
422 lines
14 KiB

! Copyright (C) 2002-2005 FPMD-CPV groups
! This file is distributed under the terms of the
! GNU General Public License. See the file `License'
! in the root directory of the present distribution,
! or http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.txt .
#include "f_defs.h"
subroutine vol_clu(rho_real,rho_g,s_fac,flag)
! it computes the volume of the cluster (cluster calculations) starting
! from the measure of the region of space occupied by the electronic density
! above a given threshold
use cell_base
use electrons_base
use ions_base
use ions_positions, only: tau0
use constants, only: pi
use parameters
use reciprocal_vectors
use gvecs
use gvecp, only: ngm
use recvecs_indexes
use derho
use control_flags, only: tpre
use local_pseudo
USE cp_interfaces, ONLY: fwfft, invfft
use grid_dimensions, only: nr1, nr2, nr3, &
& nr1x, nr2x, nr3x, nnr => nnrx
use pres_ai_mod, only: rho_thr, n_cntr, cntr, step_rad, fill_vac, &
& delta_eps, delta_sigma, axis, &
& abisur, dthr, Surf_t, rho_gaus, v_vol, &
& posv, xc0, weight, volclu, stress_vol, &
& surfclu, n_ele, jellium, R_j, h_j, e_j, &
& nelect, P_ext
#ifdef __PARA
use mp_global, only: nproc, mpime
use io_global, only: ionode
use fft_base
USE mp, ONLY: mp_bcast, mp_sum
USE mp_global, ONLY: intra_image_comm
implicit none
#ifdef __PARA
include 'mpif.h'
real(kind=8) dx, dxx, xcc(4500)
real(kind=8) weight0, wpiu, wmeno, maxr, minr
real(kind=8) tauv(3,natx,nsx), tau00(3), dist
real(kind=8) rho_real(nnr,nspin), rhoc
real(kind=8) alfa(nsx), alfa0, sigma, hgt
real(kind=8) pos_cry(3), pos_car(3), pos_aux(3)
real(kind=8) pos_cry0(3), dpvdh(3,3)
real(kind=8) v_d(3)
real(kind=8) mtot, rad0, cm(3)
real(kind=8) modr, lap
real(kind=8) prod, aux1
real(kind=8) gxl, xyr, xzr, yzr
real(kind=8), allocatable:: vec(:,:,:), aiuto(:,:,:)
real(kind=8), allocatable:: drho(:,:), d2rho(:,:)
real(kind=8), allocatable:: dxdyrho(:), dxdzrho(:)
real(kind=8), allocatable:: dydzrho(:)
complex(kind=8) s_fac(ngs,nsp), ci
complex(kind=8) sum_sf, aux, auxx, fact, rho_g(ngm,nspin)
complex(kind=8), allocatable :: psi(:), rhofill(:), rhotmp(:,:)
integer ir, ir1, ir2, ir3, is, iss, ia, flag, ierr
integer i, j, k, l, ig, cnt, nmin, nmax, n_at
#ifdef __PARA
real(kind=8) maxr_p(nproc), minr_p(nproc), maxr_pp, minr_pp
integer shift(nproc), incr(nproc), ppp(nproc)
integer displs(nproc), ip, me
if (abisur) allocate(drho(3,nnr))
if (abisur) allocate(d2rho(3,nnr))
if (abisur) allocate(dxdyrho(nnr))
if (abisur) allocate(dxdzrho(nnr))
if (abisur) allocate(dydzrho(nnr))
call start_clock( 'vol_clu' )
ci = (0.d0,1.d0)
#ifdef __PARA
me = mpime + 1
do ip=1,nproc
ppp(ip) = dfftp%nnp * ( dfftp%npp(ip) )
if (ip.eq.1) then
shift(ip)=shift(ip-1) + ppp(ip-1)
end if
end do
sigma = rho_thr/3.d0 !3.d0
hgt = 0.0050d0 !5000.d0*rho_thr
! We smear the step function defining the volume and approximate its derivative
! with a gaussian. Here we sample the integral of this gaussian. It has to
! be done once for ever
dx = 5.d0*sigma/60.d0
if (flag.eq.1) then
dxx = dx/40.d0
weight(1) = 0.d0
xcc(1) = rho_thr - 5.d0*sigma
xc0(1) = xcc(1)
cnt = 1
do i = 2,121
weight(i) = weight(i-1)
do j = 1,40
cnt = cnt + 1
xcc(cnt) = xcc(cnt-1) + dxx
if (j.eq.40) then
xc0(i) = xcc(cnt)
end if
aux1 = xcc(cnt)-dxx/2.d0-rho_thr
weight(i) = weight(i) + 1.d0/(sigma*dsqrt(pi*2.d0)) * &
& dxx * dexp(-1.d0*aux1**2/(2.d0*sigma**2))
end do
end do
! This doesn't work yet.....
if (jellium) then
do ir3 = 1,nr3
do ir2 = 1,nr2
do ir1 = 1,nr1
ir = ir1 + (ir2-1)*nr1 + (ir3-1)*nr2*nr1
dist = 0.d0
do i = 1,3
posv(i,ir) = (DBLE(ir1)-1.0d0)*a1(i)/DBLE(nr1) +&
& (DBLE(ir2)-1.0d0)*a2(i)/DBLE(nr2) +&
& (DBLE(ir3)-1.0d0)*a3(i)/DBLE(nr3)
end do
end do
end do
end do
end if
end if
n_at = 0
do is = 1,nsp
alfa(is) = step_rad(is)/2.d0
do ia = 1,na(is)
n_at = n_at + 1
do k = 1,3
tauv(k,ia,is) = tau0(k,n_at)
end do
end do
end do
stress_vol = 0.d0
dpvdh = 0.d0
! Now we compute the volume and other quantities
volclu = 0.d0
n_ele = 0.d0
surfclu = 0.d0
! Let's add rhops to fill possible holes in the valence charge density on top
! of the ions
rhotmp = (0.d0,0.d0)
if (nspin.eq.1) then
do ig = 1,ngm
end do
do ig = 1,ngm
do iss = 1,2
rhotmp(ig,iss) = rho_g(ig,iss)
end do
end do
end if
! To fill the vacuum inside hollow structures
if (fill_vac) then
rhofill = 0.d0
do k = 1,3
cm(k) = 0.d0
mtot = 0.d0
do is = 1,nsp
do ia = 1,na(is)
cm(k) = cm(k) + tauv(k,ia,is)*pmass(is)
end do
mtot = mtot + pmass(is)
end do
cm(k) = cm(k)/mtot
end do
end if
if (fill_vac) then
do i = 1,n_cntr
do is = 1,nsp
if (cntr(is)) then
rad0 = step_rad(is) + DBLE(i)*delta_sigma
alfa0 = rad0/2.d0
do ia = 1,na(is)
do k = 1,3
if (k.ne.axis) then
tau00(k) = (tauv(k,ia,is)-cm(k))* &
& (1.d0-delta_eps*DBLE(i))+cm(k)
tau00(k) = tauv(k,ia,is)
end if
end do
do ig = 1,ngm
prod = 0.d0
do k = 1,3
prod = prod + gx(k,ig)*tau00(k)
end do
prod = prod*tpiba
fact = CMPLX(dcos(prod),-1.d0*dsin(prod))
aux = alfa0*hgt*dexp(-0.50d0*alfa0**2*g(ig)*tpiba2)
rhofill(ig) = rhofill(ig) + aux*fact
end do
end do
end if
end do
end do
if (nspin.eq.1) then
do ig=1,ngm
rhotmp(ig,1) = rhotmp(ig,1) + rhofill(ig)
end do
do ig = 1,ngm
do iss = 1,2
rhotmp(ig,iss) = rhotmp(ig,iss) + 0.5d0*rhofill(ig)
end do
end do
end if
end if
if (fill_vac) then
end if
if (abisur) &
& call gradrho(nspin,rhotmp,drho,d2rho,dxdyrho,dxdzrho,dydzrho)
psi = (0.d0,0.d0)
if (nspin.eq.1) then
do ig = 1,ngm
psi(np(ig)) = rhotmp(ig,1)
psi(nm(ig)) = conjg(rhotmp(ig,1))
end do
call invfft('Dense',psi,nr1,nr2,nr3,nr1x,nr2x,nr3x)
do ir = 1,nnr
rho_gaus(ir) = real(psi(ir))
end do
do ig = 1,ngm
psi(np(ig)) = rhotmp(ig,1) + ci*rhotmp(ig,2)
psi(nm(ig)) = conjg(rhotmp(ig,1)) + ci*conjg(rhotmp(ig,2))
end do
call invfft('Dense',psi,nr1,nr2,nr3,nr1x,nr2x,nr3x)
do ir = 1,nnr
rho_gaus(ir) = real(psi(ir))+aimag(psi(ir))
end do
end if
e_j = 0.d0
do ir = 1,nnr
v_vol(ir) = 0.d0
if (jellium) then
#ifdef __PARA
do j = 1,3
pos_aux(j) = posv(j,ir+shift(me))
end do
do j = 1,3
pos_aux(j) = posv(j,ir)
end do
dist = 0.d0
do j = 1,3
dist = dist + (pos_aux(j) - 0.5d0*(a1(j)+a2(j)+a3(j)))**2
end do
dist = dsqrt(dist)
if (dist.ge.R_j) then
v_vol(ir) = - nelect/dist
v_vol(ir) = 0.d0
! The last term in the internal potential is for its continuity
v_vol(ir) = + 0.5d0*nelect*dist**2/R_j**3 &
- 1.5d0*nelect/R_j
v_vol(ir) = - h_j
end if
if (nspin.eq.1) then
e_j = e_j + v_vol(ir) * rho_real(ir,1) * omega / &
& DBLE(nr1*nr2*nr3)
e_j = e_j + v_vol(ir) * &
( rho_real(ir,1) + rho_real(ir,2) ) * omega / &
& DBLE(nr1*nr2*nr3)
end if
end if
rhoc = rho_gaus(ir)
! Volume and surface
if (rhoc.gt.rho_thr+5.d0*sigma) then
weight0 = 1.d0
wpiu = 1.d0
i = int((rhoc-rho_thr-dthr+5.d0*sigma)/dx) + 1
if (i.gt.120) then
wmeno = 1.d0
wmeno = weight(i) + (weight(i+1)-weight(i)) * &
& (rhoc-rho_thr-dthr-DBLE(i-1)*dx+5.d0*sigma)/dx
end if
go to 79
end if
! Volume and surface
k = int((rhoc-rho_thr+5.d0*sigma)/dx) + 1
weight0 = weight(k) + (weight(k+1)-weight(k)) * &
if (abisur) then
if (rhoc-rho_thr+dthr.gt.5.d0*sigma) then
wpiu = weight0
i = int((rhoc-rho_thr-dthr+5.d0*sigma)/dx) + 1
wmeno = weight(i)+(weight(i+1)-weight(i))* &
& (rhoc-rho_thr-dthr+5.d0*sigma-DBLE(i-1)*dx)/dx
else if (rho_thr+dthr-rhoc.gt.5.d0*sigma) then
wmeno = 0.d0
i = int((rhoc-rho_thr+dthr+5.d0*sigma)/dx) + 1
wpiu = weight0
i = int((rhoc-rho_thr+dthr+5.d0*sigma)/dx) + 1
wpiu = weight0
i = int((rhoc-rho_thr-dthr+5.d0*sigma)/dx) + 1
wmeno = weight(i)+(weight(i+1)-weight(i))* &
& (rhoc-rho_thr-dthr+5.d0*sigma-DBLE(i-1)*dx)/dx
end if
end if
79 continue
if (nspin.eq.1) then
n_ele = n_ele + weight0 * rho_real(ir,1)
n_ele = n_ele + weight0 * (rho_real(ir,1) + rho_real(ir,2))
end if
volclu = volclu + weight0
v_vol(ir) = v_vol(ir) + P_ext /(sigma*dsqrt(pi*2.d0)) * &
& dexp(-1.d0*(rhoc-rho_thr)**2/(2.d0*sigma**2))
if (tpre) then
do k = 1,3
do j = 1,3
do is = 1,nspin
dpvdh(k,j) = dpvdh(k,j) + &
& v_vol(ir)*drhor(ir,is,k,j)*omega/ &
& DBLE(nr1*nr2*nr3)
end do
end do
end do
end if
if (abisur) then
modr = 0.d0
lap = 0.d0
gxl = 0.d0
do j = 1,3
modr = modr + drho(j,ir)**2
lap = lap + d2rho(j,ir)
gxl = gxl + drho(j,ir)**2*d2rho(j,ir)
end do
xyr = 2.d0*dxdyrho(ir)*drho(1,ir)*drho(2,ir)
xzr = 2.d0*dxdzrho(ir)*drho(1,ir)*drho(3,ir)
yzr = 2.d0*dydzrho(ir)*drho(2,ir)*drho(3,ir)
modr = dsqrt(modr)
surfclu = surfclu + (wpiu-wmeno)*modr
v_vol(ir) = v_vol(ir) -1.d0*Surf_t/dthr * (wpiu-wmeno) * &
& (lap/modr - (gxl + xyr + xzr + yzr)/modr**3)
end if
end do
#ifdef __PARA
call mp_sum(volclu,intra_image_comm)
call mp_sum(n_ele,intra_image_comm)
if (jellium) call mp_sum(e_j,intra_image_comm)
call mp_sum(surfclu,intra_image_comm)
call mp_sum(dpvdh,intra_image_comm)
volclu = volclu * omega / DBLE(nr1*nr2*nr3)
n_ele = n_ele * omega / DBLE(nr1*nr2*nr3)
surfclu = surfclu * omega / DBLE(nr1*nr2*nr3) / dthr
do i = 1,3
do j = 1,3
stress_vol(i,j) = dpvdh(i,1)*h(j,1) + dpvdh(i,2)*h(j,2) + &
& dpvdh(i,3)*h(j,3)
end do
end do
if ( abisur ) deallocate( drho )
if ( abisur ) deallocate( d2rho )
if ( abisur ) deallocate( dxdyrho )
if ( abisur ) deallocate( dxdzrho )
if ( abisur ) deallocate( dydzrho )
call stop_clock( 'vol_clu' )