mod, ONLY : zstareu, zstarue, zstarue0, zstareu0, &
USE phus, ONLY : int1, int1_nc, int2, int2_so, int3, int3_nc, int3_paw, &
int4, int4_nc, int5, int5_so, becsum_nc, &
becsumort, alphasum, alphasum_nc, dpqq, dpqq_so, &
becp1, alphap
USE gc_ph, ONLY: grho, gmag, dvxc_rr, dvxc_sr, dvxc_ss, dvxc_s, &
vsgga, segni
USE gamma_gamma, ONLY : with_symmetry, has_equivalent, equiv_atoms, &
USE eqv, ONLY : dmuxc, vlocq, dpsi, dvpsi, evq, eprec
USE nlcc_ph, ONLY : drc
USE units_ph, ONLY : this_dvkb3_is_on_file, this_pcxpsi_is_on_file
USE dynmat, ONLY : dyn00, dyn_rec, dyn, w2
USE control_ph, ONLY : lgamma
USE el_phon, ONLY : el_ph_mat
INTEGER :: ik, ipol
if(allocated(ramtns)) deallocate (ramtns)
if (lgamma) then
if(associated(evq)) nullify(evq)
if(associated(igkq)) nullify(igkq)
if(associated(evq)) deallocate(evq)
if(associated(igkq)) deallocate(igkq)
end if
if(allocated(dvpsi)) deallocate (dvpsi)
if(allocated(dpsi)) deallocate ( dpsi)
if(allocated(vlocq)) deallocate (vlocq)
if(allocated(dmuxc)) deallocate (dmuxc)
if(allocated(eprec)) deallocate (eprec)
if(allocated(ikks)) deallocate (ikks)
if(allocated(ikqs)) deallocate (ikqs)
if(allocated(eigqts)) deallocate (eigqts)
if(allocated(rtau)) deallocate (rtau)
if(associated(u)) deallocate (u)
if(associated(ubar)) deallocate (ubar)
if(allocated(name_rap_mode)) deallocate (name_rap_mode)
if(allocated(num_rap_mode)) deallocate (num_rap_mode)
if(allocated(dyn)) deallocate (dyn)
if(allocated(dyn_rec)) deallocate (dyn_rec)
if(allocated(dyn00)) deallocate (dyn00)
if(allocated(w2)) deallocate (w2)
CALL deallocate_pert()
if(allocated(npert)) deallocate (npert)
if(allocated(zstareu)) deallocate (zstareu)
if(allocated(zstareu0)) deallocate (zstareu0)
if(allocated(zstarue)) deallocate (zstarue)
if(allocated(zstarue0)) deallocate (zstarue0)
if(allocated(zstarue0_rec)) deallocate (zstarue0_rec)
if(allocated(int1)) deallocate (int1)
if(allocated(int2)) deallocate (int2)
if(allocated(int3)) deallocate (int3)
if(allocated(int3_paw)) deallocate (int3_paw)
if(allocated(int4)) deallocate (int4)
if(allocated(int5)) deallocate (int5)
if(allocated(dpqq)) deallocate (dpqq)
if(allocated(int1_nc)) deallocate(int1_nc)
if(allocated(int3_nc)) deallocate(int3_nc)
if(allocated(int4_nc)) deallocate(int4_nc)
if(allocated(becsum_nc)) deallocate(becsum_nc)
if(allocated(becsumort)) deallocate(becsumort)
if(allocated(alphasum_nc)) deallocate(alphasum_nc)
if(allocated(int2_so)) deallocate(int2_so)
if(allocated(int5_so)) deallocate(int5_so)
if(allocated(dpqq_so)) deallocate(dpqq_so)
if(allocated(alphasum)) deallocate (alphasum)
if(allocated(this_dvkb3_is_on_file)) deallocate (this_dvkb3_is_on_file)
if(allocated(this_pcxpsi_is_on_file)) deallocate (this_pcxpsi_is_on_file)
if(allocated(alphap)) then
do ik=1,nksq
do ipol=1,3
call deallocate_bec_type ( alphap(ipol,ik) )
end do
deallocate (alphap)
if(allocated(becp1)) then
do ik=1,size(becp1)
call deallocate_bec_type ( becp1(ik) )
end do
end if
call deallocate_bec_type ( becp )
if(allocated(el_ph_mat)) deallocate (el_ph_mat)
if(allocated(m_loc)) deallocate(m_loc)
if(allocated(drc)) deallocate(drc)
if(allocated(dvxc_rr)) deallocate (dvxc_rr)
if(allocated(dvxc_sr)) deallocate (dvxc_sr)
if(allocated(dvxc_ss)) deallocate (dvxc_ss)
if(allocated(dvxc_s)) deallocate (dvxc_s)
if(allocated(grho)) deallocate (grho)
if(allocated(segni)) deallocate (segni)
if(allocated(vsgga)) deallocate (vsgga)
if(allocated(gmag)) deallocate (gmag)
IF (allocated(has_equivalent)) DEALLOCATE(has_equivalent)
IF (allocated(with_symmetry)) DEALLOCATE(with_symmetry)
IF (allocated(n_equiv_atoms)) DEALLOCATE(n_equiv_atoms)
IF (allocated(equiv_atoms)) DEALLOCATE(equiv_atoms)
end subroutine deallocate_phq