
316 lines
9.8 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2001-2004 PWSCF group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
subroutine gmressolve_all (h_psi, cg_psi, e, d0psi, dpsi, h_diag, &
ndmx, ndim, ethr, ik, kter, conv_root, anorm, nbnd, m)
! iterative solution of the linear system by GMRES(m) method:
! ( h - e + Q ) * dpsi = d0psi (1)
! where h is a complex hermitean matrix, e is a complex sca
! dpsi and d0psi are complex vectors
! on input:
! h_psi EXTERNAL name of a subroutine:
! h_psi(ndim,psi,psip)
! Calculates H*psi products.
! Vectors psi and psip should be dimensined
! (ndmx,nvec). nvec=1 is used!
! cg_psi EXTERNAL name of a subroutine:
! g_psi(ndmx,ndim,notcnv,psi,e)
! which calculates (h-e)^-1 * psi, with
! some approximation, e.g. (diag(h)-e)
! e complex unperturbed eigenvalue plus
! imaginary frequency.
! dpsi contains an estimate of the solution
! vector.
! d0psi contains the right hand side vector
! of the system.
! ndmx integer row dimension of dpsi, ecc.
! ndim integer actual row dimension of dpsi
! ethr real convergence threshold. solution
! improvement is stopped when the error in
! eq (1), defined as l.h.s. - r.h.s., becomes
! less than ethr in norm.
! m integer # of basis vectors
! on output: dpsi contains the refined estimate of the
! solution vector.
! d0psi is corrupted on exit
! revised (extensively) 6 Apr 1997 by A. Dal Corso & F. Mauri
! revised (to reduce memory) 29 May 2004 by S. de Gironcoli
#include "f_defs.h"
USE kinds, only : DP
implicit none
! first the I/O variables
integer :: ndmx, & ! input: the maximum dimension of the vectors
ndim, & ! input: the actual dimension of the vectors
kter, & ! output: counter on iterations
nbnd, & ! input: the number of bands
ik, & ! input: the k point
m ! # of basic vector
real(kind=DP) :: &
anorm, & ! output: the norm of the error in the solution
ethr ! input: the required precision
complex(kind=DP) :: h_diag(ndmx,nbnd) ! input: an estimate of ( H - \epsilon - iu )
complex(kind=DP) :: &
e(nbnd), & ! input: the actual eigenvalue plus imaginary freq.
dpsi (ndmx, nbnd), & ! output: the solution of the linear syst
d0psi (ndmx, nbnd) ! input: the known term
logical :: conv_root ! output: if true the root is converged
external h_psi, & ! input: the routine computing h_psi
cg_psi ! input: the routine computing cg_psi
! here the local variables
integer, parameter :: maxter = 5000
! the maximum number of iterations
integer :: iter, ibnd, i, j, bnd
! counters on iteration, bands
! control variables
integer , allocatable :: conv (:)
! if 1 the root is converged
complex(kind=DP), allocatable :: r (:,:), v(:,:,:), w (:,:)!, zz(:,:), p(:,:), pp(:,:)
! the gradient of psi
! the preconditioned gradient
! the delta gradient
! the conjugate gradient
! work space
complex(kind=DP) :: bk, ak, ZDOTC
! the ratio between rho
! step length
! the scalar product
real(kind=DP) :: t
complex(kind=DP):: c, s, ei
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: bet (:)
real(kind=DP), allocatable :: res (:)
complex(kind=DP) :: hm (m+1,m), & ! the Hessenberg matrix
e1(m+1) ! unit vector
complex(kind=DP) :: hm4para(1) ! temp variable for hm in paralell calculation
! real(kind=DP), allocatable :: rho (:), rhoold (:), eu (:), a(:), c(:)
! the residue
! auxiliary for h_diag
real(kind=DP) :: kter_eff
! account the number of iterations with b
! coefficient of quadratic form
integer :: lbnd
call start_clock ('gmres_solve')
if (m .lt. 1) then
write(*,*) '# of basis vectors is less than 1. Stop'
else if (m .gt. 30) then
write(*,*) '# of basis vectors is too large. Stop'
allocate ( r(ndmx,nbnd), v(ndmx,nbnd,m+1), w(ndmx,nbnd))
allocate (conv ( nbnd))
allocate (bet(nbnd), res(nbnd))
! WRITE( stdout,*) g,t,h,hold
kter_eff = 0.d0
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
conv (ibnd) = 0
do iter = 1, maxter
!print*, 'iter=', iter
do ibnd = 1, nbnd ! loop over bands
if (conv(ibnd) .eq. 0) then
! preliminary step to construct the basis set
! r = H*dpsi
call h_psi (ndim, dpsi(1,ibnd), r(1,ibnd), e(ibnd), ik, 1)
! r = H*dpsi - d0psi
call ZAXPY (ndim, (-1.d0,0.d0), d0psi(1,ibnd), 1, r(1,ibnd), 1)
! change the size of r : r = d0psi - H*dpsi
call DSCAL (2 * ndim, - 1.d0, r (1, ibnd), 1)
! compute the preconditioned r : r = M^-1*r
call cg_psi(ndmx, ndim, 1, r(1,ibnd), h_diag(1,ibnd), 1 )
! norm of pre. r : bet = |r|
bet(ibnd) = ZDOTC (ndim, r(1,ibnd), 1, r(1,ibnd), 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce ( nbnd, bet )
bet(ibnd) = sqrt( bet(ibnd) )
! check the convergence
lbnd = 0
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if ( conv(ibnd) .eq. 0 ) then
lbnd = lbnd + 1
!if (mod(iter,10) .eq. 0) print*, iter, bet(ibnd), ethr
if (bet(ibnd) .lt. ethr) conv(ibnd) = 1
kter_eff = kter_eff + DBLE (lbnd) / DBLE (nbnd)
conv_root = .true.
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
conv_root = conv_root .and. (conv (ibnd) .eq. 1)
if (conv_root) goto 100
do ibnd = 1, nbnd
if ( conv(ibnd) .eq. 0 ) then
hm (:,:) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
! normalize pre. r and keep in v(1)
call DSCAL (2 * ndim, 1.d0/bet(ibnd), r (1, ibnd), 1)
j = 1
call ZCOPY (ndim, r (1, ibnd), 1, v (1, ibnd, j), 1)
! loop to construct basis set
do j = 1, m
! w = A*v
call h_psi (ndim, v(1,ibnd,j), w(1,ibnd), e, ik, 1) ! NEED to be checked
! compute w = M^-1*A*v
call cg_psi(ndmx, ndim, 1, w(1,ibnd), h_diag(1,ibnd), 1 )
do i = 1, j
! compute hm(i,j)
! hm(i,j) = ZDOTC (ndim, w(1,ibnd), 1, v(1,ibnd,i), 1)
hm4para(1) = ZDOTC (ndim, w(1,ibnd), 1, v(1,ibnd,i), 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2, hm4para )
hm(i,j) = hm4para(1)
! w = w - hm_ij*v_i
call ZAXPY (ndim, -hm(i,j), v(1,ibnd,i), 1, w(1,ibnd), 1)
! compute hm(j+1,j)
! hm(j+1,j) = ZDOTC (ndim, w(1,ibnd), 1, w(1,ibnd), 1)
hm4para(1) = ZDOTC (ndim, w(1,ibnd), 1, w(1,ibnd), 1)
#ifdef __PARA
call reduce (2, hm4para )
hm(j+1,j) = hm4para(1)
! compute v(j+1)
call DSCAL (2 * ndim, 1.d0/real(hm(j+1,j)), w (1, ibnd), 1)
call ZCOPY (ndim, w (1, ibnd), 1, v (1, ibnd, j+1), 1)
! compute ym that minimize |beta*e_1 -hm*y|
! initilize vector e1
e1(1) = 1.d0 * bet(ibnd)
e1(2:m+1) = 0.d0
! transform hm to upper triangle matrix
do i = 1, m
t = sqrt( abs(hm(i,i))**2 + abs(hm(i+1,i))**2 )
c = hm(i,i) / t
s = hm(i+1,i) / t
do j = i, m
ei = hm(i,j)
hm(i,j) = hm(i,j) * c + hm(i+1,j) * s
hm(i+1,j) = - s * ei + c * hm(i+1,j)
ei = e1(i)
e1(i) = e1(i)*c + e1(i+1)*s
e1(i+1) = - ei*s + e1(i+1)*c
res(ibnd) = e1(m+1)
! back subtitution to find ym (kept in e1)
e1(m+1) = (0.d0, 0.d0)
e1(m) = e1(m) / hm(m,m)
do i = m-1, 1, -1
do j = m, i+1, -1
e1(i) = e1(i) - e1(j)*hm(i,j)
e1(i) = e1(i) / hm(i,i)
! compute the new dpsi
do i = 1, m
do j = 1, ndmx
dpsi(j, ibnd) = dpsi(j, ibnd) + e1(i)*v(j,ibnd,i)
end if
enddo ! of loop over bands
enddo ! loop over iteration
100 continue
kter = kter_eff
deallocate (bet, res)
deallocate (conv)
deallocate (r, v, w)
call stop_clock ('gmres_solve')
end subroutine gmressolve_all