
389 lines
11 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2003 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
program wannier
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout, ionode
USE mp_global, ONLY : mpime, kunit
USE mp, ONLY : mp_bcast
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg
use lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin, isk
use klist, ONLY : nkstot, xk
use ktetra, ONLY : k1, k2, k3, nk1, nk2, nk3
use io_files
implicit none
integer , dimension(3):: nk
real(8), dimension(3):: s0
integer :: ik, i, kunittmp
CHARACTER(LEN=4) :: spin_component
integer :: ispinw
namelist / inputpp / tmp_dir, nk, s0, prefix, spin_component
call start_postproc (nd_nmbr)
! set default values for variables in namelist
tmp_dir = './'
prefix = ' '
spin_component = 'none'
nk = 0
s0 = 0.d0
! reading the namelist inputpp
read (5, inputpp)
! Check of namelist variables
SELECT CASE ( TRIM( spin_component ) )
CASE ( 'up' )
ispinw = 1
CASE ( 'down' )
ispinw = 2
ispinw = 0
! Now allocate space for pwscf variables, read and check them.
call read_file
call openfil_pp
call mp_bcast( isk, 0 )
if (nk(1)==0 .and. nk(2)==0 .and. nk(3) == 0) then
nk(1) = nk1
nk(2) = nk2
nk(3) = nk3
s0(1) = k1/2d0
s0(2) = k2/2d0
s0(3) = k3/2d0
end if
IF( nspin /= 1 .AND. nspin /= 2 ) THEN
CALL errore(' pw2wan ', ' nspin not allowed ', 1 )
#if defined __PARA
kunittmp = kunit
kunittmp = 1
call write_wannier (nk, s0, kunittmp, ispinw)
IF( ionode ) THEN
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'K-points (reciprocal lattice coordinates) '
do ik = 1, nkstot
WRITE( stdout,fmt="(' ik = ',I3,3F10.6,I2)" ) &
ik, xk(1,ik), xk(2,ik), xk(3,ik), isk(ik)
end do
call cryst_to_cart ( nkstot, xk, at, -1)
WRITE( stdout, * ) 'K-points in unit of 2PI/alat (cartesian coordinates) '
do ik = 1, nkstot
WRITE( stdout,fmt="(' ik = ',I3,3F10.6,I2)" ) &
ik, xk(1,ik), xk(2,ik), xk(3,ik), isk(ik)
end do
call stop_pp
end program wannier
subroutine write_wannier (nk, s0, kunit, ispinw)
USE io_global, ONLY : stdout
USE cell_base, ONLY : at, bg, tpiba2, alat
USE ions_base, ONLY : atm, nat
USE gvect, ONLY : ngm, ngm_g, ig_l2g, ig1, ig2, ig3, ecutwfc, &
nr1, nr2, nr3, g
USE lsda_mod, ONLY : nspin, isk
USE ions_base, ONLY : ntyp => nsp, tau, ityp
USE wvfct, ONLY : nbnd, npw, npwx, igk_l2g, et, g2kin
USE klist, ONLY : nkstot, ngk, nks, xk
USE wavefunctions_module, ONLY : evc
use io_files, only : nd_nmbr, tmp_dir, prefix, iunwfc, nwordwfc
use io_base, only : write_restart_wfc
use io_global, only : ionode
use mp_global, only : nproc, nproc_pool, mpime
use mp_global, only : my_pool_id, my_image_id, intra_pool_comm
use mp, only : mp_sum, mp_max
implicit none
integer , dimension(3):: nk
real(8), dimension(3):: s0
integer :: kunit
integer :: ispinw
integer :: i, j, k, ig, ik, ibnd, na, ngg, ikw
integer, allocatable :: kisort(:)
real(8), allocatable :: ei_k(:,:)
real(8), allocatable :: ei_kw(:,:)
real(8), allocatable :: rat(:,:,:)
real(8) :: hmat(3,3), rr(3)
integer, allocatable :: natom(:)
integer :: npool, nkbl, nkl, nkr, npwx_g
integer :: ike, iks, npw_g, ispin
integer, allocatable :: ngk_g( : )
integer, allocatable :: ngk_gw( : )
integer, allocatable :: itmp( :, : )
integer, allocatable :: igwk( : )
real(8) :: wfc_scal
logical :: twf0, twfm, twrite_wfc
IF( nkstot > 0 ) THEN
IF( ( kunit < 1 ) .OR. ( MOD( nkstot, kunit ) /= 0 ) ) &
CALL errore( ' write_wannier ',' wrong kunit ', 1 )
IF( ( nproc_pool > nproc ) .OR. ( MOD( nproc, nproc_pool ) /= 0 ) ) &
CALL errore( ' write_wannier ',' nproc_pool ', 1 )
! find out the number of pools
npool = nproc / nproc_pool
! find out number of k points blocks
nkbl = nkstot / kunit
! k points per pool
nkl = kunit * ( nkbl / npool )
! find out the reminder
nkr = ( nkstot - nkl * npool ) / kunit
! Assign the reminder to the first nkr pools
IF( my_pool_id < nkr ) nkl = nkl + kunit
! find out the index of the first k point in this pool
iks = nkl * my_pool_id + 1
IF( my_pool_id >= nkr ) iks = iks + nkr * kunit
! find out the index of the last k point in this pool
ike = iks + nkl - 1
! find out the global number of G vectors: ngm_g
ngm_g = ngm
call mp_sum( ngm_g, intra_pool_comm )
allocate ( ei_k ( nbnd, nkstot ) ) ! eigenvectors
allocate ( ei_kw( nbnd, nkstot/nspin ) ) ! eigenvectors
allocate ( rat( 3, nat, ntyp ) ) ! atomic positions
allocate ( natom( ntyp ) ) ! number of atoms
ei_k = 0.0d0
ei_kw = 0.0d0
rat = 0.0d0
natom = 0
hmat = alat * at
do i = 1, nat
if( ityp(i) > ntyp ) &
call errore( ' write_wannier ', ' type index out of range ', 1 )
natom( ityp( i ) ) = natom( ityp( i ) ) + 1
rat( :, natom( ityp( i ) ), ityp( i ) ) = tau( :, i )
call cryst_to_cart ( 1, rat( :, natom( ityp( i ) ), ityp( i ) ), bg, -1)
end do
! Open file launch.dat
if( ionode ) then
open (unit=40, file='launch.dat', form='unformatted', status='unknown')
end if
if( ionode ) then
! First write to launch.dat crystal base vectors
WRITE( stdout,*) 'Crystal basis vectors, in unit of alat = ', alat
do i = 1, 3
WRITE( stdout,fmt="(' a(',I1,')',3F10.6)" ) i,at(1,i), at(2,i), at(3,i)
end do
write( 40 ) alat
write( 40 ) ( at( i, 1 ), i = 1, 3 ) ! save A1
write( 40 ) ( at( i, 2 ), i = 1, 3 ) ! save A2
write( 40 ) ( at( i, 3 ), i = 1, 3 ) ! save A3
! write to launch.dat atomic positions
WRITE( stdout,*) 'Atomic positions ( lattice coordinates )'
write( 40 ) ntyp
do i = 1, ntyp
write( 40 ) natom(i), atm(i)
write( 40 ) ( ( rat( k, j, i ), k = 1, 3 ), j = 1, natom(i) )
WRITE( stdout,*) 'Specie ', atm(i), ' atoms = ', natom(i)
do j = 1, natom( i )
WRITE( stdout,fmt="(' tau(',I1,')',3F10.6)" ) j, ( rat( k, j, i ), k = 1, 3 )
end do
end do
write(6,*) 'Atomic positions ( From PW )'
do i = 1, nat
write(6,fmt="(' tau(',I1,')',3F10.6)" ) i, ( tau( k, i ), k = 1, 3 )
end do
end if
! collect all G vectors across processors within the pools
allocate( itmp( 3, ngm_g ) )
itmp = 0
do ig = 1, ngm
itmp( 1, ig_l2g( ig ) ) = ig1( ig )
itmp( 2, ig_l2g( ig ) ) = ig2( ig )
itmp( 3, ig_l2g( ig ) ) = ig3( ig )
end do
call mp_sum( itmp, intra_pool_comm )
! write G space parameters and vectors
if( ionode ) then
write (40) ecutwfc, nbnd
write (40) ( nk(i), i = 1, 3 ), ( s0(j), j = 1, 3 ), ngm_g
write (40) ( itmp( 1, ig ), itmp( 2, ig ), itmp( 3, ig ), ig = 1, ngm_g )
end if
deallocate( itmp )
! build the G+k array indexes
allocate ( kisort( npwx ) )
do ik = 1, nks
kisort = 0
call gk_sort (xk (1, ik+iks-1), ngm, g, ecutwfc / tpiba2, npw, kisort(1), g2kin)
call gk_l2gmap (ngm, ig_l2g(1), npw, kisort(1), igk_l2g(1,ik) )
ngk (ik) = npw
end do
deallocate (kisort)
! compute the global number of G+k vectors for each k point
allocate( ngk_g( nkstot ) )
allocate( ngk_gw( nkstot/nspin ) )
ngk_g = 0
ngk_g( iks:ike ) = ngk( 1:nks )
CALL mp_sum( ngk_g )
do ik = 1, nkstot
if( ionode ) then
WRITE( stdout,fmt="(' k ',2I4,4F12.6,I2)") &
ik, ngk_g( ik), ecutwfc / tpiba2, xk(1,ik), xk(2,ik), xk(3,ik), isk(ik)
end if
end do
! compute the Maximum G vector index among all G+k an processors
npw_g = MAXVAL( igk_l2g(:,:) )
CALL mp_max( npw_g )
! compute the Maximum number of G vector among all k points
npwx_g = MAXVAL( ngk_g( 1:nkstot ) )
if( ionode ) then
write (40) npwx_g, nbnd, nkstot/nspin
WRITE( stdout,*) 'Wave function dimensions ( npwx, nbnd, nkstot, nspin) = ', &
npwx_g, nbnd, nkstot, nspin
end if
! for each k point build and write the global G+k indexes array
WRITE( stdout,*) 'combining indexes'
allocate( igwk( npwx_g ) )
do ik = 1, nkstot
igwk = 0
allocate( itmp( npw_g, 1 ) )
itmp = 0
if( ik >= iks .AND. ik <= ike ) then
do ig = 1, ngk( ik-iks+1 )
itmp( igk_l2g( ig, ik-iks+1 ), 1 ) = igk_l2g( ig, ik-iks+1 )
end do
end if
call mp_sum( itmp )
ngg = 0
do ig = 1, npw_g
if( itmp( ig, 1 ) == ig ) then
ngg = ngg + 1
igwk( ngg ) = ig
end if
end do
if( ngg /= ngk_g( ik ) ) then
WRITE( stdout,*) ' ik, ngg, ngk_g = ', ik, ngg, ngk_g( ik )
end if
deallocate( itmp )
if( ionode ) then
IF( ( ispinw == 0 ) .OR. ( isk(ik) == ispinw ) ) THEN
write (40)( igwk(ig), ig = 1, npwx_g )
end if
end do
deallocate( igwk )
#ifdef __PARA
call poolrecover (et, nbnd, nkstot, nks)
ei_k(1:nbnd,:) = et(1:nbnd,:) / 2.0d0 ! Rydberg to Hartree conversion
!WRITE( stdout, * ) isk
if( ionode ) then
ikw = 0
DO ik = 1, nkstot
IF( ( ispinw == 0 ) .OR. ( isk(ik) == ispinw ) ) THEN
ikw = ikw + 1
ei_kw( :, ikw ) = ei_k( :, ik )
ngk_gw( ikw ) = ngk_g( ik )
write (40) ( ( ei_kw( i, ik ), i = 1, nbnd ), ik = 1, ikw )
write (40) ( ngk_gw( ik ), ik = 1, ikw )
write (40) ( nbnd, ik = 1, ikw )
write (40) nr1, nr2, nr3, ngm_g, npw_g
WRITE( stdout,*) 'Grid ( nr1, nr2, nr3, ngm_g, npw_g, ikw ) = ', nr1, nr2, nr3, ngm_g, npw_g, ikw
end if
wfc_scal = 1.0d0
twf0 = .true.
twfm = .false.
! WRITE( stdout, * ) ispinw, iks, ike, nkstot
do ik = 1, nkstot
IF( (ik >= iks) .AND. (ik <= ike) ) THEN
call davcio (evc, nwordwfc, iunwfc, (ik-iks+1), - 1)
ispin = isk( ik )
IF( ( ispinw == 0 ) .OR. ( isk(ik) == ispinw ) ) THEN
! WRITE( stdout,*) ' ### ', ik,nkstot,iks,ike,kunit,nproc,nproc_pool ! DEBUG
CALL write_restart_wfc(40, ik, nkstot, kunit, ispin, nspin, &
wfc_scal, evc, twf0, evc, twfm, npw_g, nbnd, igk_l2g(:,ik-iks+1), ngk(ik-iks+1) )
end do
deallocate (ei_k)
deallocate (ei_kw)
deallocate ( rat )
deallocate ( natom )
deallocate ( ngk_g )
deallocate ( ngk_gw )
if( ionode ) then
close ( unit = 40 )
end if
end subroutine write_wannier