
326 lines
12 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Aihui Zhou's group
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
! We propose some parallel orbital updating based plane wave basis methods
! for electronic structure calculations, which aims to the solution of the corresponding eigenvalue
! problems. Compared to the traditional plane wave methods, our methods have the feature of two level
! parallelization, which make them have great advantage in large-scale parallelization.
! The approach following Algorithm is the parallel orbital updating algorithm:
! 1. Choose initial $E_{\mathrm{cut}}^{(0)}$ and then obtain $V_{N_G^{0}}$, use the SCF method to solve
! the Kohn-Sham equation in $V_{G_0}$ and get the initial $(\lambda_i^{0},u_i^{0}), i=1, \cdots, N$
! and let $n=0$.
! 2. For $i=1,2,\ldots,N$, find $e_i^{n+1/2}\in V_{G_n}$ satisfying
! $$a(\rho_{in}^{n}; e_i^{n+1/2}, v) = -[(a(\rho_{in}^{n}; u_i^{n}, v) - \lambda_i^{n} (u_i^{n}, v))] $$
! in parallel , where $\rho_{in}^{n}$ is the input charge density obtained by the orbits obtained in the
! $n$-th iteration or the former iterations.
! 3. Find $\{\lambda_i^{n+1},u_i^{n+1}\} \in \mathbf{R}\times \tilde{V}_N$ satisfying
! $$a(\tilde{\rho}; u_i^{n+1}, v) = ( \lambda_i^{n+1}u_i^{n+1}, v) \quad \forall v \in \tilde{V}_N$$
! where $\tilde{V}_N = \mathrm{span}\{e_1^{n+1/2},\ldots,e_N^{n+1/2},u_1^{n},\ldots,u_N^{n}\}$,
! $\tilde{\rho}(x)$ is the input charge density obtained from the previous orbits.
! 4. Convergence check: if not converged, set $n=n+1$, go to step 2; else, stop.
! You can see the detailed information through
! X. Dai, X. Gong, A. Zhou, J. Zhu,
! A parallel orbital-updating approach for electronic structure calculations, arXiv:1405.0260 (2014).
! X. Dai, Z. Liu, X. Zhang, A. Zhou,
! A Parallel Orbital-updating Based Optimization Method for Electronic Structure Calculations,
! arXiv:1510.07230 (2015).
! Yan Pan, Xiaoying Dai, Xingao Gong, Stefano de Gironcoli, Gian-Marco Rignanese, and Aihui Zhou,
! A Parallel Orbital-updating Based Plane Wave Basis Method. J. Comp. Phys. 348, 482-492 (2017).
! The file is written mainly by Stefano de Gironcoli and Yan Pan.
SUBROUTINE paro_k_new_gpu( h_psi_gpu, s_psi_gpu, hs_psi_gpu, g_1psi_gpu, overlap, &
npwx, npw, nbnd, npol, evc_d, eig_d, btype, ethr, notconv, nhpsi )
!paro_flag = 1: modified parallel orbital-updating method
#if defined (__CUDA)
USE cudafor
! global variables
USE util_param, ONLY : DP, stdout
USE mp_bands_util, ONLY : inter_bgrp_comm, nbgrp, my_bgrp_id
USE mp, ONLY : mp_sum, mp_allgather, mp_barrier, &
mp_type_create_column_section, mp_type_free
INCLUDE 'laxlib.fh'
! I/O variables
LOGICAL, INTENT(IN) :: overlap
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: npw, npwx, nbnd, npol
COMPLEX(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: evc_d(npwx*npol,nbnd)
REAL(DP), INTENT(IN) :: ethr
REAL(DP), INTENT(INOUT) :: eig_d(nbnd)
REAL(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: eig(:) ! copy for protate
INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: btype(nbnd)
INTEGER, INTENT(OUT) :: notconv, nhpsi
! INTEGER, INTENT(IN) :: paro_flag
! local variables (used in the call to cegterg )
EXTERNAL h_psi_gpu, s_psi_gpu, hs_psi_gpu, g_1psi_gpu
! subroutine h_psi (npwx,npw,nvec,evc,hpsi) computes H*evc using band parallelization
! subroutine s_psi (npwx,npw,nvec,evc,spsi) computes S*evc using band parallelization
! subroutine hs_1psi(npwx,npw,evc,hpsi,spsi) computes H*evc and S*evc for a single band
! subroutine g_1psi (npwx,npw,psi,eig) computes g*psi for a single band
! ... local variables
INTEGER :: itry, paro_ntr, nconv, nextra, nactive, nbase, ntrust, ndiag, nvecx, nproc_ortho
REAL(DP), PARAMETER :: extra_factor = 0.5 ! workspace is at most this factor larger than nbnd
INTEGER, PARAMETER :: min_extra = 4 ! but at least this lager
INTEGER :: ibnd, ibnd_start, ibnd_end, how_many, lbnd, kbnd, last_unconverged, &
recv_counts(nbgrp), displs(nbgrp), column_type
INTEGER :: ii, jj, kk ! indexes for cuf kernel loops
!civn 2fix: these are needed only for __MPI = true (protate)
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: psi(:,:), hpsi(:,:), spsi(:,:)
! .. device variables
COMPLEX(DP), ALLOCATABLE :: psi_d(:,:), hpsi_d(:,:), spsi_d(:,:)
#if defined (__CUDA)
attributes(device) :: evc_d, eig_d
attributes(device) :: psi_d, hpsi_d, spsi_d, ew_d
attributes(device) :: conv_d
! ... init local variables
CALL laxlib_getval( nproc_ortho = nproc_ortho )
paro_ntr = 20
nvecx = nbnd + max ( nint ( extra_factor * nbnd ), min_extra )
CALL start_clock( 'paro_k' ); !write (6,*) ' enter paro diag'
CALL mp_type_create_column_section(evc_d(1,1), 0, npwx*npol, npwx*npol, column_type)
ALLOCATE ( ew_d(nvecx), conv(nbnd) )
ALLOCATE ( conv_d(nbnd) )
ALLOCATE ( psi_d(npwx*npol,nvecx), hpsi_d(npwx*npol,nvecx), spsi_d(npwx*npol,nvecx) )
CALL start_clock( 'paro:init' );
conv(:) = .FALSE. ; nconv = COUNT ( conv(:) )
!$cuf kernel do(1)
do ii = 1, nbnd
conv_d(ii) = .FALSE.
end do
!$cuf kernel do(2)
DO ii = 1, npwx*npol
DO jj = 1, nbnd
psi_d(ii,jj) = evc_d(ii,jj)
call h_psi_gpu (npwx,npw,nbnd,psi_d,hpsi_d) ! computes H*psi
call s_psi_gpu (npwx,npw,nbnd,psi_d,spsi_d) ! computes S*psi
nhpsi = 0 ; IF (my_bgrp_id==0) nhpsi = nbnd
CALL stop_clock( 'paro:init' );
#if defined(__MPI)
IF ( nproc_ortho == 1 ) THEN
CALL rotate_HSpsi_k_gpu ( npwx, npw, nbnd, nbnd, npol, psi_d, hpsi_d, overlap, spsi_d, eig_d )
#if defined(__MPI)
!civn 2fix
ALLOCATE ( psi(npwx*npol,nvecx), hpsi(npwx*npol,nvecx), spsi(npwx*npol,nvecx), eig(nbnd) )
psi = psi_d
hpsi = hpsi_d
spsi = spsi_d
eig = eig_d
CALL protate_HSpsi_k( npwx, npw, nbnd, nbnd, npol, psi, hpsi, overlap, spsi, eig )
psi_d = psi
hpsi_d = hpsi
spsi_d = spsi
eig_d = eig
DEALLOCATE ( psi, hpsi, spsi, eig )
!write (6,'(10f10.4)') psi(1:5,1:3)
!write (6,*) eig(1:nbnd)
ParO_loop : &
DO itry = 1,paro_ntr
!write (6,*) ' paro_itry =', itry, ethr
nactive = nbnd - (nconv+1)/2 ! number of correction vectors to be computed (<nbnd)
notconv = nbnd - nconv ! number of needed roots
nextra = nactive - notconv ! number of extra vectors
nbase = nconv + nactive ! number of orbitals the correction should be orthogonal to (<2*nbnd)
ndiag = nbase + nactive ! dimension of the matrix to be diagonalized at this iteration (<2*nbnd)
nactive = min ( (nvecx-nconv)/2, nvecx-nbnd) ! number of corrections there is space for
notconv = nbnd - nconv ! number of needed roots
nextra = max ( nactive - notconv, 0 ) ! number of extra vectors, if any
nbase = max ( nconv + nactive , nbnd ) ! number of orbitals to be orthogonal to (<nvecx)
ntrust = min ( nconv + nactive , nbnd ) ! number of orbitals that will be actually corrected
ndiag = nbase + nactive ! dimension of the matrix to be diagonalized at this iteration (<nvecx)
!write (6,*) itry, notconv, conv
!write (6,*) ' nvecx, nbnd, nconv, notconv, nextra, nactive, nbase, ntrust, ndiag =', nvecx, nbnd, nconv, notconv, nextra, nactive, nbase, ntrust, ndiag
CALL divide_all(inter_bgrp_comm,nactive,ibnd_start,ibnd_end,recv_counts,displs)
how_many = ibnd_end - ibnd_start + 1
!write (6,*) nactive, ibnd_start, ibnd_end, recv_counts, displs
CALL start_clock( 'paro:pack' );
lbnd = 1; kbnd = 1
DO ibnd = 1, ntrust ! pack unconverged roots in the available space
IF (.NOT.conv(ibnd) ) THEN
!$cuf kernel do(1)
DO ii = 1, npwx*npol
psi_d (ii,nbase+kbnd) = psi_d(ii,ibnd)
hpsi_d(ii,nbase+kbnd) = hpsi_d(ii,ibnd)
spsi_d(ii,nbase+kbnd) = spsi_d(ii,ibnd)
!$cuf kernel do(1)
DO ii = 1, 1
ew_d(kbnd) = eig_d(ibnd)
last_unconverged = ibnd
lbnd=lbnd+1 ; kbnd=kbnd+recv_counts(mod(lbnd-2,nbgrp)+1); if (kbnd>nactive) kbnd=kbnd+1-nactive
DO ibnd = nbnd+1, nbase ! add extra vectors if it is the case
!$cuf kernel do(1)
DO ii = 1, npwx*npol
psi_d (ii,nbase+kbnd) = psi_d(ii,ibnd)
hpsi_d(ii,nbase+kbnd) = hpsi_d(ii,ibnd)
spsi_d(ii,nbase+kbnd) = spsi_d(ii,ibnd)
!$cuf kernel do(1)
DO ii = 1, 1
ew_d(kbnd) = eig_d(last_unconverged)
lbnd=lbnd+1 ; kbnd=kbnd+recv_counts(mod(lbnd-2,nbgrp)+1); if (kbnd>nactive) kbnd=kbnd+1-nactive
!$cuf kernel do(2)
DO jj = 1, how_many
kk = jj + ibnd_start - 1
DO ii = 1, npwx*npol
psi_d (ii,nbase+jj) = psi_d (ii,nbase+kk)
hpsi_d(ii,nbase+jj) = hpsi_d(ii,nbase+kk)
spsi_d(ii,nbase+jj) = spsi_d(ii,nbase+kk)
!$cuf kernel do(1)
DO ii = 1, how_many
ew_d(ii) = ew_d(ii+ibnd_start-1)
CALL stop_clock( 'paro:pack' );
!write (6,*) ' check nactive = ', lbnd, nactive, nconv
if (lbnd .ne. nactive+1 ) stop ' nactive check FAILED '
CALL bpcg_k_gpu(hs_psi_gpu, g_1psi_gpu, psi_d, spsi_d, npw, npwx, nbnd, npol, how_many, &
psi_d(:,nbase+1), hpsi_d(:,nbase+1), spsi_d(:,nbase+1), ethr, ew_d(1), nhpsi)
CALL start_clock( 'paro:mp_bar' );
CALL mp_barrier(inter_bgrp_comm)
CALL stop_clock( 'paro:mp_bar' );
CALL start_clock( 'paro:mp_sum' );
!$cuf kernel do(2)
DO ii = 1, npwx*npol
DO jj = nbase+1, nbase+how_many
kk = jj + ibnd_start - 1
psi_d (ii,kk) = psi_d (ii,jj)
hpsi_d(ii,kk) = hpsi_d(ii,jj)
spsi_d(ii,kk) = spsi_d(ii,jj)
CALL mp_allgather(psi_d (:,nbase+1:ndiag), column_type, recv_counts, displs, inter_bgrp_comm)
CALL mp_allgather(hpsi_d(:,nbase+1:ndiag), column_type, recv_counts, displs, inter_bgrp_comm)
CALL mp_allgather(spsi_d(:,nbase+1:ndiag), column_type, recv_counts, displs, inter_bgrp_comm)
CALL stop_clock( 'paro:mp_sum' );
#if defined(__MPI)
IF ( nproc_ortho == 1 ) THEN
CALL rotate_HSpsi_k_gpu ( npwx, npw, ndiag, ndiag, npol, psi_d, hpsi_d, overlap, spsi_d, ew_d )
#if defined(__MPI)
!civn 2fix
ALLOCATE ( psi(npwx*npol,nvecx), hpsi(npwx*npol,nvecx), spsi(npwx*npol,nvecx), ew(nvecx) )
psi = psi_d
hpsi = hpsi_d
spsi = spsi_d
ew = ew_d
CALL protate_HSpsi_k( npwx, npw, ndiag, ndiag, npol, psi, hpsi, overlap, spsi, ew )
psi_d = psi
hpsi_d = hpsi
spsi_d = spsi
ew_d = ew
DEALLOCATE ( psi, hpsi, spsi, ew )
!write (6,*) ' ew : ', ew(1:nbnd)
! only the first nbnd eigenvalues are relevant for convergence
! but only those that have actually been corrected should be trusted
conv(1:nbnd) = .FALSE.
!$cuf kernel do(1)
do ii = 1, nbnd
conv_d(ii) = .FALSE.
end do
!$cuf kernel do(1)
DO ii = 1, ntrust
conv_d(ii) = ABS(ew_d(ii) - eig_d(ii)).LT.ethr
conv = conv_d
nconv = COUNT(conv(1:ntrust)) ; notconv = nbnd - nconv
!$cuf kernel do(1)
DO ii = 1, nbnd
eig_d(ii) = ew_d(ii)
IF ( nconv == nbnd ) EXIT ParO_loop
END DO ParO_loop
!$cuf kernel do(2)
DO ii = 1, npwx*npol
DO jj = 1, nbnd
evc_d(ii,jj) = psi_d(ii,jj)
CALL mp_sum(nhpsi,inter_bgrp_comm)
DEALLOCATE ( ew_d, conv )
DEALLOCATE ( conv_d )
DEALLOCATE ( psi_d, hpsi_d, spsi_d )
CALL mp_type_free( column_type )
CALL stop_clock( 'paro_k' ); !write (6,*) ' exit paro diag'
END SUBROUTINE paro_k_new_gpu