
90 lines
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! Copyright (C) 2001 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
function rndm ()
! RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR equivalent to ran1 of Num.Rec.
USE kinds
implicit none
integer :: irand
common/random_number/ irand
real(kind=DP) :: rndm, shuffle (32)
real(kind=DP), external :: rndx
integer :: i
logical :: first
data first / .true. /
save first, shuffle, i
if (first.or.irand.lt.0) then
irand = - irand
if (first) irand=1 ! starting seed, must be not be 0
do i = 32 + 8, 1, - 1
shuffle (min (i, 32) ) = rndx (irand)
i = 32 * shuffle (1) + 1
first = .false.
rndm = shuffle (i)
shuffle (i) = rndx (irand)
i = 32 * rndm + 1
end function rndm
function rndx (irand)
! RANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR equivalent to ran0 of Num.Rec.
USE kinds
implicit none
integer :: im, ia, iq, ir, irand, is, it
real(kind=DP) :: rndx, obm
logical :: first
data first / .true. /
save im, ia, iq, ir, obm, first
if (first) then
! this is 2**31-1 avoiding overflow
im = 2 * (2**30 - 1) + 1
obm = 1.0 / im
ia = 7**5
iq = im / ia
ir = im - ia * iq
! starting seed, must be not be 0
! irand = 1
first = .false.
is = irand / iq
it = irand-is * iq
irand = ia * it - is * ir
if (irand.lt.0) irand = irand+im
rndx = irand * obm
end function rndx
subroutine set_rndm_seed(iseed)
! this subroutine initialize the random number with the given seed
USE kinds
implicit none
integer :: irand,iseed
common/random_number/ irand
real(kind=DP) :: dummy, rndm
if (iseed.le.0) call errore('set_rndm_seed', &
'seed should be a positive integer',1)
! make sure rndm() has been called already once !
dummy = rndm()
irand = - iseed
end subroutine set_rndm_seed